Start with the newer ones with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor.
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Yes, start with Eccleston and enjoy, a lot! There are things you won't understand right away, but that's not that bad. I started there too, and I'm now an addict obsessed with the Doctor xD You can add me to ask anything. I assure you I will tell you everything you need to know, without a single spoiler.
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I'm the same way. I like the old series and I love Sherlock, which is by the same people, but I just can't be bothered to care about New Who. It's partially because I dislike Steven Moffat and his innate need to be a sexist douchebag.That tendency, while still present in Sherlock, is toned down much more (it helps that Sherlock has far fewer episodes in which to display this behavior).
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The show is 50 years old. Most of the originals don't exist anymore sadly.
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You will be missing out on what they are referring to when they name drop things from early episodes, but it won't make much of a difference. Like the Great Intelligence which was reintroduced this season (British shows use the term Series instead of Season) is actually a call back to the Second Doctor's adventures.
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This is the best show besides Fringe (canceled awesome show) and the walking dead (The most awesome show)
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fringe got canceled? I kept meaning to eventually watch it but never seemed to catch it at a starting point when they weren't already in the middle of a plot(and just never got around to finding it online somewhere to catch up). they never seemed to run marathons wasn't on netflix and hulu only had the most recent few.
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No it's not cancelled. It finished season 5 normally with a proper ending.
Highly recommended series if you like sci-fi.
I watched the entire series online from this site. (They did an entire site redesign a few months ago, but I think all the Fringe episodes are there.)
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I loved every bit of it and got my gf hooked on it. Can't wait till a box set comes out.
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LOL, the Walking dead is rather mediocre. There are many shows better than that one.
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Except when they bring in characters from the old serials you won't be missing out on much from the classic Who series. The Doctor is never anyone different, it's always the same Doctor, just different actors like James Bond. Storywise they say when he dies he regenerates his body. He looks different, but he's more or less the same guy.
I got into it myself from the 2005 series and have caught bits and pieces of the older serials but unfortunately like was stated some no longer exist because the BBC didn't take good care of them.
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ok now that I have stopped twitching... Sorry, I'm a big fan, its hard for me to imagine no one liking or at least not watching the show. :)
I know others have answered but here is a more detailed answer that will hopefully answer your question.
Doctor Who is a very long running British SciFi show. In fact this year is its 50th Anniversary. It ran from 1963 to 1989, tried to restart with an american based movie in 1996, and then the series started up again 2005 and has been going ever since.
There has been many actors who have played the Doctor over the years. We are currently on Doctor 11. When the doctor dies he "regenerates" into a new body, new personality but with the same mind.
He has had many different traveling companions over the many years.
I have been watching the doctor since I was a kid, my grandfather got me into watching it. While I think you should try to watch all the previous season/series of Doctor Who, that could be expensive and very time consuming. The show started in black and white and has changed quite a bit over the years.
I think you would be safe starting with the 9th Doctor when the show started up again in 2005. You really don't need to know of all the previous stuff. But if you can do watch it but remember the times when the show was first out. The show was campy back then, in a Adam West Batman kind of way, where as the one we are watching now, would be somewhere between a Michael Keaton and Christian Bale kind of Batman.
There are some name drops from the early episodes and such, and even a few of the people from the early episodes show up a few times.
But heres what you should do..
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I don't care much about the classic episodes but I'm still highly enjoying the new series.
At the forums old fans are finding references from the old series all the time, but it didn't matter that I didn't know them.
Just start watching from the 9th doctor.
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Yeah, you can start with the 2005 series and you won't be missing out on any details. I personally think it's an extremely overhyped show. It's so cheesy. Even the fan-favourite episodes that I've had recommended to me as some of the best were dull and corny. It's a kid's show, plain and simple. Some people like it because it's nostalgic or campy but I just found it stupid.
Having said that, the theme song is AWESOME.
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tldr: Start with Eccleston/ninth doctor/2005. Enjoy.
I started on 2005 (in 2012). The 2005 episodes, into the present, are pretty darn good, though I'm a little "eh" about the current season.
I also went back and started watching the old ones after I caught up with the modern ones.
If you're a completionist, it's kind of a pain... many of the older episodes were destroyed and no longer exist as film. There's also a ton of official-ish material in books, radio plays, actual plays, audiobooks, comics, spin-off series, etc. that I plan to never get to.
