Worth buying?
Payday 2 was an awful wreck when I played it, and much of that due to core engine and design issues. It's free to play till July 4th, along with the sale, and you'd be best off playing it for as much of that duration as you can, to get a firm personal opinion on it.
My friends tell me Payday 1 was better [though with far fewer features], but I haven't had any motivation to try it.
Oh, and if you do decide to buy Pd2: Make certain to get the GOTY version. That's the "what you'd expect from a normal base game" version, due to the developer's greedy dlc approach. The actual base game plays like a demo, with nearly no content.
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There's a couple hundreds of dollars of DLC and the devs are sketchy.
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none of which are a big deal. They fall under 3 general categories:
1) Heists. You don't need to buy the DLC to enjoy the heists, only to host them. If you can find someone hosting who has the DLC, you can play them
2) weapons. I don't see the point, but a lot of people enjoy the weapons packs
3) characters. If you want more characters, you can buy them. But you don't need to
The only DLC that's a bit of a big deal is the Gage Courier Pack. This adds hidden objects that can be retrieved for bonus stuff on every level. Seems a bit incongruous to me, but, it's the one DLC that just about everyone recommends.
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You forgot that they also add achievements making it impossible to 100% the game unless you buy all the DLC.
Furthermore, the DLC weapons are beyond broken (e.g. RPG, Thanatos, until recently grenades) giving DLC-users an advantage over non-dlc-users.
When I was more active people often got kicked for not owning OP weapons as it made higher level heists a lot more difficult.
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Yes definitely, I'm totally enjoying Payday 2, won GOTY Edition from Steamgifts now I'm at around 70 hours, and I'm 100% sure that I'll play it for much longer, also I'm thinking of getting all the other DLC, already got most of the DLC and I've been enjoying those as well.
Both are great games, but my personal opinion goes for Payday 2.
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I got over 300 hours in payday 2. It's fun, even if it has issues (like no leg hitboxes on enemies) but you need to be aware that the community is quite toxic and the DLCs just keep coming at ridiculous prices for the content. If you enjoy the free time you put in on it, get the GOTY edition for payday 2 as it includes some of the best DLCs
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Agree with you, though I have no problem with leg hitboxes, probably because I'm always using accurate/modded weapons and always going for head, though I can't say that community is very toxic, it might have a little toxic people yeah I had some problems with few people in my 70 hours playtime, I got kicked because I didn't spoke Turkish, and another reason was probably I was too low lvl when I joined or the host had to invite friend, but that's okay because I've met some good friends as well. Though I can't really call this toxic, I could simply host my own game if I wanted to avoid getting kicked, or simply joined lower difficulty heists when I had low level.
Also CS:GO has much much worse community.
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I almost always ran with the nugget and got headshots like a mofo but that doesn't really excuse poor design..
And sure CS has a much worse community, but again, not really something that matters here. Plenty of times i got randomly kicked at the end of a heist just because the person hosting thought it would be funny and many of the people playing will throw tantrums if the heist doesn't go exactly like they want. Not very noob friendly either
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Yeah, I can certainly agree with that, it sucks getting kicked at the end of heist which after all you've spent around a hour, similar thing happened to me, well almost, I joined one heist with 100 level I had a pretty good build, as far as I can remember it was hoxton breakout on overkill difficulty, the host was guy with 5 infamy and around 50 level, he went down several times, always ending up helped by me(I have inspire aced), I only went down once and that was when I was running to help him, at the end we somehow made it at the car downstairs, now he doesn't come near escape car, running around like a chicken and saying "noob i kik you" well I replied "Sorry man, I did my best." he thought for a second and decided not to kick me, well that was one awkward moment.
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You should try Payday 2 for £3.74, it has a lot of content, altough there are some facts that you should be aware of:
-Lot of cheaters
-Base game: around 45% of the game, 55% is DLC
-More DLC
-They have released DLCs that prove the fact that Overkill wants to take all your money
-Goat simulator dlc, BBQ pack: 2 dlcs that show this
-they have ruined the lore of the Payday gang in my opinion with the new characters, some of them are only in the game to advertise a movie (John Wick for example)
But still, for £3.74 i would give it a shot.
