I'm pretty psyched for the story mode in this game; I love me some sandbox survival action, but at the same time I think I end up preferring a more focused story driven experience in most games-- I hope this will be a good one.
Thank you so much for the giveaway, have a bump and good luck with your channel :)
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Looking forward to story mode also but more so to mod support. I love story driven games but all stories come to an end. Mod in sandbox will allows for a never ending story of survival. Thanks for the well wishes!
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Love to see this game given away, because it deserves to be even more well known. I've given a couple copies away as well.
Currently playing the Hopeless Rescue Challenge. I tried once before (and made some gameplay videos) but failed because I didn't know the Timberwolf Mountain map at all. Now I'm back with a much better sense of that map. I'm ready! Probably.
On the YT channel: it looks better than mine! Ha. Good production values. I think the only thing I'd recommend is more games. TLD is an awesome game, but if you want a bigger audience you have to have a little bit of variety.
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TLD Challenges are on the horizon as are more games. I'll want to take it slow as far as expanding. It's easy to burn out doing this stuff. Thanks for your feedback!
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Thanks subbing and play it again! The new update is deliciously brutal.
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lol the MutaFuka...
Really catch name :D
and nice logo
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Thanks for your feedback! Thumbnail are a work in progress as in the more I progress the worst I regress :D Thankfully I can change them at any time. It just a matter of finding the time to do so.
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Don't worry, I've definetly seen worse-looking channels out here!
But here are my graphic designer suggestions: As black and orange seem to be you main colors, choose a precise tone of orange that you like and make it YOUR orange, then use it to bring contrast in your thumbnails. Also don't use gradients, they are unecessary and look cheap ;) Don't use grungy textures on text or your logo because it looks cheap too (there are better ways of achieving a grunge look).
Your banner looks cool, although I feel like it doesn't match well with your logo...
Also I think it would look better if you had your logo orange on black instead of black on orange in your profile pic, don't know why, just a thought.
You could also have better font choices, although it'd be hard for me to suggest you some! (too many of them, and I don't know precisely what you want it to look like).
I hope it helps a bit :D (I'm trying to be constructive since my first message wasn't xD)
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Wow, your feedback is awesome! You've given me a lot to think about. That banner went through quite few changes before the current one. You know how you are working on something for hours and days then there comes a point you simply have to stop or you'll just muck it up? That's that banner. I had been reading or watching so much stuff, learning so much, and making so many changes I just had to go with what I had. For the most part I am happy with it but your feedback has turned my mind back to the things I don't like about it.
You are correct about gradients. It's my first time using them and like other styles such as bevel they work best if when used subtlety. I'm going to save your feed back in my notes and refer back to them when I go back to work on the banner. The logo and the font may not match simply because in my mind the logo is supposed to be more cartoony than it is. The font is a Dragonball Z title font look-alike. Perhaps later I can try my hand and designing my own logo. I could probably come up with something cartoony that is similar to my skull with a mouse for eyeball, a mic in his nose and a keyboard for teeth. As you can imagine that logo is a blending of different royalty free graphics. I've learned quite a bit in the months I've been working on this but doubt I'll be as good a real graphic designer any time soon.
The changes to the avatar are easy enough to make. Orange on black might pop a bit more. I'll have to play around with that when I have time. Time...it is my enemy!
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Aha I know how you feel about the banner xD
If you want to achieve a cartoonish look, you definetly have to work on the thumbnails and rework on the logo then - they look grungy more than cartoonish. The banner is the most cartoonish design element you have, I think you can keep it, I like it actually!
Bevel... Yep, better used subtely! Most of the time it's unecessary.
Oh and I advise you don't use that many different fonts. Most of the time 2 are okay, that will create consistency and harmony among you visuals.
Good luck with that, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
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And I immediately let you down by using 3 fonts on my lastest thumbnail. I'm such a n00b! Ok, so that's actually good to know and it makes things a little easier on me. Shoot me an invite on steam if you're feeling charitable. I wouldn't mind having ya on my friends list to pick your brain once in a while :D
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Channel looks good, I wouldn't recommend using black text on the thumbnails though, doesn't catch the eye enough. Unfortunately, I also watched the one episode where nothing happens xD, maybe try to cut it together to some of the highlights? Anyhow, thanks for the GA :P.
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Thanks for giving me your feedback and yw! I see what you're talking about in regards to the thumbnails. Unfortunately, the way The Long Dark is there are going to be times where nothing really happens. In the new playthrough which I will try to upload today I make the episodes a bit longer to alleviate that somewhat.
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Yw! I appreciate the feedback and thanks for the well wishes!
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Thanks a lot for the GA and good luck with your channel.
The audio and video quality seems acceptable and your commentary of the gameplay makes sense, though you do have some awkard silence moments but I am sure that will improve as you gain experience.
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Yw and thanks for the well wishes!
Your feedback is sincerely appreciated! Commentating is way more difficult than I ever thought it would be. The Long Dark is a very pensive game where the silent moments immerse one into the setting. The difficulty at times is how to allow the viewer to enjoy those immersive moments without stepping on them with commentary. I do hope I get better at finding those moments as I get more experience.
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Rick here, checking in with the SG community to let you know what I’ve been up to lately, tell you about one of my favorite games and humbly request your assistance.
I’d been mulling over starting a gaming channel for well over a year. Finally, last month I took the plunge and created The MuthaFukinRick Show. It’s a lot of work at times but also a lot of fun. Back in high school my favorite class was Television Production. Recording footage, commentating, editing video, creating intros and end credits, I love it all. Starting this channel has rekindled that love and put me back into the mix of activities I really enjoy.
The first and only game I’m currently featuring on the channel is The Long Dark. In the two years I’ve been on SG I’ve given this game away several times. Its simple yet beautiful art style was what attracted me at first. The contemplative gameplay with long stretches of seemingly mundane activities drew me in but the exciting moments of heart pounding danger keep me coming back. There are no monsters in The Long Dark, only mother nature’s fury and the ever present reminder of your fragile mortality.
So, I’m having a lot of fun running the channel while playing one of my favorite games. Mistakes have been made and I’ve done my best to correct them. Nevertheless, I am sort of doing this all in a vacuum. Feedback has been hard to come by. That is why I’m writing this post; to request the critical assistance of the SG community. Please, visit The MuthaFukinRick Show and give me an honest critique. I’d be happy to receive your feedback via YouTube comments or discussion, Twitter, Google+ or just leave me a message here.
Finally, I hope you didn’t think I’d come here just to yak it up without putting up a MuthaFukinRick GA! The Long Dark is on the final stages of EA before the story mode release of the first episode “Wintermute” on August 1st. Click on the link to join the GA for final sandbox update to The Long Dark called Faithful Cartographer.
Thank you all in advance.
Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow :D
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