You can try contacting Steam and ask them to fix this since it's an issue on their side
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And what they can do? Make rent price second in the list?
Valve has nothing to do with the site. Can not you fix price by yourself? Or fix CV giveaway creator's?
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This site has nothing to do with Valve and the data they have their API pass on.
This site uses that to get prices on all games. They are not going to do this manually.
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And why they can not did it manually? They adding games from bundles to bundles list, now they adding games with 90% discount to bundles list. They deleting free games from giveaway list. And all this they doing manually.
But fix price and CV - they can not. Greaaaaaat.
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So in priority:adding games to bundles list (Frequently late, which in people ratings are down, and months later) and deleting free games.
But correct price not bundles games - it is only users problem? Nice.
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I've frequently posted gibs OPs cant enter just to be a cunt when I felt they really deserved it.
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Unlike the bundle list or deleting free games, only the admin can manually change the value of a giveaway, and he has other things to do than editing hundreds of movies. Levels are just a silly bonus feature, it's never going to be a priority so stop whining about it.
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You wanna said it's only one problem? Only with this giveaway? Seriosly/?If yes - then suuuure, it's only my 4 dollar's problem.
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Tell you what, let us know when you want to pay support for their hard work. When you start doing that, then you have some reason to want them to hurry up and do stuff.
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Oh, fixing price manually - it is impossible.
I understand correct? They using user's help for create list of free games, but they not using user's help for create bundled games list and can not use user's help for create list of games with incorrect price?
Because it's to hard - allow to users send tickets through special form "Games was bundled. Link here link" or "Incorrect game price. Link here link".
Of course you right.
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Its not impossible, but it is a ****ton of work that isn't bloody well needed. Why should anyone waste so much time on something pointless like that?
The other stuff mentioned, want to know how hard it is?
Adding to the bundle list is as easy as posting that line. Done and forgotten. What you want is endless work with no reason to do so.
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Because it's to hard - allow to users send tickets through special form "Games was bundled. Link here link" or "Incorrect game price. Link here link".
This won't work. There's currently no framework for the support members to modify game/package/movie prices. This can only be done manually by the admin. The admin won't do this manually for each movie for obvious reasons.
The solution would be to either find a workaround (which he hasn't been able to find yet) or create the framework for support to modify such prices manually for each movie, but since the admin hasn't created one yet, he must not see it as a priority.
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And this is great problem - moderators have only a few permissions. Almost all features in one hands - admin's hands.
Because of this whole mess. Maybe someday, in 3.0 things will be different. Here it would like.
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The admin has to manually develop tools to allow us to do our work. He has quite a few items in his pipeline that are far more important than trying to fix CV at this point, especially since CV was never intended as something that would cause so much friction among the userbase and was never supposed to be something you want to min/max.
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Never said it's only with this giveaway, you're not making any sense.
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I lost $200 since last week btw, so don't worry it's not just you.
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But there is problem - I already bought 4 copy and I can not refund money, but I don't see reason to giveaway their here. Now I have 4 useless movie copy in my inventory.
P.S. If someone entering - it means someone need it.
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And how many of copy other gifts with broken value I should giveaway more? Before, I losed level's second time, because games were bundles many month later after I giveaway them. (I really didn't know, that games were in bundles. I get it with another way and they not were in bundles list here)
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Well, too bad for you. Less contribution value. Oh no. End of the world. /s
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If you are giving away only to level up, then you should know something.
This is how many giveaways are up right now for level 5-10:
(For me, currently it shows zero.)
Compare it to the amount of giveaways you see right now on the main page.
Do you understand now why levelling only for levelling's sake is pretty much pointless? Not to mention that if you want CV, buying from Steam store is among the absolute worst investments in terms of price/CV returns.
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So many answers and all useless. But I heard you all: it is only my problem. Sure.
P.S. Also, for all people which said "Lol. You losing 4 dollars. It's is World End". Looks like you all missed math lessons: 6$ (reall price) - 2$ (price here) and X 4 copy = 16 dollars. Not 4. But sure, it is not World's End.
