I didn't see any recent polls to this effect, so I thought I'd ask my fellow Steamgifters:
What's your favorite video game setting/location?
This question pertains mostly to story-based games or games where immersion adds to enjoyment (e.g., not most puzzle games or platformers). But for these games, what milieu do you like to play in the most? I tried to cover a variety of settings (including those I don't typically play), but if I've missed yours, please respond Other and let me know what I've missed. As you may know, I can't update the poll answers. If you want to be more specific, then maybe select the closest answer, then specify your exact answer in the comments.

And of course, a requisite GA for your time-- a story-based game that maybe doesn't fit into any of these categories. :)
Level 2, basic SGTools filter (no rule-breakers).

[Edit: Thank you for all of your responses (and votes)! I'm reading every one of them!]
[Edit2: I'm surprised by the small number of "Superhero / comics" folks. It seems like it's a well-regarded setting (though maybe it's more of a genre than a setting?), so I would have expected it to get more votes here.]

8 years ago*

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What's your favorite video game setting/location?

View Results
I care far more about the game genre than its setting/location
Sci-fi, other (e.g., post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk, dystopian, ...)
Fantasy, medieval
Sci-fi, space-based (e.g., planetary exploration, starship combat, space opera, ...)
Fantasy, anime
Surrealistic / abstract
Fantasy, but neither anime nor medieval
Other (see comments)
"Modern day," except war (e.g., 1920s/vaudeville, gangster, Old West, present day, ...)
Ancient (e.g., Egyptian, Greek, dinosaurs)
Sci-fi, aliens or zombies
War (medieval, WW1, WW2, ...)
Superhero / comics

I don't really have a favourite

8 years ago

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Gee, that would have been a good poll option. :)

8 years ago

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I voted "other" because of the "see comments" sentence. I guess its suitable, no need for another option!

8 years ago

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Modern day Bullworth Academy. :B

8 years ago

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I either prefer a fantasy setting (Dark Souls), sci-fi (Warhammer 40K) or modern day(State of Decay) setting. But if i had to choose one i'd say it's apocalyptic science fiction (Fallout 2 :3).

8 years ago

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Fantasy in general, but also future (post-apocalypse?) and modern time.

But really, just give me a game with a glorious desert/jungle/tropical setting and amazing sun, weather and time effect, and I'll love it. (Just Cause 2, Mad Max, Far Cry 3...)

8 years ago

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I voted Sci-Fi (Other), but it's basically all of the above, with anime being my least favorite.

8 years ago

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Well, we have that last part in common... ;)

8 years ago

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I knew I liked you for a reason.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Amine is a total non sense.

8 years ago

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Sci-fi, other. Bamf

8 years ago

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Superhero/Comic types because I can be one of those witty heroes like Spiderman

8 years ago

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Considering that Chrono Trigger is my all time favorite game, I probably should answer "all of them", because this gem covers pretty much all of those worlds. Well besides WW1 & 2. ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Dark fantasy, like Dark Souls

8 years ago

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cyberpunkie :3

and fantasy

View attached image.
8 years ago

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My first Android love.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 :)

8 years ago

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Sci-fi, other (e.g., post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk, dystopian, ...)

Exactly this, by far.

8 years ago

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My couch.

8 years ago

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setting, not sitting p
i'll show myself out

8 years ago

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Japan-fantasy based. Whether it is medieval, present day, or far future doesn't matter.

8 years ago

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How am I supposed to choose one setting? There is Fallout, and Arcanum, and Gothic, and Witcher, and Independence War 2.
Well, if I'm to choose general theme, it's none. The setting must fit the story and must be consistent. (no magical armors or bobble heads in Fallout setting ffs, you hear that Bethesda?)

8 years ago

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Certainly most of us like more than one setting-- but based on the ones you listed, sounds like Fantasy, medieval.
Same as me!

8 years ago

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Not really favourite (maybe a bit, due to memories from gaming beginnings - Eye of the Beholder and later). Fantasy/medieval theme just dominates the RPG genre.
Arcanum (get it, play it, love it!!) is steampunk with magic and technology as opposing forces, IWar - space sim, a bit like Privateer with cyberpunk shade (the world - corporations etc, not magic nor implants)

8 years ago

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I voted for 'Modern Day', but 'War' is a close second

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There's no poll option for Mushroom Kingdom

I don't really care. I'm more concerned about the quality of the game. Most RPGs are set in high fantasy, with the occasional, and refreshing, science fiction (and occasionally south park). At this point, Bioware could create an RPG in a sewer, and I'd probably buy it. Dawn of War and Company of Heroes are pretty much the same game set in different worlds, and are just as entertaining.

8 years ago*

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I knew I missed one!

8 years ago

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Sci fi I guess

8 years ago

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Probably medieval fantasy (or Tolkien fantasy as some like to call it, not sure if it's quite the same), with The Witcher 3 as a whole being one of my recent favorites.

8 years ago

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Hmmmm. It's kind of cheating since it's not originally a video game, but I find Dungeons and Dragons Online to have a very interesting world (because D&D, and it's even the more fun Eberron setting) and I loved the world of The Witcher III, not to mention Dark Souls or any other number of good fantasy games, so I guess Fantasy (all sort of apply, because Eberron is weird) would have to be my vote (though I tend to be more of a sci-fi guy for things other than games).

Cyberpunk presses my buttons, but there aren't a ton of really great cyberpunk games recently.

8 years ago

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