Anyone with slow download speeds on Steam or is it just me? Recently installed a game on steam and only like the last 15gb or something of the game were downloaded at normal speed while on other launchers the speed is normal.
Was there an update on steam that made the speed slow on the beginning and normal at the end I don´t get it.

PS: Only at the last 35GB I am getting normal download speeds so it seems that maybe steam updated the downloading system somehow

4 years ago*

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You can try selecting a different download server in the settings, that sometimes helps. I find Steam is consistantly, noticably worse on download speeds than any other download source, though- but if you're talking something more spontaneous, try the server thing.

(To be clear, you do want to select a server that's still near to your actual location. Depending on where you are, you may need to Google city locations a few times, unfortunately.)

Edit: Hmm.. I'm apparently actually getting full (and perhaps more notably, completely consistent) download speed off of Steam atm, for the first time in a very long while.

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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Already tried that and also clearing cache but still the same

4 years ago

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I've found that in the last 3-4 weeks the downloads can slow down up to 70Kbps, which is ridiculous. During summer I would get 50Mbps almost all the time. Nowadays it can start at good speed ~15-25Mbps, but at the middle of the game slows down to a crawl. Next game in the queue for update/install might start at the same crawl speed, or start at decent speed and then slow down gradually. It doesn't matter the time of day or day of week. I'm going to change servers next time and see if that makes a difference.

4 years ago

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Same here, Steam speeds have been consistently slow for, at least, a week now (1/5 of the usual downloading speed, sometimes even less).

4 years ago

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Yes, i have the lesser speed since 1-2 weeks.
From normal 260 KB/sec. to 160 KB/sec..
No idea why they limit my anyway crap connection.... -_-

4 years ago

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Haven't really noticed. Yes, sometimes the speed dips but it usually does not last long. I don't always get my full speed (100Mbps) but most of the time the download speed is sufficient. I would guess the less-stable speeds are the price of having a very large userbase combined with the biggest library of content out of the launchers / stores.

4 years ago

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Now I tried to download something and my speed is currently 5-10 MB/s and fastest was 15.9 MB/s (but only for an half minute)
Yesterday I was downloading from playstation and it was 25 MB/s all the time, so Steam is bad this time...

Edit: I am on fiber 300Mbit

4 years ago*

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300 millibit?? I would think that fiber would surely be in Megabit territory. ;)

4 years ago

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Nope, was getting 12MB/s yesterday

4 years ago

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Just finished downloading a game.
42-45MB/sec, same as always.

Something to consider - different games have varying file sizes, and typically (from my observations, at least) larger files are downloaded at a much more consistent (and often faster) speed than many smaller files.

4 years ago

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man, i wish i had this speed. i live in a very rural area and only have 1MB/s. D:

4 years ago

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Currently I am downloading Siege and only downloading at 3.4mb/s when I downloaded the same game way faster and now I can only get that max speed on Steam. Other launchers download at normal speeds

4 years ago

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Another possibility to consider is the online schooling that's going on in a lot of areas/countries due to covid, thus an increase in overall traffic. Additionally, any low-quality lines/bottlenecks between you and where your DL files are can definitely impact your overall speed. You should be happy, though, as you could be stuck with having to use satellite internet (like me) with all that it entails (data caps, inconsistent speeds due to weather, usage, et cetera).


4 years ago

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i download games on the regular and have almost always seen around 35-45 mb/s.

4 years ago

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i find downloads to be dif speed depending on the game. most of the time i dl nice and fast but every time i have downloaded or updated ark it only goes like 5mbs no matter the time of day or dl location i choose, ark has always gone insainly slow

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by Gunballjoens.