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shrugs I have lost almost 200 CV in the course of my SteamGifts carrier so far, more than third of it from one single game's multi-copy giveaways, because it mysteriously entered the bundle list and I still don't know why. I envy you if this is a great issue for you, I have much more real-life troubles to hang up on losing some contributor value that can be brought back eventually with a few more bucks if I want to.
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You can find answer here
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And how I could check which value here? Can you answer?
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If you want to make sure, you can just start creating a giveaway for it and check the point value before sending. Then cross-reference the bundle list. If it is there, you get 15% of the point value as CV, if not, then 100%. (Until Shobo comes along to add the game to the bundle list with a one-year backdate. ^_^)
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Indeed. Preview shows value points. But my friend said that yesterday value was correct. And I bought gifts yesterday.
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Value is correct, but Steam reports always the lowest possible value('s non-discount price) for a game. Not just for SteamGifts, but for all sites that uses Valve's API. You can report this bug to Valve, but good luck finding anyone who will give a single fuck about it at that company.
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Why so much drama? Don't lie to your self you bought your copies for 14 rub each in discounts week (it was 5-11 september). Total 4x14 = 56 rub (0,82$).
Or in next week 20 each. Not to much.
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Are you sure that my store in rubles? And I said about losing level-points, not about losing money. If i could knew about this bug, I just could buy anything other.
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You won games from RU/CIS ocked giveaways, so it is either ruble or that really weird "post-Soviets pay in dollars, da?" region that I know Ukraine gets on some games where the American publishers still haven't heard about the Soviet Union breaking up.
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If Russian expansion and politics go the way they do, it is only a matter of a few years before the answer is: "yes, it is again".
But you are right, the answer is no, even if apparently over 95% of CIS residents on the site are from the Russian Federation or Ukraine (or what's left of it).
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CIS in dollars, discount with 75% 0,39x4 = 1,56.
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So. This is thread about hoe many I pay or about correct value?
And your data incorrect. It was 0.55$ in CIS store.
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Sure. Why not. Or i only one who buying game with discount and then giveway their? It's breaking rules or what? May be here allowed only games which never had discount? I didn's saw this rule. How about you?
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And here, Lade and Gentelmens, you can see another great minion's work. Bravo.
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How about another great idea? I will blcklisted you and you will ignore all my messages? Really good idea, right?
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jims9350, you are so petty. (Note: To be read in an admiring tone.)
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After wasting my lunch break time reading this thread, I really have to say that you've proven a remarkable patience. Kudos to that.
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I went to whitelist you only to find I already had you whitelisted X3
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Thank you kindly, sir! ^_^ And I seriously, I commend you for your patience (and trolling). I'd tip my hat to you if I wore one XP
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So many answers and all useless. But I heard you all: it is only my problem. Sure.
P.S. Also, for all people which said "Lol. You losing 4 dollars. It's is World End". Looks like you all missed math lessons: 6$ (reall price) - 2$ (price here) and X 4 copy = 16 dollars. Not 4. But sure, it is not World's End.
That your post, i just asked why so much drama about nothing? Make refund and relax. If you want farm CV, make normal giveaways, don't try abuse the system.
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It';s drama about inccorect site's work. And it's not only one example.
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Really? Nice story, bro.
All this level contributions just for fan. Sure.
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Yes, and now it's one of our top regrets. Never let a good deed go unpunished.
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Russians and CIS-users have different prices. You can check it on site steamprice or with exchange for browser like "steam exchange".
Anyway, this is thread about how many I pay for gifts or about incorrect value?
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If you spent money on something non-refundable that's your problem and has nothing to with the site, it's staff or it's users. If you'd searched the forum to query the variable prices listed on videos you would have been aware of this issue as it's been brought up several times - including every time a bundle has included videos. This isn't even restricted to videos, the same "issue" also applies to games in packages on occasion as well.
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Those things are done once, they don't cease to have been free or bundled. They just add a title to a database. Easy.
Prices can change. They would have to keep on top of it for who knows how many titles. Keep them accurate and update possibly many titles if prices change.
They don't get paid to do that all for some whinny user.
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And users can not help them? Users helping with creating list of free games but can not help with other? Correct?
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Users aren't helping them. We can't do the work on the site. That user updated list is unofficial to show users what has been removed, they don't update the site. Only the understaffed and unpaid support do anything of the sort. And they have bigger issues than caring about your CV.
