Nothing beats Dungeon Defenders, the first DD game.
Simply you had two ways of playing, private or public. And so alot of people made public servers, like as if they were private and kick-abused joiners at will. This still happens today. It's like you join a server and you are loading and get kicked. Sometimes you get to load your character for 1 second and get kicked. We kinda get used to it, but it's not the worst thing in the community by far.
DD is a tower defense game with excessive amounts of loot dropping per wave cleared. There are hosts that let you join their games, let you build stuff in their maps because you are better than them. You play the said map with them untill the very end and they kick you before you get to finish the map, thus getting no final xp rewards, no final rewards or final wave looting. Not to mention there are late joiners who join on very high difficulty waves in maps and act stupid by either: focusing too much on looting and not repairing towers or killing things with heroes or simply go afk and do nothing or even start selling towers other people built with full upgrades (which totally kills the run for everyone). Said runs can usually take a few hours to accomplish, it sucks when people do that to good hosts who let them in.
EDIT: This game is all about greed most of the time, some hosts even get to the point of building in difficult maps and calling all rare loot dropped in the map for them. We get it that the guy built his defenses, but without heroes supporting these difficult runs with boosts, hero dps and upgrades, the builder can't go far by himself, so in reality a sense of sharing should be used in this, right? Hosts of this kind usually kick a player that loots 1 item of higher quality without having the host see it first.
PS: Had to comment here, i'm pretty sure this is the worst of it all. CS communities and the likes aren't as bad as this. In those you get kicked or banned for being better than the admins or someone special most of the time. Big deal, there are plenty more servers to play with and new people to meet.
For example i was permanently banned from a server in a half life mod not long ago, i was in the top 25 of the server out of like 3k. I played against the server's owner 3 times, he beat me up the first two times, third time i hit him more than i usually did and made him nearly die in a 1 on 1 fight, he gets pisse, forces mapchange into the same map we were on. Next thing i notice is me being permanently banned from the server. And to make things even worst, the dude is a 25 year old fatass that can't even communicate in english, not to mention he was a tad racist towards international players in his server (letting players from his own country abuse rules while internationals would get punished if caught, i even saw some international people try to lick his boots by adding him, saddistic people tbh).
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Every big community has it's stupid people, it's something that's going to happen.
The Battlefield community (people playing in the servers) has been one of the worst for me,
Also mentioning the PAYDAY 2 community, which doesn't care if their favourite game dev releases a shitty DLC that should be in the game for free, they'll still throw their wallets at it, I may edit with some more later.
The Smite community started having nice people in closed beta, but when they went to open beta it started to have stupid people, as usual(the common guy that starts insulting when the team's losing, heh).
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played many ...COD:MW3 wins easily, so many immature kids calling u names, screaming & cursing over mic, accusing u of cheating...
When i think about it, its actually what made that game fun for me ...I enjoyed destroying those kids while watching em rage :)
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Same here. My crew and I have a plethora of heavily offensive footage if someone wants to pull a documentary or something. It ridicolous if you think about it, but as a bunch of German guys, the most offensive stuff was about gassing our jew parents and such ... But YES, destroying immature life like an abortion man!
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How come nobody mentioned Dota 2 Community?
The first to blame for this is the Matchmaking system which seems to be too simple. If you have 3000 MMR and 1300 Games played (overall) you will get matched to someone who has less than 100 games played but the same MMR as you. This triggers anger and rage from all the players.
The second thing would be the servers. US Server would mean you have to know how to speak english and play with at least 80% US based players but as it happens, US East (which i use) has been invaded by South Americans who don't even know how to say "Miss" in english.
EU servers on the other hand ... russians... again more problems... most Russians can't play as a team with other players and therefore you get all this "almost racist" anti-russian rage.
So the worst MP community... Dota2 by far...
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"Bigoted", not "racist", russians are (generally) white.
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Majority of steam/f2p communities.
Also steamgifts cause they would rather collect games than play them! :p Although I consider that more HERETICAL!
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I agree, people that enter giveaways and win them JUST to get their games count up is a little disappointing.
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CS:GO definitely....
No matter how hard a match was, the winning team will always have at least one stupid member spaming "easy" or "eazy" or "ez".
If you're losing a match, there'll always be an asshole in your team raging and excusing himself from the other team with the usual "noob team" and stuff like that.
Even when you're not playing, and only watching.
Let's say Team 1 and Team 2 are playing a league match or something like that...people also bet on those btw.