Right now, I'm up to the episodes that aired in 1980 (fourth doctor) with 157 episodes left to go. Aside from the modern episodes, so far, the second doctor has been my favorite, but has very few episodes still in existence. I wouldn't put anyone but a die hard fan through viewing as much as I have. Two or three episodes from each doctor would be enough to get a sense of how the doctor has varied over the years. But... you might also miss some of the better "companions" who are the people who travel with him (generally speaking... there's no cut-and-dried definition). They're just as much important characters as the doctor himself and they don't often switch out at the same time the doctor does.
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Doctor Who is great IF you see the right episodes.
There are some serious powerhouse episodes that will leave you emotionally drained and weeping, or leaping out of your seat and cheering, (or sometimes both in rapid succession), but ONLY if you care about the characters AND fully understand what is happening to them.
Which means that the best episodes DON'T hold up on their own. (Except maybe Blink)
Journey's End is a great episode, but if you haven't watched the preceding season and have all the birdcrumb clues in the back of your mind, the final revelation is going to do nothing for you. It's GREAT, as part of a complete season; it's nothing on its own. The triumph isn't as triumphant if you don't realize they've been telling you all season long, and the devastating loss isn't so devastating if you don't know/care about the characters.
And that's kind of the problem, because Doctor Who is at its hearts a kid's show. It is. So there are a lot of childish cheesy stupid kidstuff episodes to sit through. It's not all gold. (But even then, the childish cheesy stupid kidstuff episodes can have little gold nuggets in them, if you know the Doctor Who lore and history)
Long story short: When it's great, it's REALLY GREAT, but you can't skip to the great parts. You have to endure the meh episodes too.
And as for where to start, you can even just start with The Eleventh Hour (season 5). New Doctor, new companions, it's a semi-reboot. You can always go back to first season if you run out of episodes and want more, but it's not necessary.
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mfw people think a show that has people burning alive until their flesh melts is a kids show
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You describe it better than I ever could.. exactly to the point! ^^ Especially the first new (2005) season had more meh-episodes than it had good ones (besides Christopher Eccleston beeing awesome in every single episode), but its absolutely worth watching for the very awesome episodes, while those on the other hand could not stand on their own.
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what i never understood about doctor what, is why he travels, i mean is he like some kind of superheroe or he has a more secret purpose or something.
yeah i have only watched like 4- 5 episodes
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He just loves exploration, the mysteries of the universe. He just has an unfortunate habit of fighting the monster of the week while doing it.
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He is a time lord (a alien race of which he is the last) and he can travel through space and time in his tardis (the police box) so he takes it as his duty to help people and go and fix the bad things that happen when what is meant to happen is altered for whatever reason.
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I think the best Doctors are Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton, and Tom Baker, though I can see a lot of people are partial to the new series. (Which still feels strange; I'd been watching the old series for years before the new series started, since I was a little kid.)
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This is why I like Matt Smith so much. I grew up on the original Doctor Who, and the New Who was fine, but didn't feel like the same show. Don't get me wrong, David Tennant is a perfectly respectable Doctor Who, and I quite enjoyed his time on the show. And when he finally left, I felt there was no way a kid like Matt Smith was going to do the part justice.
And then he did. And not only was he the best (in my opinion) of the New Who, he's often doing little mannerisms that I recognize from the Old Who. It's like a delightful easter egg for us old guys that remember the before time, the long long ago. The current half-season that just ended (from Christmas onward) has felt the most like the Old Who so far.
Tom Baker though, oh man. My favorite Doctor. If you haven't yet, I recommend picking up the book Shada. It's a Doctor Who story (originally scripted by Douglas Adams), with Tom Baker's Doctor. Reading it now, and the old nostalgia is strong with this one. Gareth Roberts, the guy who novelized it, captures Tom Baker's expressions in print perfectly.
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Shameful confession: I've never watched Doctor Who at all. I've heard from people who generally appreciate the same things I do that I should fix that, and I intend to. From bits and pieces of conversations I've picked up, I understand that it's actually a very long-running series in which there have been multiple different Doctors... or something like that. Is the start of the version that's up on Netflix (6 seasons, started in 2005) a good entry point, or will I be missing out on key details from earlier versions of the franchise? I know I could look into it with Google, but I'm afraid I'll blindly stumble across spoilers I'll regret having seen. Thanks! :)
[edit]: Sounds like the consensus is that's probably the ideal place to start, or at the very least not a "wrong" place to start. Thanks folks!
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