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Really? There another opinion from another my opponent. And who right?
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Yeah, tickets don't mean we do the work. If they did work like that, I doubt any would take months to get a response. A few users will point out something that may or may not be known by support. They still do the work, by checking the ticket is correct, when the ticket in question is noticed by the relevant support member. And those issues are still something that only need to be done once. Added to a list, that is it, forever.
So again, what you want is significant work, will continue to be significant work throughout the whole time it would exist, with pretty no reason to exist beyond satisfying a few whiny brats who only care about CV.
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I said it early: "Special form only for incorrect value". Special form, where users can choose game from list and write in special form real price. And the same message will accumulate and appear first. I mean moderator see "16 same messages "Incorrect price "500 miles". Correct price 6 dollars"". And he think "16 same messages? May be I should check it?" If it will happening slowly - it's anyway better than doing nothing.
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Not really, no. Nothing is better. CG already has plenty to deal with, with most of the issues effecting everyone on the site, why bother with keeping a stupid list of movies prices up to date just to shut you up?
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Sure. They can don't do anything, because they have minions-slaves like you which spending the time to plug all. Nice work, minion. If anyone have question minions just said "shut up!" and everyone happy.
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Your 'issue' is of no importance. Oh no, you don't get a few dollars of CV. That is well worth the extra work for people that keep the site going, right?
It isn't.
CG deals with stuff that would bring the site down for the most part. That keeps him busy enough. If he had free time to deal with other stuff, there are other tickets people are waiting on that require him, plenty of them being months or even years old.
Maintaining a pointless list for the benefit of your CV doesn't even rate on the list of stuff he should be wasting his time on. There are games removed from Steam months ago with no value because he doesn't have the time to update that. Your items still give you CV.
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There's a total of ~10700 games on Steam atm, keeping track of them manually is an impossible task to cover for such a small team besides maintaining this site I would assume.
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Values are provided by the Steam API. The API provides the lowest possible price, which in this case is the rental price.
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I don't really know the technical details. I know cg tried to find a workaround once, he tried using another value that had then to be converted to get the price, but there were some issues with this too so it didn't work out.
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I can believe that Steam's API is pretty crap, but not seeing the second price value seemed odd.
Any idea if there's a way to make games that eventually went free to play not retroactively make CV people got for them 0(for example Life is strange ep1, King's quest ep1, Orion:Prelude, Evolve, etc)? Kind of like what is done with removed games?
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Manually fix the value. But since there is no tool to allow us to do this, only the admin can since he has direct access to the database, and it's just not a priority for him so he doesn't do it often.
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SG matches the lowest price to pay for the item, but unfortunately it matches to the rental price. And yes, you will get the CV for $2.
I have to mention that SteamDB also thinks the video is $2 due to the rental package.
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Pretty much, yeah, API just reporting the lowest price. The bundle including it dropped below the price of the game by itself during sale, so Steam reports that full price for the titles. It is only temporary.
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It often bumps people up, especially on the lower levels. In extreme cases, you can go from level 2 to 4 with it I think.
Keep in mind, if one wins a levelled giveaway and their level drops back, the creator can request a reroll, assuming they didn't send the game yet.
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I'm create giveaways for our little group, but it's doesn't means that I don't want level up. I already had 4 level but my level was downgraded. Now I'm again close to get 4 level. Why not?
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I've been Level 8 three or four times already. This happens.
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So, what we have in the end?
We had chance to see Minion's Squad in work (One user said that I should "shut up", another said that I shouldn't "bitch about it")/ Also today i was blacklisted 41 times (At the moment).
And I would like to say: nice work, guys. Seriously. You best minions that I have even saw.
And all answers that I got from all this minions: "Your problem. Go fucking away, we are fabulous cool minions and it's our party, bitch".
Thank you all. Your master can be proud of you.
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You forgot the ****
ing ****
that ignores all the responses here because ****
that stuff, you just want more CV. Who cares that it is a lot more work for someone already busy, not you!
