Dark Souls seems decent and lotsa ppl been talking about it.

Torchlight 2 looks fun, I played the first one for about 30 hrs i think andthen kinda got bored of it. not sure if the same will happen with torchlight 2 since its multiplayer, although i have no friends that play it.

Should i get one of them? or is there a good game on sale atm?


12 years ago*

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They both are, but I wouldn't recommend Dark Souls for PC/Steam unless you have no other option to play.

12 years ago

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Not sure about DS, but Torchlight 2 is everything I hoped it will be - and more. Get it even if you have to kill someone because of it.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I agree, murder aside.

12 years ago

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I agree, murder included. The fact that the game can be modded means you'll potentially never get bored since you'll always have community-generated content to play. My favourite mini-mod so far has been the one that multiplies all spawns by 2.5 - 5.0. There are some spawns that are already pretty big, and this mini-mod makes you fight so many monsters at once that they'll sometimes cover the screen. You can literally gain a level or more from just one screen's worth of monsters. ARPGs are all about slaughtering legions of baddies & it doesn't get any better than killing a whole screen full of them.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Torchlight 2 is very good

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2 is fun, However I cant see what the buzz is about Dark Souls, I bought it the day after release, after being told how awesome it was, only to be instantly let down the moment I turned it on. The game feels horrible to play imo and Im not a fan of the atmosphere in it, its all a bit strange.
Yeah ok the game is hard, but Hard alone isnt a selling point in my eyes. The fact that when the creator talked about adding a lower difficulty, players started an outcry. This proving that that that is a selling point for them, for reasons unbeknownst to me, you want it harder, go on a harder difficulty.

12 years ago

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both are worth your money but if you have to pick one go with dark souls

12 years ago

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totally agree, go dark souls

12 years ago

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I haven't played Dark Souls and can't force myself to part with the $13 since I have such a big backlog already. Torchlight 2 is great though. I personally found it to be much more fun than the first. I found combat in TL to be clunky and slow but they fixed that in TL2

12 years ago

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Haven't played DS yet, but with the idea that it's a beat-em-up type game I bought it since Darksiders got me hooked (I never really got to play God of War)

For TL2, I'm in the disappointed camp. I've played it to the second act, but got so sick of every boss just being a huge HP sponge with a trillion adds. There was no real variety to it as far as I could see, so I gave up on the whole thing. Still intend to finish it some day, but right now it just doesn't seem worth the investment of time to me

12 years ago

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It depends - do you have controller? Cause Dark Souls is Amazing but it's UNPLAYABLE without controller :(

Torchlight 2 is FOKIN GREAT as well ^^

So if you have controller and cash buy both, If no T2 is great anyway ^^

12 years ago

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Whats the deal with gamepads in this game? I played it with mouse and keyboard PERFECTLY fine, no problems with controls what-so-ever, besides the fact it shows binding for gamepad and from comments I read on forums, more people feel the same way. On the other note, DSfix is must for Dark Souls. It fixes resolution, upgrades the graphics, improves target lock on mouse, unlocks FPS (and it more than tripled my FPS, I got 10 without it, and about 40 with it, and thats just cause I capped it at 40) and more.

12 years ago

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The mouse is so jittery and sensitive for me... egh. I had to switch to controller before I threw up.

12 years ago

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I'd recommend Dark Souls myself, it's 17.99 on amazon (for steam) here ($12.99 if you've recently bought a game from amazon and gotten a promotion code). If you don't have a controller you may not want to bother though. Unless you are willing to install and configure mods to make mouse and keyboard at least somewhat viable. You can read about/get those mods @ the pcgamingwiki

12 years ago

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Both worth it. 22 hours deep in torchlight 2 and I'm only in the 2nd chapter. If you got 30 hours of entertainment from the first one and didn't feel like that was enough than I don't see how you can not see the 2nd one as worth it.

Dark Souls is amazing. Keep in mind that a Controller is mandatory to appreciate the combat system. Highly recommend the MOD that makes it 1080 HD and backup your saves.

Hard alone is not the selling point. The smoothness of the combat system, monster designs, different set moves for various weapons, decent AI, great atmosphere, the animations are top notch(youtube dark souls animations to fully apreciate how much detail went into the animations to make them smooth). Yes the the game is Challenging (some say hard) but this just makes it so you want to try again, learn moves, counters, and when you do succeed you feel great. Not cuz the developers held you hand and told you what do do to get the flashy numbers saying you're amazing but caused you actually used your own skill to accomplish what had previous killed you.

