Wait for sale then buy from a trader in a cheaper but still ROW region.
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If you own a game without owning DLCs for it, then the DLCs are not shared to you. But if you don't own the game, then your friend can share you the game with DLCs.
Example. I own AoE2 with Forgotten DLC, I have family sharing enabled with my friend. He owns AoE2 too, but the "Forgotten DLC" doesn't appear for him, so DLCs are not shared if both parties have it.
It's just probably Steam devs being lazy.
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I have purchased over 100 games from G2A and have not once been screwed over by them. Only purchase from sellers with 99%+ feedback rating and over 100 seller transactions. Duh!
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What he said. I've been around for a little while and was totally scared to go anywhere near G2A right from the start. Finally gave in and made my first purchase last week, and I could not have been happier. Be prepared to tack on a fifty cent BS fee when you chose your payment method but try it out, look at a sale page, pick out something cheap, one of the games I got was Divine Divinity for less than 60 cents US, and give it a chance. Worst case you're out the buck. And if you do give it a try, look around and you'll find Steam gifts there too, and sometimes they are even cheaper than the keycodes and still get delivered immediately. Just stay away from all CRPG's. I called dibs.
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I think what you are getting at is that the money isn't going to the right place and rather than giving devs more money to keep them going and keep more good games coming, especially from indie devs who need the revenue, all we are doing is paying for copies that have already been sold. I totally understand where you are coming from, but I myself am unemployed, have been for awhile, have no plans or means of immediately solving my financial woes, and if the goal is like what the OP asked and I need to find something cheap, I feel like anything short of complete piracy is defensible. Not ideal and I totally understand what you mean, but at least OP and the people who go to G2A aren't just outright stealing the game, which let's face it, pretty much anyone these days is capable of doing. I think any means of obtaining a legal copy of a game is still better than the alternative, which more people would be taking if games weren't as cheap as some of the sales and bundles and resell sites out there make them.
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I feel like anything short of complete piracy is defensible
Yet, some devs have openly said they prefer people pirate their game instead of buying them from places like G2A.
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I think any means of obtaining a legal copy of a game
Here is where one of many problems start: Resellers buy bundles (mainly good quality Humbles) and sell their games which is against Humble Bundles TOS. You are not allowed to resell them. And this is only one of the harmless type of resellers... There's shady people with stolen credit cards, hackers, scammers... Even Youtubers and other media guys that get free keys and just sell them for more extra cash.
Everyone needs to know if they are acting good or not, if their impact is making the world better or not.. I'm not forcing anyone but I personally avoid this site (and other NOT LEGIT sellers) to death.. Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean you need to support that crap. There's a lot of other things you can do without money. I'd like to have a VR headset but don't have the money, so am I stealing it somewhere or paying someone 1/10 of its price who is stealing it for me? Guess you wouldn't do that either.
Oh and btw browse the forums here, a lot of people complained about revoked games recently, in most of the cases it had to do with that marketplace ;)
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Just because Humble state something in their TOS it doesn't mean its legal or enforceable. As for resale of bundle keys that Humble's problem and it's upto Humble to take action against relevant accounts. If a seller is breaking Humble's terms it's of no concern to G2A.
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I feel like anything short of complete piracy is defensible.
There's an argument to be made that it is actually more morally defensible to pirate a game rather than obtain it through G2A. The developer of Defender's Quest argued for this by way of the "Four currencies model", a model which expands upon financial cost to add a psychological cost (the four currencies are: Money-dollars, Time-dollars, Pain-in-the-butt-dollars, Integrity-dollars). He argues that the moral cost to obtaining the game through G2A outweighs the cost of pirating it, because the true cost of G2A is far more harmful than one would assume.
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but at least OP and the people who go to G2A aren't just outright stealing the game
You have no idea if or if not you are outright stealing the game, mate. Only if you know the source of the key can you know if it's something somebody bought, or something that was stolen in some way or another. It's a lot like "cheap" bicycles, "cheap" televisions, etc. Long before you were born, there used to be a website where people could "pay" really cheap prices for MP3s -- a shame they were all pirated, and the "customers" were paying the pirates to let them pirate along.
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OMG I'm not even the first person that said G2A and the OP asked what the cheapest way was to get it. Not the most ethical make me feel all warm inside and puppies and rainbows way to get the game. How did I get targeted for this discussion on ethics? I haven't even read any of your responses. I don't work for G2A. It's a grey area and I'm not going into it any more than I want to talk about abortion or gun control. Can you all please stop now??
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You can say that about any store. My initial experiences where fine, until they did screw me over. Just because you haven't had an issue doesn't mean others haven't. It also doesn't make it any more of a legitimate marketplace.
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I know that the special edition was in the recent MacHeist bundle, so there may be others with it available for trade. Might want to check the Trades section of the site and see if you have any luck.
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The standard edition was in the $1 tier, special edition was added later in the $15 tier.
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If I were you, I'd just download Steam Achievement Manager and manually unlock the achievement. Don't feed the cash grab attempts.
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OP might care for his http://astats.astats.nl/astats/User_Info.php?steamID64=76561198064617982
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