Also, you started blacklisting first, so don't complain about that shit here. I didn't even blacklist you until I found this post (I generally do it for rule breaking rather than just being stupid or argumentative), because that made me check your own giveaways to see if you did that. Not that there is any reason for you to blacklist people, we can't enter giveaways from you in the first place. The last time you didn't make a private (and mostly region locked) giveaway was 9 months ago. What do you think we would enter?
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I don't care about blacklist and I don't start it first. It's another lie from your head. Have a nice day. We finish here, little lier.
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Well, I didn't. Yet I found myself blacklisted by you.
And 'little lier'? Your insults are getting worse.
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You lier. It's a fact. Oh. "Little" - maybe it's insult? How about insults from you?
Anyway. Do you want somehing else? No? Thennstop writing for me. We finish here, big (I hope now you will happy) lier.
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The price comes from here:
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there's also:
{"packageid":73298,"percent_savings_text":"","percent_savings":0,"option_text":"500 MILES - $5.99","option_description":"","can_get_free_license":"0","is_free_license":false,"price_in_cents_with_discount":599}]}]
Which is what most likely should be used.
They could add an "if this is true" (sorry, don't know what SG is programmed on) for:
then use the second lowest price (I'm assuming that all videos have a rent option and some have higher priced bundle options). That's my suggestion at least.
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Well, we have two solutions here, if your precious CV means that to you and you don't want to just suck it up and deal with it:
+Go make your own giveaway site. BuhBye
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I'm too cheap. Yep. But you no? Right? Oh, wait. You can only lick their asses. It's not enough to pay?
I offered a solution for the regulation of prices by the community, but you didn't see it, because it is too hurry to lick someone's ass.
Thanks for your opinion. But all that minion's like you can doing - it's write same bullshit and don't accept opponent's opinion. You even don't reading.
P.S. V1 was much better than V2.
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XD Lulz All you can do is resort to childish insults at this point. Can't even make decent or construction counters. I do not whine about my CV going up or down or being lost when things change. I never joined the site to earn "E-penis". I joined the site because I had spare keys and did not know what to do with them until I found this site. I do not trade nor did I want to do trades. I wanted to gift my games to people that wanted them. So if CV is gone tomorrow, it will be no skin off my teeth. A little annoying because it will mean when I did get to making giveaways again, I could not restrict it from some the lower level leechers, but then I am sure sgtools would find something to get around that annoyance. I made sure I understood this site before joining and doing giveaways. So I understood what CV was and how it could easily fluctuate, so had no expectations or goals on that, because as I said, I joined to give games to people who would hopefully enjoy them or at least wanted to try them. A lot of the games on my list may be bundled, but a fair few were unbundled when I gave them away. So I have bought and given away games that weren't just discards. I have made giveaway trains and threads. So while I am nowhere near as active as I was on here a year ago, I have actually contributed. The handful of times I have had to contact support, I have thanked them for their time, or tried to. I try to always thank those that I win games from. I have done lots of drops of keys (non-free keys, actual regular keys). I have randomly gifted several users on here with games from their wishlists. I have contributed in what manner I can, as I can. So my conscious is clear and I have nothing to whine or gripe about. Just get amused by the whiners like you, who try to argue with the sense and logic placed in front of you and who think that this already very free site full of free gifts and maintained by VOLUNTEERS (who already have busy full lives) owe you even more than they have already given.
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BTW, I read the WHOLE thread, with all your petty arguing and insults. I have to say that Delta, Talgaby, Jim, Tempete, and others have been MORE than patient to try to explain it all to you why it isn't happening. All legit reasons.
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I was polite and calm. I quietly expounded his thoughts. What were they doing, what are you doing? You are rude and insulting me. YMCA - this is your level of culture.
You minions, just having fun here. All that stuff that you write has no value. Only flood.
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Bring facts of why this won't happen and can't work, get accused of being a minion and then ignored.
Too bad you don't want to listen, because you sure as hell aren't getting anything else.
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I understand why it wouldn't work and wrote how it could be solved. I did it calmly and without insults. What did you do in response? Began to be rude. What can I do with what you are assholes and you have a lot? The important thing is that you continue to go into the subject and write to me. Why? Because you jackals, who did not want to leave.
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Read the topic again. And again. I'm started using rudes? No. Lie. So what you want from me?