12 years ago

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Dark Souls

12 years ago

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I recommend buying Torchlight 2. It is awesome.

12 years ago

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I would recommend Dark Souls. Is just awesome. As with many good RPGs, it takes some time to get used to it and to fully inmerse into it, but once you do you can't drop it. A controller is mandatory anyway. Don't even think about playing it with Kb/M.

12 years ago

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Dark souls is awesome. Note that you need to download something called DSFix to remove the FPS cap and resolution issues. Also note that having a controller is pretty much a requirement.

As for TL2, I hated it. Completed it just to have a more accurate opinion. Skills are boring and you are rewarded for focusing on a few skills rather than trying to make a fun build. There is no respec either unless you use flawed mods. You character is stuck to the difficulty you started it in, even when you complete the game, the only option is New Game+ which only scales monsters to your level but that's about it. Classes are few and skills are meh. Bosses are not difficult unless you are playing in the hardest difficulty, and even then if you invested in the right skills you won't have trouble at all. Maybe playing it co-op makes it better, but I don't know and won't be bothered to find out.

12 years ago

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Agreed on the TL2. It's too... flat. Numbers get bigger but there isn't too much else going on

12 years ago

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I like Torchlight 2. I've played it quite a bit, with multiple characters. But it does feel...flat. Like something is missing, or it just isn't living up to its potential.

The large overworld areas are honestly kind of boring, particularly if you play the game multiple times. There isn't much logic to them, and not much exciting to do on them. They are large entirely for the sake of being large. Similar is true for some of the dungeons, though it isn't quite as bad there, you still can end up fighting the same few creatures over and over in a place that wears out its welcome. And the bit of randomization isn't much to write home about.

Areas also seem a bit carelessly developed. There are too many dungeon locations where your view of enemies is blocked by walls, as if no one ever considered what it would be like to play the game in such areas.

Character skills are a bit boring as well. In a case of overcompensation, Runic Games messed up the gun character, and then managed to create the same "flaw" that they were originally overcompensating for in all the characters. (Runic didn't like that the gun-class Vanquisher in T1 was a "one stat" character, so they messed up the Outlander in T2. Then they made all the classes in T2 viable "one stat" characters, including the Outlander, except the Outlander's stat is for magic instead of guns. Trying to play the gun-themed character reliant on guns is handicapping yourself, while the easier build is to play the gun-themed character as a mage.)

And the promised mod tools still aren't out. I can't help but think people will have moved on by the time the tools are out and people start to do anything particularly productive with them.

12 years ago

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That's actually pretty interesting. I have an Outlander that I have been trying to play for the actual gun stats. Might try the mage route instead

12 years ago

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A gun Outlander has several problems. First, Dexterity doesn't help damage. Gun and bow damage is now Strength-based, because Runic Games were upset that a T1 Vanquisher could just pump Dex and be a killing machine. Dex is crit chance, but crit damage is Strength. Dex is Dodge, but you can max dodge through equipment even if you treat Dex as a secondary. If you focus on Dex, you will fall behind the damage curve.

Second problem is the range element of ranged weapons, or more accurately how it isn't necessarily as important as you might think. A T1 Vanquisher could take down enemies from afar. Enemies come in larger groups in T2, and you end up fighting stuff at close range more often. Outlander has different skills than the T1 Vanquisher. Rapid Fire is a good skill for gun Outlanders, but it ignores your base weapon range.

Third isn't a problem, but rather an advantage that doesn't rely on guns. Glaive is really good. Fast, long range, hits multiple enemies, and doesn't require you to use a Strength-based weapon-set. You can run a Focus build and run around with a wand and spam Glaive if you want.

Fourth is also not a problem, but again an advantage that doesn't favor gun builds. Venomous Hail is DPS based elemental damage, and you can use it with either a Strength build or a Focus build.

I'm not saying a Glaive Outlander is the all-around best thing in the game, but it is much easier to play than a gun build Outlander. Most things are easier to play than a gun Outlander. That's the problem, gun build Outlanders are at a disadvantage compared to everything else. Not even for any one particular reason, but for the combination of several reasons of different importance.

Runic has been tweaking the Outlander, so things may change.

