I really didn't want to open this, but I can't understand. I went trough FAQs and other posts on this topic.
So... Some days ago I was around 3.86, today I'm 3.09 (both times checked on sgtools ans here).
I checked my GAs and no one went bundled (except first 2, but they were already bundled when i did them, so that was already calculated).
Also I always check for bundled games before making a GA, and sgtools shows them correctly as never bundled.
However (I'm not sure if this is the reason, hence this post) my 5 Austin High ones don't show the price on their page anymore.
If that's the reason, why they don't have any value anymore?
If that's not, why I dropped?

9 years ago

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The bundle list is not updated instantly when a bundle show up. It's a one-man-job that manually adds them, even with some delay (days later) but he will set the exact day game got bundled and after that moment all giveaways for that game since that date are count as bundle. That's why you level dropped.

9 years ago

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Except games i gave away are not bundled games.

9 years ago

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Sadly when they become one, they are marked at ones even tho giveaway was made earlier... Had this happen with 1 of mine GA's.

9 years ago

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Not if the giveaway was created before the date mentioned on the bundle list.

9 years ago

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Its just frustrating if a game is added to the bundled list nearly 11 months later..

9 years ago

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No GA got bundled after/before i GA'd it. The only 2 are the first 2, whcih were already considered bundle when I had 3.86.

9 years ago

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Checking bundle list is a must but not enough. Check ITAD for that game since their bundled status is more up-to-date. Also remember when a game sale price decreases on Steam, it is effective immediate here. And stay away from games that saw 90% Steam store discount if you're concerned about your CV. Due to Russian pricing they are likely to be treated as bundled (95%).

9 years ago

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No game is bundled on my GAs, not even on ITAD. Also no prices drop (actually the opposite, since i got them discounted and now they are full price). Also if i recall correctly, if I GA before getting bundled (not on SG, but real bungle) i still keep full value. Nonetheless no game was bundled, except the first 2 GA which were already counted as bundled when I had 3.86.

9 years ago

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happened to me a few days ago, felt down from 4.6 to 4.46, money felt down from ~1020$ to 930$

i most of the time give away bundled games, that's why i'm only lvl 4

9 years ago

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Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One and Last Days of Spring Visual Novel are considered as bundled, but they are worth in total "full" $5 so adding them recroactively to bundle list woudn't cause that much drop in your level.

Are you sure there wasn't any kind of price drops on Steam itself? Like when I gave away Reign: conflict of nations it was "worth" $20, and now it's "worth" $4 - pretty big price drop.

9 years ago

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As I said, they were already flagged as bundled when i first checked with 3.86. So that is calculated. And no, prices only increased actually, since I got some with 75/90%.

9 years ago

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It's Austin High that's at fault. It temporarily was 13$ while on sale, then reverted to regular price.

9 years ago

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Devs can do that? O.o

9 years ago

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Technically? Of course.
Legally? Dunno about the US. but I'm sure this practice is illegal in at least some countries.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Wouldn't be the first time.

9 years ago

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In a previous sale, Bethesda did that with Wolfenstein: The New Order. They rised base price from $44.99 to $59.99 and applied 75% off.

Look the price history at bottom of Steamdb page

9 years ago

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This is the receipt when I bought 5 copies on sale (15 oct, 4:28):
Austin High - 0,69€
Subtotal 6,87€
Discount 6,30€ (91%)
Tax 0,12€
Total 0,69€
So according to this it was already 6,99 when on sale (6.87+tax). Which is what your graphs shows beore 18th. I don't think this is what happened. EXCEPT if when I saw 3.86 it was 13$ (after i already GA'd them) but would that $ diff make it lose 0.80?
However if you go on my Austin GA there is no value price shown (there was before), like in other GAs. Why?

9 years ago*

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I can see the value of your GAs both on SG and RealCV checker, I have no idea why it's not visible to you.

9 years ago

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Hm I can't :\ there is no Store->Steam column on the left. only in that GA

9 years ago

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Okay, I can't see the link there either, but your GAs are marked as 7P, so they still give value.

9 years ago

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It doesn't matter what price it was when you bought it. If you look at the graph, the price was $13 from October 26 until today. So for these 3 days, these games gave you $13 worth of CV.

9 years ago

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So, let's assume i saw 3.86 when it was 13$ (i don't really remember the day). it was 6$ more each until now for a total of 30$ (5 GA). Is 30$ worth 0.80 LVL3? How can I check this? Is there any manual calculator online?

9 years ago

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Level 3 is at $50 and level 4 is $100 so that would be 0.60

9 years ago

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Not directly, but you can mess with SGtools to find out. Here's your profile: http://www.sgtools.info/sent/matrixino
You can see that to get from level 3 to 4, you need to give away 50$ worth of games. 30/50 = 0.60
Interesting, cause it means that if you remembered correctly that you were 3.86, there's something more here.

9 years ago

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Yea that's what I use to check my real CV. Indeed, after we found out Austin High was put for 13$ for some time, that would close the case. However it shouldn't have dropped so much according to math. I'll go trough steamprices.com for each GA to check if someone else made that "price dance" in the same period, because it can't be Austin High alone.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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1) Games get bundled. Nothing can be done about it, you just have to think ahead and don't giveaway games that are in bundle or have a discout over 95%.
2) Game price changes to lower. And your CV goes acordingly. I believe this is unfair, and there should be some record of prices, but for now we have it that way.
3) Price bugs that shows higher price. Opposite to the above. While steam shows wrong price (it happens for example when steam pack has less price with discount than separate game) your CV seems higher. And then discount is over, correct price returned, and your CV "drops".

Unsure, which of the above hit you, but it's certainly some of those.

9 years ago

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Problem (almost) solved, some publisher raise the price on purpose to do a game sale, then lower it to normal again (in my case Austin High, read 2 coment up). Unfair move if you ask me. Anyway from my calculation, that alone wouldn't cause that high drop. I'll investigate further.

9 years ago

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maybe base price dropped of some game

9 years ago

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Nice necro.

9 years ago

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