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And why I should close topic? Maybe I want read another opinions. Not from old minions. They already leave her opinion there. I'm already read minion's opinions, but they keep writing same bullshit again and again.
I know why
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How i should call people which wrote " shut you up" or "bitch about it"? Oh, off course, you don't see it. You see only my comments where I call their "assholes". Great biased opinion, dude. Continue to ignore the rudeness from my opponents.
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Say annoying things about something continously AKA complaining.
Noone called you a bitch or anything, someone just said basically to not complain about something, difference.
While asshole is a pretty defined swear word to call someone.
You are the one just really wanting to see what you want to see and nothing else, thus why this topic is mute because you won't get anyone to agree with you.
If you don't close it i really hope someone else will then.
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So, "shut up" - it's normal for you? For me it's same that "assholes". You don't think so?
I don't tried shut up someone before they started. You didn't see it?
Also "bitch about it " it is also rude. Am I rude to him before?
It shows their rude attitude towards me. So in response, they received the same treatment.
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"to just shut you up." after a 2-3 hour discussion still keep trying to convince someone who doesn't want to listen..
Again context... And obviously there is also a slight language barrier with you.
Anyway this just results in a very long endless discussion too, again what is your point further with this topic?
You won't find anyone agreeing with you nor will this site change. Go try steamcompanion or something maybe that works out better for you.
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First "They shows their rude attitude towards me. So in response, they received the same treatment.". And it's my opinion about those words.
Second. All "very long endless discussion " created from simple users which doesn't know anything about this site and how it works. They can only hate, hate, hate. And I don't care about it.
But here some useful comments
Now you see different between normal useful comments and other bullshits which were written by trolls?
And these are normal comments are not visible in the ton of nonsense from trolls and minion's.
They know nothing, they can't help, but they write a lot.
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Truth is, all the majority of users on the site do is game the system. Look at all the copies of Tropico 4 that people got for free and put up, some with false entries claiming to be the DLC or a different package. Look at all the people who contribute the absolute minimum required to the groups they're in. Look at all the people who just barely hit level 5 a few years ago, and since have at most topped it up once or twice when their CV fell for some reason. Look at all the people who bought really cheap keys on G2A (many of which are probably RU/CIS keys that happen to be redeemable elsewhere, and were stolen in the first place), and then gave them away for full unbundled value. Look at all the people who scam free CV by creating fake GAs in their 10-person group for games they get elsewhere. Etc.
You are just another one of the many who scam the system. Nobody is going to do any work to satisfy you, because they all see what you are.
Personally, I blacklist people I discover doing most of the above.
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Scam system? So, if you get cheap key games that not have discount (instead bundles) in steam right now and create giveaway for people who can't get this game cheap for some reason - you scammer? Nice logic. Then we need one more rule - members can giveaway only gifts and value = lowest price in steam history. It's good for you?
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They scum because they create giveaway with one game (or DLC) but send key from another game. They broke the site rules. It's why they scum. Not because they buy some game cheap and giveaway here.
Enough to mix with one another. Rules are rules. Don't like the rules or don't like handing out the keys - write the admin. But he doing it free and you don't paid him for his work. :D Right?
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Why I'm not on your blacklist?
I do bare minimum to be in so groups, I buy from G2A/Kinguin, I'm giving away trash games so far I didn't participate in those groups and never will. But I do cover a lot of your requirements to be blacklisted.
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Let me tell you a story:
Long time ago there was a game called "Rubber and Lead" it was given for free on a site which name I do not recall. Young and ignorant me decided let me check if I can create a giveaway on SG and for my surprise I was allowed to creat one. So I created the giveaway and shortly after I started getting message notifications and when I saw the comment section there were bunch of comments warning me that the game is free and I should delete the giveaway. But I wanted to get free CV so I start arguing with those kind people that it's not my fault that the site allows me to create a giveaway for a free game. I gain decent amount of blacklist for that. And now after so long time I regret how foolish was this to argue with people which were right. I deeply regret making that giveaway not because of the blacklist, but because I let this awesome community down, just like you do it know. :(
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I'm have question. I'm asked your opinion about level-system guys? Or maybe I asked you about how many I paid for those gifts? No? Looks like no. Then why you wrote those bullshit? I'm asked question
Another question about value. Why for enter to this giveaway i need only 2 points? It's means value in american store 2$? But it is not true. Price in the american store - 6 dollars. 2 dollars only for 48 hours rent.