12 years ago

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Thank god for respec potions then. It's a shame though, the dual wielding gunslinger just seems like such a fun concept. Either way you have spurred me to give the game another whirl - at least until I get back to my desktop that will run the heavy hitters I picked up over break :P

12 years ago

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You can try a dual wielding gunslinger. You might find it fun. It just isn't as easy as other paths, which is bad when the Outlander is supposed to be the gun/bow specialization character.

Personally, I ended up switching to a pistol with shield combination when I ran a gun-based Outlander on Veteran. The extra defense seemed more important than the bit of extra damage. I'd tried bow and crossbow, but the damages were similar to pistols and the range just wasn't important (and I'd put points into long range mastery so the pistol had a bit more range anyway). I never warmed to the shotguns, though many gun-based Outlanders swear by them, or at least find them entertaining.

12 years ago

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My Outlander is gun-based and it's fucking boss, crits everywhere! :D

12 years ago

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Have you tried it on Veteran or higher? Your build becomes more important on higher difficulties. As with Torchlight 1, "Normal" difficulty is a bit easy. In Act II on Veteran, I started seeing issues with my gun-based Veteran, which was having trouble in situations that the other characters just plowed through. I believe it was in Act III that I started dying, again in situations that I didn't have trouble with using other characters. The Alchemist was particularly annoying. (The final boss was quite easy, but I relied a lot on Venomous Hail and Stone Pact.)

12 years ago

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I was disappointed when I found out that there was no summoner class. I know that the engineer has summons, but it's not like the alchemist in the first game. And with the lack of mod tools it doesn't look like it'll be coming any time soon.

12 years ago

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Summons are scattered through the classes. Engineer gets a few summons, including the quite useful Heal Bot. Berserker gets the healing and attacking Wolf Shade, which at max level gets a summon duration equal to its cooldown. Outlander gets a strangely short lived summons and support skills specifically for it.

Of course there are still all the summon spells, though now you might be burning your spell slots on passives. And you can give your pet four spells as well, including summon spells. I tend to give my pet at least one summon spell, because it does a better job keeping them running than I do.

12 years ago

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As I said above I know that there are summons but not like the alchemist's Lore skill tree in torchlight 1.

12 years ago

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This irked me too. But after playing D2 as Necromancer and TL1 (accidentally) twice as the summon Alchemist it was time for a change. Having your tiny personal army is just too attractive

12 years ago

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"Having your tiny personal army is just too attractive" This.
The embermage was so boring...completed the game and probably used only 3 skills during the whole playthrough. Tried the engineer on a second playthrough but saw how the summons worked and didn't like it at all.

12 years ago

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I haven't tried Dark Souls but I played both Torchlight 1 and 2. To me, 2 was a huge improvement over the first one. I still enjoy playing it alone. The first Torchlight was just constantly going down a deep old hole while the 2nd one, your actually traveling to places. I like the skill builds and trees on how the 2nd one worked out as well.

12 years ago

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Torchlight II is awesome. If you got bored of the first one maybe not so much for you, though. It's similar, but longer and better in a few ways.

12 years ago

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If you have a controller get Dark Souls. Imo, its a master piece !!! Atmospheric, challenging and it has a story being told mostly by deeds and not by words, and thats a rare thing in gaming world (especially withing RPG genre).

12 years ago

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if u wanna play something awesome pick dark souls but u need a controller to play

12 years ago

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torchlight, play pc exclusives :-3

12 years ago

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Wait for Path of Exile its really, really awesome!!!!111
P.S Its a free game

12 years ago

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PoE's currency system really irks me...
The barter system is pretty unintuitive and a huge pain in the ass at lower levels when you afraid to use the identify scroll because you need to trade them for new armor.

12 years ago

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If you have to pick between one or the other, pick Dark Souls. Definitely one of the best games of the year.

12 years ago

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Dark Souls = thousands of hours of gameplay and never gets easy.

12 years ago

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Both games are excellent and worth the money.

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2 is fantastic.

Dark souls is also fantastic if you download the HD Fix, and if you have a controller. After those simple milestones are out of the way... it is one of the most enjoyable games you will play for a while.(If you like a challenge, ofcourse.)

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2 is okay, I don't see it as the perfection others may do, and still prefer Diablo 3 over it though. Maybe a mesh of the two games would nail it.

Anyway, Dark Souls is worthy of the purchase for plenty reasons. Even though not being a perfect port, the fact that a petition has brought it to fruition is a huge thing. And now that Dark Souls 2 is coming to PC too, I would support the guys. And for the fact that the game is fucking amazeballs.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by kosovaarcher.