During the match, nobody says anything out of the's mostly unimportant spam, but when the game ends....if let's say Team 1 wins, every Team 1 supporter suddenly comes to the chat and produce a flow of spamming messages like "Team 2 fanboys...thanks for the skinzz, ez noobs etc"
And that goes the other way around too, so that's what it makes it sad and annoying.
Let's not forget the teamkills and the leavers, and i'm sure there's a lot more to it than i can remember right now....
Anyway, in my opinion, it's the worst gaming community.
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most MOBA games, if not all, there is always someone insulting their own team
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I'd have to agree on that. While I played LoL a lot, a bit of Dota 2 and a lot of Dead Island: Epidemic, I would have to conclude, Dead Island: Epidemic has the worst community where their punishments end with chat bans, personal warnings and warnings.
Get attacked for no reason on the community hub for giving a legitimate suggestion(Ability to change report type after choosing it and before closing the match), community manager siding with their friends.. And that is not including all the death wishes and cancer wishes. All in all, shitty community and not worth playing.
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I'm not sure what online communities suck here in China. I can't understand what the players are saying, nor read what they type.
I see you've been able to find Payday 2 matches though. That's cool I just picked it up and haven't tried it. Before the free day, there weren't and nearby ping Payday 1 players. I had to set that game to "worldwide" to find a (laggy) match.
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I had the worst encounter playing TF2. I was kicked for no obvious reason (As scout i tried to rush and melee a heavy - at least i think that could be the reason)
I played a bit of CS:GO but despite one game (ty_map on a community server which ended in one guy flaming all others - block communications, all good) I hadn't had any real unpleasant encounters.
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Acutaly is a bit of both...
HoN community is more or less ok...
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any moba and/or competitive game has bad community. no need to determine the worst.
oh, and rust.
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PAYDAY2, i just can't play because i'm kicked on my first mistake and i always do mistakes. That is mostly my fault but still, if it was me who bought the game i would be pissed
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CS, COD, BF3&4, LOL, Dota2... list goes on. Worst communities are those that have private servers or are f2p. Oh and f2p + private servers combo has ether very bad community or you might just fit in but still pretty closed up (they don't accept anyone unless you are invited or recommended) community.
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well, private servers are the only way to avoid communities...
since most of them are just annoying and therefore it's a waste of time to join one and instead play with your friends from the beginning instead of ruining the fun you could've had with crap community
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Remember when PC Gamer gave out those free games, which included Gun Monkeys and Dino D-Day? Well, one of the games (GTR Evolution) adds Race 07 to your library, a cheap racing game that surprisingly has a huge player base.
Yeah, so basically people there banned all the newbs who got the free keys. And those who didn't get banned were pretty mush subject to a very toxic community of players.
CSGO is still the worst, though. So many dickheads
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csgo. Basically populated by complete assholes. So many kids talking shit, saying idiotic nonsense and are just generally unlikeable douchebags. Pick a server, any server and guaranteed at least 70% are complete assholes... I found ultimate bliss when I found there was a command to block all text chat from the game... It's the first thing I do whenever I enter a server, and its made the game infinitely more enjoyable. I would rather play with cod kids than csgo ones.
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imo the degree of douchebaggery is steadily increased with age of the particular game and its competetiveness (meaning the degree to which the community is into competetive gaming). The harder people try to IMITATE professional gamers, the worse it becomes since the frustration is blending into the otherwise already hostile environment (hostile, because everyone wants to be the best). I have had slack thrown at me ever since UT2k4, where I myself was quite pro; CS:S, CS:1,6, CS:GO (even made a separate accout just for GO :P), BF2-4 and basically all of the CODs. LoL and Dota are very much the same.
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Amen. There'd be a lot less asshattery if you could literally get up and punch the guy in the face. Anonymity breeds idiocy and false self-esteem.
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Since i've just been kicked from one of the only active asian server on "Chivalry Medieval Warfare" for having a 12% friendly hit caused by lag spike (ping jumped from 110 to over 500 for 2 rounds) that caused me to decapitate one guy who always seem to be on this server. This made me wonder what's the worst multiplayer community you've come across to? And why?
I think CM places pretty high on the rotten community palmares, it was my first kick today, but i've seen people being kicked:
Coz their ping was higher than 150.
Because some guys who are always on the same server wanted to change a map but one dude didn't want to.
Because the team is loosing and they need to blame someone.
Coz a level <10 slashes when there's a melee with ennemies and allies (there's friendly hit on this game for the ones who don't own it)
These are pretty dumb reasons in my book, i think there's others but i can't remember atm.
Surprisingly CS:GO community isn't that bad, i always heard bad things about it, but i never had a problem so far on casual or competitive...
Share your stories and/or blow off your steam :P
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