Will you watch it?
Finished it yesterday, I'm very happy with how it turned out.
Got the style right, the characters aren't mary sue perfect people. They mistakes / bad choices and it moves the story forward in a natural way.
They are not (all) goodie-two-shoes either, and reality can come crashing down every now and then.
Side characters are well developed and have character development, ended up seriously liking multiple of them.
There's mystery, there's violence, there's surprising amounts of darker themes ...that I guess I didn't fully internalize from the games? Or maybe the lack of NPCs in 3, and the general "I'm the main character, I can do anything" of the series made it that it was easier to breeze past some elements... and of course, the trademark dark humour pops up every now and then, but without beeing too cheesy, or always too on the nose. Camerawork does a lot of heavy lifting in the presentation.
I'm 100% in for the next season, will likely rewatch a few times ^^
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there's surprising amounts of darker themes ...that I guess I didn't fully internalize from the games? Or maybe the lack of NPCs in 3, and the general "I'm the main character, I can do anything" of the series made it that it was easier to breeze past some elements
This right here is exactly why I shrugged at the retcon accusations.
When a series manages to make people who were actively engaged in the source materials (players) feel this way while having fun watching, then what else do they want exactly? A documentary? lol
I'm 100% in for the next season, will likely rewatch a few times ^^
Same but will rewatch much later when I forget the details a bit.
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I am guessing his wife is maybe in the "Management" section of 31 or some other Management Vault. His daughter was with him when the bombs dropped so who knows. However, he did say "Where's my family" not just "Where's my wife"
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I thought Halo was pretty spot on. I love Liev Schreiber's little (lol) brother as master chief. I mean lets be honest there honestly wasn't a lot of story to the halo games, their main selling point was MP. So I'm assuming most of what is going on is new, I certainly don't remember most of it. If they made it like the series there was be almost no dialogue and 90% of the time they would be shooting covenant or the flood which is coming next season.
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yeah was also 2 fucked up for me to finish.....
what i saw was funny tho
and all the details were spot on
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It is really good. It is just like the games in purely video format. Anyone complaining about violence must not have played the games because it's full of cannibals and bags of guts and gore everywhere. If anything the show is a lot more toned down than the games.
What I did not like and what seems to be a sore spot for a lot of people is how they retconned the NCR. I won't say more for anyone who may not have watched it yet. Other than that I loved it and look forward to next season. Also love Halo, The Witcher and hoping Borderlands turns out good.
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have played and finished most games.
i dont recall cutting a guys head off and dragging it around
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This is false. One of the most annoying things in Bethesda games is kids get a tag which makes them invincible. You can shoot them with mini nukes and they will laugh at you. You can mod the games so you can kill them but the basic games don't let you.
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I guess they couldn't make them invincible back then, I didn't play the first 2 much and they are quite dated now but I think killing pretty much anyone in town outside of a quest would make everyone hostile. I actually remember a scripted event where some jackass attacks you in a bar and you are supposed to kill him but in my game something went wrong and the whole town attacked me
Oh and the first 2 games were not by Bethesda, they didn't pick up till 3 but anyway I see what you are saying as they actually have a perk for it lol
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It was definitely a conscious choice, not a limitation of the engine =) And they made it knows in a funny way, there was a doorway with a kid on each side of it, and when you entered the building, they would try to pickpocket something from your inventory. Naturally, people would try and get their stuff back, and discover that kids can in fact die :D
But yeah, OG Fallout devs were(and still are) awesome.
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so you didnt play the game and you know what you can and cannot do...
oh dear
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Hi if you would like to trade insults I'm fine with that. You obviously can't read or possibly don't have a firm grasp of English. Have a terrible day. I hope your house floats away into the unknown while you are out digging in trash bins. Is this suitable? Cheers.
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You never should have crossed the brandywine you fool of a Took. I hope your toupee blows off in the wind. Now go away before I taunt you a second time. And you know absolutely nothing about me but keep reaching. I'm sure you can find something in that hobo's bag over your shoulder. Now if you will excuse me I need to do some Pilates.
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To add a little useless depth in a "the more you know" fashion, there were regional differences in the versions of FO1:
"In the Fallout 1 versions of the game released outside of the U.S. (including the GOG release), the children were removed to avoid controversy about child killing. However, the children can still be killed with explosives as only their sprites were removed." (Fallout wiki
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You clearly didn't play the same games I did. There's bags full of heads and other guts hanging around every spot with super mutants. You can blow people apart or chop up corpses and carry around body parts. Half the humans in the games are cannibals and if you extend that to super mutants and ghouls all of which started out as humans then people who aren't cannibals are a small minority. The early games were quite limited but they really went all out with 3, 4 and New Vegas but even in the first game there's a dude chopping people up and turning them into blood sausages that you can expose, work with or just kill him.
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They definitely set the tone right. The game's lore is a lot more reflective, but the goofiness and overall vibe in the game felt a lot less serious compared to the series. They definitely have dark moments in the games, just feels less shocking than the TV series is.
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I think the other way around. The series like bethesda games end up having a ligther tone then the originals imo.
Gore on deaths was insane in old Fallouts, people mentioned thre were canibals, kids could be killed and some mutants like the 'centaur' were really effed up... but the gore was silly and over the top on purpose (reserved for critical hit deaths) and most effed up things were optional or not that common
What i means most is the tone. Fallout was way way gloomier. Fallout 2 adds more jokes and easter eggs but on top of that same gloominess that are a bit lost on the newer games. Bethesda games and the series went too silly for my personal taste, new vegas is closer to home but also toned down a bit
I think the graphics, camera and most of all the music of 1-2 helped a lot with that tone, tints how we interpret things. Bethesda and by influence New Vegas show us the desolated wasteland and its crazyness on a 50s tune that screams parody, irony etc... in 1 and 2 old tunes were rare, reserved for intros showing that contrast- instead the whole games are in a eerie and sad ambient music that keep reminding you nothing is really funny, this aint mad max, the world trully ended
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I didn't see that one coming but it certainly has lots of comedic potential.
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Now lets hope they can keep it going with Mass Effect
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I was skeptical and doubted it would capture the immersive vibes of a post-apocalyptic world.
Watching the first episode now and I gotta say it's pretty amazing, seriously.
Fallout - Console to Camera
Actual link to the series on PrimeVIdeo
Side note: Fallout 76 codes are also free today via PrimeGaming for some launchers - Xbox and Microsoft.
I'm sure a Deals post is up already for it or soon will be.
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