u like gravi-tea?
Wasn't amazing, but I would definitely not put it on the level of Gravity.
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Same here. Well, not exactly hate, I'm just a bit irritated by everybody around calling a mediocre movie one of the best movies ever. Oh, and I absolutely loved Gravity.
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BTW, I never said that said people irritate me, I'm irritated by their attitude towards the movie, by the hype, by the inadequate status of the movie. I'm not looking for a conflict and not trying to be rude. Oh well, maybe it's just my poor English.
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Yeah I think it's that. You said "by everybody" meaning it's the people. Seems it should of been "by the attitude of..." . Anyway, you're not rude and I wasn't expecting conflict lol. Just saying what's inadequate to you might be adequate for others and vice versa. :)
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Interstellar 9.5/10 tbh , it was something new with more exploring than action , loved it.
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WAIT WUT? This exists? Well Saturday night movie decided then.
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You'll have to tell us what you think. I think you might get a new appreciation of the newer ones XD
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That isnt exactly going against popular opinion, though. Those films started average and only went down from there.
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Wait everything? Even the Dark Knight? Prestige is one thing, but...
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I have a different reason
Nolan is definitely talented and i do enjoy his movies, but i really dislike being fed like a goddamn baby, he just has a way to simplify narrative and make mainstream movies
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I've never made it through 'Return of the King'. I can't remember anything after the dead arrive at Minas Tirith, so I'm thinking that's where I got off the bus.
But, in fairness, I was sick of Peter Jackson's take on things before the third movie even began. I was a big fan of the book, and while the first movie was enjoyable I was fed up after the second.
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Donnie Darko
Watched the whole thing. Wanted those wasted hours of my life back.
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I remembering just trying once to watch a review from the IGN review channel (or whatever it's called). I made the mistake of trusting them with a 9/10 for Iron Man 3. I knew it wasn't going to be as good as they said but as soon as I watched that movie....
EDIT: oh gosh, I meant Iron Man 3 I swear.
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I agree with Birdman. It was pretty lackluster. Not quite sure why it won film of the year.
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I've seen Birdman with a couple of friends and all of them thought it's garbage. I agreed with them and never talked about the movie (not to look silly in front of them), however, I did enjoy Birdman. I means yes, it is a collection of subplots that don't sum well and the result is a pointless story, but there are a lot of subtle things that actually make you question about the world and the events of the movie. When I got home, I spent quite some time thinking about what actually happened in the damn movie. I thought that the music was a nice touch and maintained the atmosphere well, on the other hand, I play videogames with music off. In fact it's one of the very few movies I really enjoyed in the past years, and I feel like lifting something off my chest by finally saying this. ^^
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Agreed on 'Jurassic World'. I like to say it was 'Rocky 4' to the original 'Jurassic Park's 'Rocky'. But I liked 'Rocky 4' better than 'Jurassic World'.
Among other things, they completely wasted a great cast. Chris Prat had a roll that could have just as well been filled by anybody handsome and action-movie-ish. Vincent D'onofrio, who I'd just seen be the dramatic high-point of Daredevil, scarcely was even a character. And Bryce Howard was just totally predictable in all regards.
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Yeah, Gravity wasn't as deep as it thought it was. I don't know why everybody was so impressed.
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Because we have seen it at an imax and knew what to expect from a movie with George clooney?
I dont think anyone was looking for 2001 simbolysm, its just really fun to see in 3d, and there is nothing wrong with it, just like there is nothing wrong with action movies, not oscar worthy, i would put it in the same category has pacific rim, just not has good
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You missed my point
When i go watch pacific rim i dont question if it would be pratical or even possible to engineer such a massive robot, i would build something with a low center of gravity.
I dont see why gravity needed to be scientifically correct, for me to have a good time, and what does,that have to do with 3d
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I'll give you the iMax bit. I heard that from a lot of people, and wasn't able to see it in that format myself. Perhaps that is the format in which this movie really shines.
But I'm not down on action movies. Some of my favorites are action; I watch 'Die Hard' at Christmas. But 'Gravity' did posture as if it had something deeper to say. Just as an example, there was developmental and birth imagery of various sorts: there's a long shot at the beginning where we get a profile view of Stone half curled up, intended, I'm fairly confident, to put us in mind of a fetus. Towards the end there's a scene of her crawling onto land out of the water with overtones of that iconic moment in evolution. And things are touched on in the script to; there's a theme of motherhood that doesn't seem to go anywhere.
So there's posturing, but I couldn't really find the substance to go with it. 'Pacific Rim', which I liked reasonably well, simply lacked that element.
I also felt like, though I like both Bullock and Cloooney, the movie wasn't well cast. Bullock seemed, for lack of a better way of putting it, too striking for the roll. Perhaps it was how they shot her rather than just her. But it undermined the feeling of grit or naturalism of the piece. (I'd say to contrast it with movies like 'Alien' or 'Sunshine' on this: despite those being more outlandish in their plots it's easier to buy the casts as what they are supposed to be.)
