They are trustworthy, but I feel like it's to much work for games. Tremorgames requires a lot of effort (in my opinion compared to other survery sites); but in the end it is legitimate.
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The truth is just go ahead and skip Tremorgames, it way to much work for steam games. Their trick is that they have "steam games", and not many other online money services can do that; so what end's up happening is people working super-hard to a low money outcome.
Here's the best one's (in my opinion)
*Swagbucks, best one in my opinion, their surveys are HORRIBLE and never ever work, but doing the poll, doing the NOSO, and using their search engine brings in atleast $5 a month, not much but better than nothing.
*Rewards1, this is the best site if you want to do survey's, they have mid-paying surveys, but their easy and they work; this is the best way to make money fast, you do have to put time, but it's way less than what you'd put into tremor for the money.
So, how do I get steam games off of these? It's simple, both support paypal cashouts so thats a good way, and if you buy games on amazon they both also support cashouts for those too. Pretty much skip Tremor alltogether.
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It's sketchy, but watching the videos is fine. I did that to get enough points for a few free cards.
I posted this on their forums today:
And their response to the malicious files was to "run them in a sandboxed enviroment"
So, no, I wouldn't say it's a very trustworthy place. It's spreading malware in almost all of the Adwork Media offers and they don't seem to care at all.
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They have nothing to do with the offers provided so don't blame them for the offers. If you want to download something then do so in a safe way, if you don't want to download then don't.. No one is making you do anything.
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I never trust anything, which is why I never download things I don't know the source of without a secure way like Sandbox or anti virus present. I've got a fair share of coins from the offer provider that their programs are full of malware, as well as annoying homepage hijacker.
You get the coins and they get the money, it is a win win situation if you are long enough in the internet.
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If you are talking about really getting games for your points, it works. I've never had any problems with that.
About their offers, use a bit of common sense. Avoid downloading questionable apps and visiting questionable sites and you'll be good.
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PS: Metro 2033
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Yes. I think I have gotten like 150 games there, my go-to place if there's 1 or 2 games I miss from a bundle. I rarely do offers tho, mostly just trading in items and watching few videos.
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I've won over 20 games in 45 days from that site just from filling out surveys and watching videos. Use bluestacks to install android apps for even more points. I can get anywhere from 400-1200 coins a day. Just use common sense with anything that looks fishy.
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Well, on their store, a $25 game that was in a humble bundle is sold for around 600 tremorcoins (60 cents). But when you order it from them, it will add $25 to your account. Even though that game is worth less than a dollar when you buy it from a humble bundle.
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$2483 worth of games+cards+wallet codes(Bought $20 wallet code like 2 hours ago, preparing for winter sale).
Is it trust worthy? Of course.
Is it easy to earn games? You will have to find the way that fits you to earn games because different ways work for different areas of the world.
I will dare to say that I have 204 games on Steam and about 150 of them are from Tremor Games.
283 cards.
171 games(Gave away some of them)
2 $20 Steam Wallet Codes
5 $5 Amazon Gift Cards
2 Tremor Games items.
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What offers do you do mostly? I've done almost all of them and some of them are still showing up but I can't repeat them... Guess I can delete my account and start over in a few months? sigh supersonic is down for me too
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You can't delete the account and create a new one and creation of a new account is considered multiple accounts which is ban-able offense.
Recently I did a lot of tasks because I wanted to get the $20 Wallet Code as soon as possible(About 3-4k worth of coins in the last 2-3 days) but I mostly only watch videos and download apps to the mobile on Supersonic. Too lazy to do more than those.
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Yes, as others have said it is trustworthy. I have gotten a few cards and games from Tremor Games.
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Yes, I've gotten quite a few free games. However their offers not so much. Be careful what info you put.
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Sure it is. I got 10 games (worth 133 bucks) for free. A cheated few achievements with cheat engine, made few good deals like - download and play war thunder and few other games and i earned almost 8500 points already. I sometimes sell few useless, cheap cards and tf2 items for points etc. But in these days are offers really bad and don´t worth the time to finish them.
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I've used them regularly and they're absolutely trustworthy. Basically I stick to the Peanut Lab surveys these days but still pick up a few hundred coins a week between all the Rejecteds and the odd "hey you actually got to do one"s. And I'm actually filling out surveys honestly, I am sure there are people pulling in a lot more coins just by lying a lot so they can "qualify" for offers they shouldn't.
They clearly bulk buy things like Humble Bundles and a lot of those bundle games tend to be pretty fairly priced and relatively easy to get a few you really want.
Taking the stuff I've got off there at Steam retail face value, I've got nearly $300 in free stuff over the year. So I can't complain.
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I've got a few games from it, but I usually trade in TF2 Items and trading cards instead of doing the surveys.
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I have 10 games that I got from Tremor, worth (in total) a whopping $142. Whilst I do not endorse websites, I can say that after spending ~5-7hrs (earned through some surveys but mostly videos; NEVER downloads because of viruses) and earning all of these games:
Little Inferno; Home Sheep Home 2; Antichamber; Deadlight; Dustforce DX; Type:Rider; Guacamelee! Gold; The 39 Steps; Joe Danger 2: The Movie and last but not least Euro Truck Simulator 2
that I am extremely happy with the site (minus the facts that it can be quite tedious, come offers don't credit, the opinions are very niche, and HyperMX isn't available to us Australians)
Overall, if you want some half decent games for around 30mins worth of work, it's your cup of tea. If not, then steer clear. ALSO: be sure to check if your region is compatible before getting your hopes up.
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I've used it before but stopped because of a few issues. Not all the apps that I load to get points are recognized. I also bought Age of Empires 2+ The Forsaken Bundle, but received an previously used key. I was out of luck since they told me to contact steam/the developer directly, since Tremor games confirms all keys work.
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Hasn't this question been asked a dozen times already?
Yes they are trustworthy but it really depends on your country and what tasks you get, and it will take alot of time but if you are lucky you can get alot of games (bundled games or a few A games).
I got "$6916" worth so far.
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Yeah, I've used them just by watching videos while doing other things for the last few months and picked up a load of games and cards, mostly bundle games but it helps if I only want 1 game from a bundle or have all but 1 game, and a few more expensive ones. You can use things like adblock with it but have to fiddle around with the exceptions list, and you learn which videos generally wont pay out-don't use trion worlds videos for example.
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Depending on where you are from it could be an awefull waste of time for little reward though...
Ever since they removed the somewhat decent offers for me (Dutch) a couple of months ago I quit collecting coins.
Still $1990,- according to their calculation is not bad for spending some free time!
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