I believe when you attemp to delete your giveaway, there is a message that tells you this. I am not sure though. It should be still in effect otherwise there would be much more fake giveaways. A newly created account has 3 slots to give. If you fail to deliver or delete them you won't be able to create anymore giveaways. It happened to me when i had started here. I keep creating double giveaways for some reason had to delete seconds. Eventually with some giveaways still running i run out of slots. I asked support to get some and they gave 3-4 slots to me.
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Of course, this makes quite a lot of sense with new members for the reasons as mentioned in the last sentence of the quote. But it's also good to hear that they give people a chance who honestly made mistakes or where something went wrong, as it happened to you.
I unfortunately had to delete giveaways in the past before they ended but I cannot recall getting a message like this. Actually I just tried with one of my current giveaways (without actually going through and deleting it) and at least up to that point there was no information given in regards of that.
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Maybe you are, maybe there's a notification right after deleting on the ticket. There's none though later as I've checked a deletion ticket of one of my deleted giveaways.
I agree, an info like this could be good, especially for new members. Or just add it to the FAQ page that we already have.
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Number of available slots is shown at the top of the screen when creating a giveaway.
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Thanks for the suggestion! (EDIT: Done.)
So you know neither if this part of the old regulations is still in effect?
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So you know neither if this part of the old regulations is still in effect?
I'm a bit uncertain as to what you're asking.
If you mean "is there still a notification showing your giveaway slots" and "do giveaway slot still increase at 1 per 3 created giveaways and decrease at 1 per deletion", then yes, both are still true. Are you perhaps not seeing the available slots at the top of your Create Giveaway screen? It should be showing a green-tinged banner there which lists your current slot limit.
The limited giveaway slots are a pain in the first few weeks of using the site, but you quickly forget about the limit, unless you've a truly crazy circumstance, like trying to give away 2000 games at once or having a glitch with an automated train creator that causes you to delete all the giveaways involved. And, in either of those two cases, you can simply contact support to have your giveaway slots increased. In fact, even a new user can ask to have their giveaway slots increased, if they plan to do a lot of giveaways at once, and have shown some indication that they're willing to follow through.
Mainly, the limit is there just to prevent new troll accounts from flooding the giveaway list, the rest is just a matter of formalities.
Neither the FAQ nor the guidelines are containing this piece of information
It's technically addressed in the FAQ, it's just severely lacking in detail.
Why is there a limit to the number of gifts I'm able to give away?
We limit the number of gifts a user can create for security purposes, and to prevent a new user from potentially posting a large number of invalid gifts to the site. When you create giveaways and your gifts are received, this number will increase. At that time you'll be able to create giveaways with a greater number of copies, and more simultaneous giveaways.
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I wasn't asking about the number of giveaways that you're allowed to make but the number decreasing when deleting giveaways - which is nowhere else (neither FAQ nor guidelines page) mentioned.
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...and already requested a three days ago after RCSWE's suggestion ;-)
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The problem would seem to be one of brevity. The information given is accurate, but no elaboration is given in either the FAQ or the Guidelines. I believe the point you are trying to make is that the average user cannot be expected to "read between the lines" or understand the ramifications of what is written. While some might view that as having low expectations for our userbase, recent experience would seem to support your argument.
Putting it bluntly, a user gets three slots with account creation. A slot is "in use" until the giveaway has ended and the gift has been marked "received." If that never happens, either because the gift remains undelivered or the giveaway is deleted, the slot remains "in use." Additional slots are given to the user as his or her giveaways are marked "received." In other words, the number of slots a user has never decreases. The number of slots available for his or her use, however, will vary according to circumstance.
As far as I am aware, the information I just cited is up to date.
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My original point was simply wanting to know if that information was still correct and applied accordingly since I didn't know about this (although being familiar with the guidelines and FAQ) until finding the cited post three days ago. That has been answered.
I then was suggested to suggest it in the new guidelines post, which I did as well for getting that info added. So in these regards my questions are cleared now.
As a follow up question: Are you saying that giveaways that got deleted are handled as if they where still running and therefore are still occupying their slot? So it's not a punishment for deleting a giveaway per se (as I thought) but rather an issue with how the system works? That's interesting.
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As a follow up question: Are you saying that giveaways that got deleted are handled as if they where still running and therefore are still occupying their slot?
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As said, it's neither part of the FAQ nor the Guidelines. I didn't even know about it until accidentally stumbling over the post. So considering the age of the post and the info nowhere of actual relevance showing up, it's not far fetched to assume (or question, as I did), if that's still current practice.
Glad you got more slots after asking!
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Sure it never hurts to ask, but if there had been a change there would have been news or talk about it was my point. Support gives more slots to most people who ask, so if you need them just make a ticket. Then you can add couple thousand carts to the Community Train for example. ;)
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Sure, right. And it's not a problem for me personally either way since I have enough slots to make huge trains already. But new members can't know. You can't expect them to come across a post like this by pure chance when the official info given on the support pages don't include such information.
Again, this info missing on such important spots can mean it's not relevant information anymore. Which is all I wanted to find out, and did gind out ;-)
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Well, for future reference: It's an inherent (and automated) mechanic and thus, rather than something like a rule of conduct (which can change organically without any sort of dedicated change to the site) site mechanics would actively require cg to personally pop in and edit the underlying framework of the site. Whenever that happens, cg lists such a change in the change log.
So you're right that you need to hunt down answers about certain things, but for more technical matters, I've had the impression that cg is fairly on top of making sure they're all noted in the change log when they change.
Not going to knock your perspective of the site being somewhat clunky in its approach to new members, either, given my own early experiences. Of course, the site has improved a lot in that regard since I joined, so there's no reason to not assume it can continue to change with a bit of continued encouragement by the community. ^.^
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I'm looking forward to the new guidelines - we'll see if they'll say something about it or not. The suggestion is made, so it's up to him to include it or not to. We'll find out :-)
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I was just reading this (one of cg's posts from back in 2012) and the following part of it:
Neither the FAQ nor the guidelines are containing this piece of information. So I'm wondering, is this still in effect?
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