
Taken from Nintendo Direct but at the end of the trailer, you can see that familiar Steam logo. The release date is April 7th


Literally one of the greatest video game soundtracks ever.

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3 years ago

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I loved that game on PS1 but this just looks like the usual "let's slap a couple of higher res textures on one of our old games and sell that for 60 euros" Square Enix scam :x

3 years ago

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And I'll gladly pay it for this gem. :p

3 years ago

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I'd probably pay as much (or at least half, let's not be too hasty) for a sloppy FFT PC port from them because I become an idiot when it comes to that game, but honestly I'm just tired of them cranking their prices up for some HD textures instead of just re-releasing their older games as they were for a smaller price. But obviously this doesn't sell (although considering their CEO went derpy over NFTs a few months ago I dunno if they really are aware of what people want or not). They could have made a complete remake, like they did with FF7, but the costs would probably have overshadowed the benefits. I miss the era when they made interesting, meaningful remakes like GBA FF1 or PSP FFT but sadly it seems to be all about them HD graphics nowadays :/

3 years ago

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This is why they do it though - because people will buy them regardless.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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will be good perhaps with 75% off.

3 years ago

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would love to play it again. sadly my ps1 disc has disc-rot

3 years ago

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I'm glad they finally announced it :)

Up next is Final Fantasy Tactics.

3 years ago

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Atleast steam 50% off

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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This is a definite buy for me because I'm an idiot.

3 years ago

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I remember this game was sort of sequel to Chrono Trigger, but nowhere near as refined as it's predecessor. The reviews were polar opposites - some consider it bad, some consider it one of the best RPGs of PS1 era.
So I think it needs not a remaster, but a proper remake, with a lot of designer's thought put into what went wrong and what went great ab out the game.

3 years ago

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Coming out tonight, anyone excited for it yet or wait?

2 years ago

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I actually played Chrono Trigger back in the day, but I never got around to Chrono Cross because of its initially mixed reception in Japan.

Interesting though.
And the soundtrack sounds familiar, as it has been appropriated for various matters.

2 years ago

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Yeah, I'm just waiting for GMG to give me my Steam key for the game (hopefully within the next hour or two).

I haven't played Chrono Cross in a LONG time (and still never beat it) so I'm looking forward to going through the game again.

2 years ago

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If I already had my Deck I might have bought it straight away, as this would be a perfect match. But now I'll probably wait for a sale.

2 years ago

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Reviews make it seem very bad so far. SE will put out some patches I'm sure just like they did with Trigger. I still don't understand the lack of quality control at a huge company like SE.

2 years ago

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I realize that some people who “play to have fun” and who currently form the majority of players have voiced their reservations toward these new trends, and understandably so. However, I believe that there will be a certain number of people whose motivation is to “play to contribute,” by which I mean to help make the game more exciting. Traditional gaming has offered no explicit incentive to this latter group of people, who were motivated strictly by such inconsistent personal feelings as goodwill and volunteer spirit.

Excerpt from the New Year's Letter from the President of SQUARE ENIX regarding Non-Fuckable Tokens

Well... what would you expect from a company like that.

2 years ago*

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Yeah, reviews are bad. Seems like making lazy ports is becoming the norm. I just don't know why - we like using Steam for convenience, but why would I pay 90BRL for something that isn't well done and I can play a better version elsewhere? Cashing in on millenial nostalgia with the bare minimum is getting old.

2 years ago

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They seem to care more about mobile optimization than modern resolutions.
I forget where I saw it, but someone showed AI-learning hi-res resizing of old square JRPGs that looked better than any of the remasters released today. It's not even remaking/rendering the bg's, it's simply running them through an algo, and they can't even figure that out.

The price is annoying, to be sure, but it's still better than than the pixel "remasters" + FF Legend (GBA quality) ... why can't they price them affordably to compete with what the fans have already done better, for free??

2 years ago

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i would say im disappointed in this release but in reality its exactly how i expected. love this game though.

2 years ago

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