So, if I will giveaway 4 copy of gifts "500 miles", i will get only 8 level-points? But I should get 24 points..."
You can read it here
If you didn't see. It's a first port. And he is there Discussions Bugs / Suggestions
If you don't have anything useful about theme - go away, please. Stop spamming, trolling, flooding.
Also I want to say thanks to those guys
for useful comments
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This is what is happening right now:
1) You whining like a sissy
2) You showing lack of common sense
3) You getting blacklisted
4) You being angry
5) You feeling alienated
This is what is NOT happening right now:
1) Support granting your request
2) You winning this argument
3) You accepting things and moving on
4) You listening to me and closing the thread to get less harm
In which category should I put last sentence: You listening to me and closing the thread to get less harm?
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About your opinion in 5 paragraphs - I don't care. Haters gonna hate. I have my own opinion and flooders, trolls and minions can't change it. You don't know what I feel and fwhat I think. I read here many funny lies, like "store in rubles", "you start blacklisted first". Now I read that I'm was angry. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You all thinks that you are telepaths? Lol.
Why i should close topic? You can't pass up any open threads? Feel a compulsion to comment on all topics? I'm forcing you or others to write here? NoThere were several useful posts and I don't care what flooders write. I have sufficiently explained the situation?
Also, up your eyses and you will see it
But you can't pass up, right? You come and continue to write me some bullshit. And then whining, whining and whining as if I forced you to come here or write here.
you feel that "in the Internet someone is not right"? :D
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1) You have your answer - it's Steam API's fault.
2) You requested to fix it manually and it has been denied by stuff members already.
3) You're getting blacklisted.
I could pass your thread, sure, but I wanted to be kind and warn you it won't bring you any good to leave it open. But as you wish, leave it visible and gain more blacklists, this will certainly help you :)
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"1) You have your answer - it's Steam API's fault.
2) You requested to fix it manually and it has been denied by stuff members already."
You miss it
And before I get this answers - I read many, many shits. There is more than 100 stupid comments before those.
Also I have many stupid answers about my store prices, site's level system and other. And what? I should listen flooders which don't have anything with site staff? They just came for flooding and trolling. You wanna said it's not true? How many useful comments here? Almost all they - simple users. Price of they opinion - null.
I quietly read their nonsense and are looking for something that is useful. Well, what I add to the blacklist - so be it.
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And sleepycat give answer only 1 hour ago, but I'm created thread 6 hours ago. So...
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Ahhhh. Dude, RU and CIS are DIFFERENT regions and have different store. I seriusly.
And this site using american store prices for everyone.
0.22 - it's 86% too, Like in other markets. Just in russian store all prices lowest.
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Hmm. Then giveaway creators get 15% of 2 dollars instead 15% of 6 dollars. Lol.
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There is no need to add it to the bundle list if it counts as 2$. 0,22$ for 2$ CV is only 89% discount. If the price was changed to 6$, then it would need to be added to the bundle list.
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Hmm. Yesterday discount was only 86%. Im sure.
Anyway. 15% of 6$ more than 15% of 2$. I'm again say that question not about level, question about correct price in steam.
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So everyone knows most movies that have the rent option show up with the low price and also they can manually change the price. Most sid meir civ 5 and borderlans pre sequel are under steam value and not to mention All gamemaker items are maxed at 100.
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Points are capped at 100, but the giveaway creator still gets the correct price if it's over $100
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If I were the admin, I would have a lot of trouble not permabanning you after this. It really ticks me off when people feel entitled to things like this. You are not blacklisted for "going against the leader" but for your sense of entitlement.
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47,318 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by misterhaan
7 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AureasAetas
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206 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ViToos
Another question about value. Why for enter to this giveaway i need only 2 points? It's means value in american store 2$? But it is not true. Price in the american store - 6 dollars. 2 dollars only for 48 hours rent.
So, if I will giveaway 4 copy of gifts "500 miles", i will get only 8 level-points? But I should get 24 points...
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