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Oh...agree, the symbolism was unnecessary, And the movie wasn't consistently good, it Has weak second half.
watching in 3d is a valid reason, i myself cant watch this movie again but was fairly impressed the first time.
Maybe because i never though it would be deep.
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Inglourious Basterds
The Hunger Games
Kick Ass <-- I don't hate it but it is not good.
300 is way to meh for me.
Any "good" movie with Adam Sandler. He can ruin anything.
Lone Survivor or w/e the movie about the american soldier who survived getting shot at by Al Qaeda.
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The best movie Sandler was in was Happy Gilmore, and even that was mediocre.
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You sir, deserve a voice in this discussion. You bring meaning to this topic.
PS: I am part of the everyone loves camp :P
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If you are just talking about overrated films, I find Gladiator and Matrix to be the worst offenders. Like, I enjoyed them, but how do they an 8.5 and an 8.7 on IMDb?
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Well, those are titles, to which my reaction is basically something along the lines of "Please, keep this as far away from me as possible" (I have my reasons for every one of these selections, even if they may sound a bit strange). So it's a bit more for me than "overrated". :p
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What makes Matrix so bad? Just out of curiosity...
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You could make that argument but this isn't that, most of those movies are almost unanimously beloved so this is more of a someone thinking they're perfectly sober even though everyone at the party is trying to tell them to lie down because they're plastered :P.
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Bad taste is still a thing though, and while a lot of art (or even most) is subjective there are things that are either clearly good or clearly bad, so when someone calls the Mona Lisa bad I'm gonna be the first to say they're crazy. And he's/she's hating on Oscar level movies than even the general public love and these 2 groups rarely agree on anything :).
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so when someone calls the Mona Lisa bad I'm gonna be the first to say they're crazy.
Why? Because you were told for years that it is a masterpiece and you shouldn't question it under any circumstances? Or do you actually posses deep knowledge about art and based on this knowledge you can with all honesty say, that Mona Lisa is a masterpiece on a technical ground and that this opinion purely represents your very own views on the topic and is in no way influenced by popular belief?
Please, stop defending herd mentality.
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going against the grain just for the sake of it
Why do you assume that me (or anyone else in the world) dislikes something popular just to gain some attention? I can asure you that I'd love to enjoy the hell out of every single movie, song, game or painting in the world, but sadly it is not possibile, since everyone has certain expectations towards the art he/she is experiencing and there will always be people, for whom those expectations won't be fulfilled.
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Not enjoying a popular movie is not about going against the grain, it is about not enjoying a popular movie.
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Hachi: A Dog's Tale
This is maybe the movie I abhor most, mainly because of the circumstances that lead to me watching it. How me and my friends ended up in a movie theater to watch it is a story for another day, suffice is to say it is one in the list of only 3 movies that made me fall asleep.
I haven't watched Requiem for a Dream, and I liked all the remaining movies in your list ;-p
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Hachi is the kind of movie that decides to not give a shit about actually developing its human characters, because it knows all too well that people will pay, watch, cry and later recommend it to their friends, because of the cute doggy. And that level of laziness disgusts me.
I view Requiem more as a PSA and less a movie. A good drug movie should be able to show me the tragedy of an addicted person without making them look like the stars of commercials like those
Panic in the Needle Park did a fine job at this for example.
Well then I'm happy that you could find some enjoyment in the things I didn't. :)
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Star Wars 7, The Force Awakens
Everyone is head over heels for that movie, and it's worse than the prequels. It's a clone of episode 4, and a bad one.
I hated how Rey was automatically able to surpass each and every challenge effortlessly, and all the other nonsensical moments.
Like for instance Finn deserting because he doesn't wanna kill people, and the first thing he does is killing his former comrades.
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I feel Star Wars 7 is either bashed or praised.
Personally, it was enjoyable film. Nowhere near great.
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I liked the movie, but I WAS actually bothered by Finn because he was obviously conditioned for years just like everyone else...basically as if he's being a "chosen one"(If Disney does that, though, it'll ruin the character, as instead of choosing to rebel, he will have been destined to, taking away all the meaning and depth from the character).
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The Hobbit (all three of them) and Avengers Age Of Ultron. I wouldn't say I hate them, it's just they were no where near as good as people say they are. I actually fell asleep during the climax of the third Hobbit movie and it was only like 7pm. I also didn't like either of the Captain America movies. I fell asleep during both of them. They were very boring for me because Captain America is boring to me.
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I feel Captain America 2 is better than the other shite Marvel is pouring out.
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I haven't watched most of Marvel's movies. Compared to the ones I have seen, like Avengers 1, Guardians of the Galaxy, first two Spidermans, and the Ironman trilogy, it was pretty boring. Probably better than stuff like Altman and Fantastic Four.
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I might not have fallen asleep during that one now that I think about it more. I know for sure I fell asleep during the first one. I don't remember much of the second one but I don't remember it being that great. Not that it was bad, I just didn't really care for it.
