Still plenty of room for entrants and a high chance of winning the game Injustice: Gods Among Us.

I consider this puzzle easy, if you have questions or are stuck, tell me. 1 hour to go.

Fun Fact: I only bought a copy for Steamgifts, so I am playing the free version on my iPhone right now, it's not bad I'd say!

Edit: I highlighted the hints you can get from the comments I wrote.

The last puzzle I made didn't went that well. I didn't have crazy responses and people crying for hints.
There were 7 guys who solved it but already had the game tho. jesus christ, whaT a bummeR. Be4 I make a new one, I want to know what I can do better.

My puzzle wasn't even hard. Like I've seen people hiding codes to the forum, who does that? Everyone thinks it'll be a giveaway link, but a discussion link? And people still try.
They seem hard, but I don't want to maKe a very easy puzzle just that people Care. Cheezus.

So what is it that makes you try and try? I learnt one thing: Pop culture trivia that doesn't include anime is a no-go in this forum!
Maybe if people would know in advance that the game is worth puzzling for they will keep trying?! Like, what would people like? Non-bundle games are aaaaalways a goody. Superheroes? Beat'em up? Probably something people would like.

I wanted to force a hint on you, but since noone replied I guess I'll just keep writing that HTML code.

Why would you need more hints when you already answered the questions?

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Sorry to hear that mate.

I'll challenge myself to do this one!

9 years ago

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But what can I do better tho? :D

9 years ago

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Nothing, your puzzles look super smart and fun for me, I'm just being super lazy lately (:

9 years ago

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"It's not you, it's me!" Have you broken up with someone before? :D

9 years ago

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Yes, that reminds me of something. Might have been the other way around tho

9 years ago

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)-; !PMUB

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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There are puzzles I'll pretty much never enter, like programming one and such. And I don't like those where people make me guess/hunt down there favourite .... , they often leave too much to guess and I'm not interested in those.
But I, at least try, most others. I've entered puzzles to different themes, be it a country or animes or games and such. Don't care much if they're in some code/cipher I have to get first, ot if they're in plain speak.

hoffe du kannst damit was anfangen :-) wenn nicht frag mich nach einer genaueren antwort.

9 years ago

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Kann ich! Danke.
I thought that this was the reason why people didn't care that much in the last one, I had a bunch of players and guesses but it was pop culture mostly about movies that aren't known to be the gamer's favorite. Other questions were based on research and actually most could be googled but people still didn't succeed somehow. This one is easier tho. ;)

9 years ago

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It's not that I mind some google and/or wkipedia work, but I do these puzzle to have fun.
If they force me to hunt for something for an hour per question... they cross from being fun to kinda work, and I'd have to be seriously interested in the theme and/or the prize to do that. It has happened but is rare for me. :-)

9 years ago

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Q4 accepts an incorrect answer, but does not accept a correct one.

9 years ago

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The correct answer to this question isn't an incorrect one and the answer is necessary in the way it is written for the puzzle.

9 years ago*

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And therefore, bump for solved.

9 years ago

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Can't tell, personally i don't like puzzles that take more than 30 seconds,
a waste of time and thought, since elsewhere "real puzzles" are to be solved lol.

9 years ago

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Real puzzles are the ones that only take 30 seconds then? I wouldn't consider them puzzles if they are that easily solved.

9 years ago

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What i meant i don't like puzzles (obviously for GA's) that take more than 30 sec.
While "real puzzles" are whatever one might consider as something to be solved.

9 years ago

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I want to know that too. Sometimes I have problems in my puzzles to reach a decent amount of people trying to solve them.

Anime seems to be a very popular topic, since I reached more than 100 players in my two anime quiz.

My puzzle with more players was, paradoxically, the kind of puzzle that I hate the most: a vague puzzle without questions or specific topic, with lots of possible answers but only one of them valid. I don't understand people :\

My puzzle with less players was one where people had to guess the topic of the puzzle before answering the questions.

My easiest puzzle had 111 players and 76 solvers, consisting only in searching 5 easy answers in google.

Puzzles that required some time of work, as translating from a known alphabet or using external programs to manipulate images, had around 50-60 players. That number raised until 80 when the alphabet I used was from a video game.

That makes me think that anime and video games are the trending topic on puzzles.

9 years ago*

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I think the same way as what you just stated.

Anime related puzzles always a crazy amount of people participating actively.
I remember one puzzle where you had to answer to anime images. For example the question was a picture of a girl and the correct answer out of a million possibilities was "cross-eyed". People went crazy about it, but at least they tried and tried.

I think it might be completely random tho what puzzles create a lot of attention and which don't, although video games and anime are a safe bet.

My first puzzle had 158 players, which is a lot I guess, but only a small amount solved it, like 4 people, the rest solved after I released the answers. :D
Noone asked for hints tho as I have been used to from other puzzles I have seen.

But I am slowly learning how to design puzzles to make them appealing. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Solvo, bumpo.

9 years ago

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Playing in a varsity football team and having a car makes puzzles popular.

9 years ago

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I must bump this!

9 years ago

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I stuck, how??

9 years ago

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No hints, now.

9 years ago

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I mean "I'm stuck here, how come?"

9 years ago*

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8 out of 26 people got it.

9 years ago*

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Have a bump for solved.

Just believe in yourselves, people~

9 years ago

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Does someone want a juicy hint?

9 years ago

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thanks :D :D
i feel awesome for solving :D

9 years ago

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Another lucky entrant and a hint added!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bump for solved ;-)

9 years ago*

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Thank you :)

9 years ago

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2 days left.

9 years ago

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FinAL hint added

9 years ago*

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Another entrant that won't say a thing, so I'll bump for him.

9 years ago

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popular games make puzzles popular games

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Take another look at the hints and at one comment I wrote in this thread. I think it should be obvious then, at least for someone who did some puzzles that don't include trivia before. :)

Actually... Look at two comments I wrote.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Still plenty of room for entrants and a high chance of winning the game Injustice: Gods Among Us.
I consider this puzzle easy, if you have questions or are stuck, tell me. 6 hours to go.
Fun Fact: I only bought a copy for Steamgifts, so I am playing the free version on my iPhone right now, it's not bad I'd say!
Edit: I highlighted the hints you can get from the comments I wrote.

9 years ago

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