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If you take out all the crappy DLCs, they are both great games. Especially if you have a friend or two to play with. Then again, there are tens of stupid dlcs which devs put instead of actually fixing bugs. ;)
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Both are ok games. Quite fun when playing with friends. Then again there are tons of DLC's, new releases every week and Overkill at this point has prooven that they will milk every penny they can out of this franchise.
So at this price it is a ok game if you have friends to play with cause the community is horrible.
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great game payday 2, but funny only if you buy some "inportant" dlcs (weapon parts and granats) esle is the game much more difficult.
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You can try the game for free currently, so you should do that. If you enjoy it, get the PD2 GOTY edition which contains roughly half of the DLC and will add a lot of weapon choices/weapon mods. If you like FPS games and maybe have some friends to play with, it's money well spent. And while is true that Overkill releases a shitload of DLC's, you don't need to have all DLC's to play all maps. Only the host needs to own the particular DLC to allow the entire team to play a certain heist.
While Payday: TH was also a fun game, you will have a tough time finding a lot of players for it these days.
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Get some friends to play it with, ignore most of the dlcs - there are only few worth noticing, and you will be fine - it's fun to play then and for that price I doubt you will regret it.
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If in the future, you decide to buy more dlcs, wait for sales. They always come back and you get them at 75% off :)
I don't think the community is toxic. In my 200+ I only found nice people. Posted on forum and people helped out too.
Keep in mind that if you are low level (no matter if you have infamy or not), do not join DW or Pro Jobs. You most likely get kicked because points matter.
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Both are good, though PAYDAY 2 is more forgiving and 'noob friendly'. If you do decide to buy PAYDAY 1, you need to have a friend or two to play together as the public lobby has been dead for quite a long time now. On the bright side, it only has 2 DLC (one of which is an OST).
If you choose to buy PAYDAY 2 instead, might as well get the GOTY edition. Just pointing out that you might need to update it a lot in the future, though. Its updates are frequent and quite large in size, if that's something you have a problem with.
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I dropped out myself because of all the DLC, the microtransactions, devs breaking promises and pushing out game breaking updates against the wishes of the community, the community turning on each other over skins, etc - so I'm not sure of the current state of Payday 2. But both games are fundamentally fun and I'd say at sale prices you'll at least get your moneys worth in terms of entertainment even if you don't decide to take them too seriously.
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Payday is fun when you're playing with friends, and not so fun when you're playing with strangers. If you have some friends to play with, then I say go for it! Payday 2 is at this point the better game, with far more features. Also, only the host needs to own the heist DLCs for everyone to be able to play them, so you can always spread that expense out over your gaming group if you decide to start getting them. There are some weapons that you get with the heist DLCs as well, but for the actual levels, you don't need to own them to play them.
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I own this game for more than 2 years, I get it very cheap. I never play it, it tempted me, but I couldn't used to it. BUT in latest week, I tried it again and I spent 40 hours in it in those 2 weeks. So now I can definitely remcommend it. I think this game is underrated. You shouldn't be afrait by lot of DLCs. Right now in sale, you can buy all DLCs for 20€ + 5€ game, which makes 25€ for complete, pretty good game, which will very probably give you enough hours of fun to justify that price.
Another important think is, that this game is completely playable without any DLC. You can play all DLC heists for free, you just can't launch them by yourself. You can join random team any time. I play this game alone, so I don't mind I have to join another team, because I would need random players anyway. Also you can get almost best or best weapons for free. DLC weapons are good, but not overpowered against free weapons.
So conclusion - I think those DLCs does not has much to offer. The main reason is, that devs of this game release lot of DLC content for free, only with few restrictions (as described above). But this is not wrong thing. This is the best thing. Because when new DLC comes out, all players can use most of new features. So waves of paid DLCs in this game basically means waves of free content. Because you get much more for free than for money, when new DLC comes out.
Also overkill, developer, is not greedy as he looks. They are pretty cool guys, which really listens to community. Their publisher 505, was the one who insist on microtransaction-like play. But with update 100, few weeks ago, overkill anounced that they has full rights to payday now. Also they removed microtransactions and commited to another 18 months of content. So I believe lot more cool stuff is comming.
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Steam has these on sale right now:
Payday - £1.10
Payday 2 - £3.74
Don't know anyone who owns these to ask.
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