Don't forget to mention all the bogus "Black Ops" "Black Ops 2" Giveaways...that the owners don't even own the game. lol
EDIT: I understand your frustration though. and would gift you Magicka vietnam if I had it..unfortunately I do not and my bank is closed today o.O
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Tldr; don't blindly enter giveaways because many are fake (use common sense to figure out which ones) and if someone is refusing to give correct feedback then make a support ticket about it.
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I wouldn't say that 1.8% of the total giveaways on this site counts as "many". o_O
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That would be from the statistics page for this site... 1.8% is the number of "confirmed" not received gifts on this site as of right now. (That doesn't include the 3.8% which are awaiting feedback.
Anymore questions?
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"Not received" can be the result of idiots / assholes not marking a received gift and disputes between users also. Also, a lot of fake giveaways are reported and dealt with (deleted) before they ever end, sometimes after, too. That wouldn't result in any "not received". In short - that stat isn't representative of the number of "fake" giveaways.
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It does show any gift marked not received (be it just or unjust) and it's a pretty small number so that would mean that the number of "actual" fake giveaways would be even smaller, which was my original point that you think was wrong? For some reason that I'm not seeing...
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Only 1,8% of all giveaways are fake. Most of the fakes are obvious.
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So far I've won like 50 games and not one of them was fake. Maybe I'm just very lucky, but I don't think fake wins are such a huge problem as some people make it seem.
If you do get bad luck and win a fake giveaway, just do what frozened said. It's unfortunate, but there's not much you can do about it.
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Just stay away from Black Ops and you'll be fine.
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I've been burned by someone who created a giveaway and then didn't send the gift, the worst part is that the guy had two copies of the game I won (Renegade Ops) in his inventory for a few months after the giveaway ended...
It sucks but in the end it's a free game which we used "free" points to join the giveaway of so you don't "really" lose anything.
Just do like others in this thread have said, wait 7 days, mark it not received and move on.
Also remember the little tips people have posted for easily spotting fake giveaways. (Newly registered users who give away multiple expensive/newly released AAA games all at the same time etc and you won't have to worry about this happening "much" in the future)
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Yeah, I'm over it.
I'll probably just buy Renegade Ops one of these days anyway.
The way I look at it, it was free to begin with so I didn't actually lose anything. 8)
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I'm sorry you didn't get your copy of Galactic Arms Race. Sorry about your non-win. ;)
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I hope that I'm wrong and just calling it out early, I know theres a 7 day window for them to send it, but is there a big problem with people creating these profiles and have a lot of you experienced someone not giving you the gift? It's pretty damn frustrating especially if it is a big entry of people and you win... just kinda plays with your head especially if your not a very lucky person sometimes haha. Again I'm just hoping that this person is just kinda messing around about getting it to me but he never had a clear way of delivery so I added him on steam and a little later his name disappeared from my list and when I went to add him again it said error and I saw he was on 51 min ago. I checked after a long time since so I just asked him if he removed me and if he realized I had won... nothing yet so far... but again I'm hoping I'm just being paranoid/impatient but it doesn't help that he just created his account 2 days ago and has 2 awaiting feedback but no negative responses; he will be getting mine of course. Luckily, ha, it is just Magicka Vietnam which is only dollars but still...
I had kind of a situation with someone where I sent the gift and never said he received it through the radio button dealy and it was a couple of days so I e-mailed him about it so I could get credit, since I have none so every little bit helps, and said 'Yes' then must have mistakenly hit 'No' again later so I sent another e-mail and finally he had kept it on 'Yes'.
I have seen what a lot of people say to be not legit in the comments, and they sure look that way, I have read about a policy of no call outs but not sure what that entails exactly so I hope Im not crossing the line by what I said in the giveaway page.. What do these people hope to obtain? Make them look like they are active gifter's for some kind of gain? I would think they would just receive a lot of negative feedback for giving up people's hopes.
Mostly venting here while I await my lucky win which hopefully I will see but looks grim but also curious how the community felt about stuff like this or any stories they might have to share so I don't feel so alone about it. cmon I know there's a lot out of you out there xp
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