Doubtful this way is the most efficient for Valve to make money. They only had to release the feature and make cards for their games. Now they just sit back while everyone else does the work for them. GG
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Except people would just cheat to get the achievements.
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I think cards are partly tied to achievements because I played Fortix 2 for some time (yes, I actually played it) and it took me around 3 hours to get 3 cards. I didn't get any achievements because I have most of them already. BUT I played Saints Row 3 for about an hour, got 3 achievements and got 3 cards. Same thing with Dead Island - I played it for an hour, got like 5 achievements and all cards. My friends tell the same - they get cards faster when they get achievements. So I think it's partly connected.
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A) The cards are not a reward for "good" players
B) Valve clearly stated they wont tie it to certain achievements as they dont want people cheat for the achievements just to get cards
C) "You can't cheat for the vast majority of achievements." This statement is so wrong...ask SAM
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A) You can still have cards for achievements for the casual players. However the harder achievements could drop rarer cards. OR, make it so that the more achievements you get, the more cards you get. The more cards you get, the more possibility to get rarer cards.
B) see above.
C) There are SO many achievements that require actual game play and good game play that I just don't agree with you. How can you cheat the achivement for TF2 of, "kill a player with a fire axe after setting them on fire"? How can you cheat the Orcs Must Die achievements of kill 10,000 orcs? I just don't see it. EDIT Just learned about SAM. I guess it is possible. Sigh.
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Your arguments are nonsense. Here's why:
Also, as Lorkhan hinted at, the trading card update was just a cash grab by Valve anyway. They're just sitting back and enjoying the increased sales on games with cards and the cut they get from the market where people are buying and selling them. They don't really care about improving players' experiences or getting more players active or whatever else you think it was meant to accomplish.
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Players now are just installing games to get cards, NOT primarily to have fun playing the game. This encourages that group of online players that everyone hates that ruins team based games because they don't care how they play, they just play until they get their card drops. LAME.
you can get cards just by opening the game and leave it on the menu, you don't need to actually play ^^
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Gabe likes the quote from Tony Montana probably, and he's doing that way :D
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It's actually encouraged me to open up some of my games I've been meaning to get to. Sometimes I play a bit and discover I don't care for the game so I just leave it idling at the start screen until I get my badge drops, other times I actually like the game and play through and finish it.
So I actually play through the games I like, while still being able to get the cards from games I don't really care for. Sounds like a good deal for me. Admittedly I'm not in it for the badges but the free steam money from selling cards.
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so does idling, but with SAM people fear being banned or whatever ^^
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ADHD TL;DR version:
Valve could have tied steam levels/badges/cards to the steam achievements system and had a much better product.
Doing so would have encouraged BETTER players in games and made the PC gaming environment much better because you have to be good to get some of the hard achievements. Hard achivements would = rarer card drops = higher market prices = more Valve $.
Players now are just installing games to get cards, NOT primarily to have fun playing the game. This encourages that group of online players that everyone hates that ruins team based games because they don't care how they play, they just play until they get their card drops. LAME.
Tying steam levels to steam achievements would actually make steam levels mean something. Buying your way into steam levels = lame. Earning it? Now that is cred.
Full version:
Getting "badjez" and levels on your Steam account is for steam levels and internet cred or whatever. But you get cards for the the badges by just playing the game. You don't even have to be good. Furthermore, you can just straightaway buy the cards and never play a game. So, the cred attached to your steam account to me is really... weak.
However, achievements is an already deeply mature concept in Steam games. Why wouldn't Valve have tied cards or badges to achievements? Some achievements are actually quite hard to get and are more closely associated to a good player. It takes time to play and get good and get many of the achievements. So, when you would get a badge knowing they are tied to achievements, then you've actually achieved something. Imagine that. "Wait a minute, I just played X hours and got really good at playing this game to get this really hard to get achievement, and it has NO affect on my Steam level?" Lame.
Oh wait, if Valve would have tied badges directly to achievements, then they wouldn't have an easy way to monetize. However, they could have tied cards to achievements. The more achievements you get, the more cards drop. The harder the achievement, then the rarer the card drop which would make the price higher on the market. This to me makes MUCH more sense.
I think Valve should have tied cards and badges to achievements as a natural progression of that system. Instead, cards and badges are totally separate which in a way takes away from achievements. Valve could have actually done a HUGE thing for PC gaming by tying steam levels/badges to achievements. It would have encouraged actual GOOD playing ni games and would have been a huge draw to PC gaming.
It is sad to see Valve make such short view decisions. Please Valve, put gaming first and not profit.
Since posting this, I've learned of SAM as a way to cheat for achievements. However, I believe this will be obsolete soon with server side achievements. Not trying to be a jerk here with all this. Just trying to make Steam better. Sorry for sharing an open minded opinion. Seems that no one knows how to reply without a tone of hate here on SG.
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