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Yeah, that might be it. I feel like all the Marvel movies are kind of the same in their plot structure. Also, I'm not a huge movie fan. That probably plays a part in it too.
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Marvel movies DO all have the same basic structure. There is no end of videos on youtube comparing similarities in marvel movies. Offhand, I believe screen junkies has a pretty decent one.
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I don't understand what's so good about it. If you were to take of the Marvel label and replace the names of the superheroes, it would not have gotten nearly as high a score as it does now.
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I'm not sure what more you wanted, likeable heroes, good chemistry between them, great villain, nice mix of drama and humor, plenty of action including a satisfying lengthy end battle (unlike Iron Man 2 which lasted like 10 seconds, wth). I don't know what more you want from a superhero movie.
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Mediocre villain, dull and bland action. I would only use the "what would you want more from a superhero" on The Dark Knight.
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Marvel action be like: pew pew lazer beam pew
apart from Cap 2
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That isn't it an excuse for it being dull and bland. Much like the action in Batman V Superman.
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I along with most people would disagree with that assessment regarding MCU, you're looking for something in those movies they never intend to have, they are exactly what they should be for the most part, clearly you'll never find what you want in them. At this point I only wonder why you watch them if it's not your cup of tea.
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What, I'm looking for good action and an interesting plot? I don't think that's too much to ask. I like superhero movies, and I relatively enjoyed The Avengers for what it was- big, dumb and mediocre. What I don't understand is people praising it like it is a great movie.
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Well see most people wouldn't understand why you think so poorly of it. I can understand your frustration (I have an unpopular opinion about Fallout 4) but most people see that movie in a completely different way than you do. I genuinely feel bad you didn't get to see it that way, you've development a certain taste and it will always stop you from enjoying certain movies that don't check certain boxes for you.
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What Bonpar said is what I mean when I say the action is bland. They are trying to make it an action movie, yet trying to target 9 year old kids, that usually doesn't work well. I enjoyed Captain America 2 more as it had action that was actually fun to watch.
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I KNOW I'm not the only one who thought Frozen was an abomination, but I feel like noting that it was just to contribute. All it was? A crappy pop song an unoriginal and weak Disney princess movie was built around it hopes it would become a meme or something. And it sure worked. I swear it was made by marketing execs and not filmmakers.
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Dumb teens...man that movie drives me crazy
I liked it though
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I agree. Everyone says it's an amazing movie, but when I watched it, it was pretty boring. I'm not quite sure why people like it as much as they do.
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Slumdog Millionaire. I just do not understand why people loved that movie.
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The Grand Budapest Hotel
Moonrise Kingdom
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
The Royal Tenenbaums
High Fidelity
Being John Malkovich
Grosse Pointe Blank
Inglourious Basterds
Benny & Joon
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The Grand Budapest Hotel was amazing. Forget that one and keep the others.
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It wasn't absolutely perfect, but it was quirky in a fun and enjoyable way.
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Why did you torture yourself and went on watching Wes Anderson's movies if you hate them so much?))
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By this answer, I assume you have no family, no friends, and no roommates.
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Well, that was just rude. Anyway, I should have known better then enter a hate thread.
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You're awfully thin-skinned for someone who wants to be known as 'PossiblePsycho' on the Internet... but seriously, having living rooms that you share with roommates or family and their various girlfriends is going to put you in earshot of tons of trashy movies.
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There are no movies I "hate", I just tend to ignore most of these amusement ride teen movies and such. Some movies I like, some love, some find overrated or just pure trash, but the word "hate" is a bit too much.
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Hate, dislike, overrated. Chuck them all in, no feelings are intended to be hurt.
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What I liked about it was that it knew that it was a dumb action comedy, so it tried to be simplistic and fun. Personally, I really liked it.
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Also, it wasn't trying to be special. It was just trying to be a heap of kickass action and funny jokes.
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star wars 7
dirty dancing!!!!!!!
so, now you can blacklist me^^
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Dirty Dancing? When did you see it? When it came out or decades later?
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Well with the choices you just made, I'm going to say no.
I've actually never seen them. Too busy watching X-Files
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The X-Files is great up until the 6th season. And some of the new series (I love the Garbage Man one).
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I hated Battlestar Galactica i don't know how i made it through the whole series.
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100 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by ceeexo
For me, I'm cheating a little because I don't exactly hate it, I just didn't enjoy it and am baffled by how many people love it.
It just felt so weak and boring.... and Sandra Bullock screaming is annoying as hell.
I also just remembered another:
Zero Dark Thirty
I had to stop halfway through. Boring dialogue, boring everything.
Another one has been remembered. This one I did NOT hate, but find HEAVILY overrated:
The Avengers
It was very mediocre to me.
Also, this thread is for people to express their opinion on whether they like a movie or not, don't get butthurt, be civilised, and don't blacklist based on the fact that someone has a differing opinion.
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