Seriously though, almost every big franchise has just out of nowhere gone on sale. Capcom, GTA V, Just Cause 3, Mass Effect series, and the Far Cry series. What the heck is going on? Am I missing something? I'm not complaining but it feels oddly weird to have so many games go on sale at once. Especially since most of these are decent discounts.

8 years ago

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Which game are you gonna get if any?

View Results
GTA V - $40.19
Just Cause 3 - $29.99
Far Cry Primal - $38.99
Mass Effect 2 - $4.99
I no want games I just want potato

I'm not really into AAA games. At least not enough to pay that kind of prices.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Those discounts are not worth it lol.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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only missing Far Cry Primal on that list, and i don't think i need it right now. still having so much fun in Earth Defense Force 4.1. and i need to play Batman (telltale) and Abzu, before Deus Ex comes out in a few days.

EDIT: and Seasons After Fall also looks pretty interesting. thinking about buying that, too (and i could pay it with trading card money, which makes it basically free).

8 years ago

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if you accept opinions, i played far cry primal on ps4 (almost got platinum trophy) and i wouldnt recommend it XD

8 years ago

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Already own all of these. (Primal on uplay tho coz it was like $1 on Newegg)

Probably Megaman Collection, which isn't listed. Would get Capcom Bundle too if it was comple-the-set.

8 years ago

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definitions for hungry for money

8 years ago

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There's a big gaming convention in Germany called: "Gamescon" at the moment. Don't know if there's any connection though.

8 years ago

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PC gaming is dying, that's why.

8 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by StatHyena.