Welcome, my battle-brothers. Chaplain O'Grady of the Ultramarines contacts you with the Emperor's gift at his side, to be given to the most pious and zelous of all his children. But for now, let us stand collected, just for a moment, so that I may enact the sacred rites as decreed by Him on the Golden Throne.

"At battle's end, speak the Liturgy in a clear voice. Respect the bravery of the living. Give the Rite of Passage to the fallen. Honour the battle gear of the dead. To do all this with reverence, even when exhausted by battle and weary from the field, is the duty of a Chaplain. It is his burden and satisfaction."

While I speak the rites, my brothers, I ask of you not much, only that you call for our extraction so that we might smite the scourge of this galaxy on another planet. Contact our flagship, the Fortress of Fear, by its sacred call sign. You do remember the sacred call sign, right? Chant with me:

By the Chaplains moniker

And the battle-brothers in the repository of wisdom

By the number of beaks on the Aquila

We shall fight the Chaos Gods

Screaming our Chapter's name in fury

Now remember that the callsign has two capital letters to denote the craft's class, two digits that identify it among its brethren, and the last capital letter to connect it to the chapter.

Off, my brothers, and make haste! We shall leave this barren wasteland by tomorrow, at 2pm terran time, or our crusade must come to a grinding halt!


1 decade ago*

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(Private Giveaway: Dawn of War 2) I NEED IT PLS I SEND YOU A GIFT BACK ^^

1 decade ago

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Don't be a prat and ask for stuff or even to trade stuff.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Do not despair, brother! Your zeal is well noted and shall be rewarded by the emperor. Join your comrades in their call and you too may become part of the crusade.

1 decade ago

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That's not how this works.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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got it. wasnt nearly as frustrating as that damn groundhog one! :D

1 decade ago

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lol wut

1 decade ago

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i hate puzzles

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Another fucking puzzle ?

1 decade ago

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Freedom in mind is freedom in corruption. You may choose not to participate, to fall to the daemonic powers of chaos. Should this happen: Do not despair! We are here to save your soul, and save your soul we will, even if it means your death in the process.

1 decade ago

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Another fucking lazy, retarded fat ass?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wow, this is the most impressive puzzle I've seen here so far! Also, what's the difference between terran time and GMT?

1 decade ago

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Due to a astropaths miscommunication, there was a slight test of faith. The astropath has been absolved; you have another 21 hours to call the battle-barge.

1 decade ago

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Let the Emperor's wisdom guide me through! Courage and Honour!

... or something like this

1 decade ago

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Hmm, I probably won't be able to crack this little nut open unfortunately, since I know virtually nothing about the W40k universe and most of verses of the Chaplains incantation seem to be referencing something or other from it's world.

Oh well, words of gratitude to the reverent O'Grady for his hard work in the line of fire nevertheless!

1 decade ago

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Despair not, for I have probed the depth of the astropaths webwork to ensure that each and every line can also be understood by those without belief in the true god-emperor of mankind so that those may come to enlightenment. Serve the golden throne, my lost brother! Remember: Your honor is your life; let none dispute it.

1 decade ago

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I'm too bad in puzzle ^^

Good luck all

1 decade ago

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I am quite sure of the answer I get from an hour of research but it doesn't work >.<

1 decade ago

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Since I never enter puzzles anyway, I think I'll stop torturing myself with puzzles just to comment. -_-

But Dawn of War II... :O

1 decade ago

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Wish I could get in but I'm crap at puzzles lol. well good luck to the others :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Stop being so creative with these puzzles, my humble brain molded by modern society isn't capable to solve them :c

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I enjoy these puzzles, but this one is starting to make my brain hurt! Bravo on a real challenge, at least for me.

1 decade ago

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Luv the puzzle idea!! How do answer submissions work though?

1 decade ago

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Each clue is a letter or number, and it corresponds with the giveaway url. So it's steamgifts.com/giveaway/xxxxx. Solving each clue gives you a character.

1 decade ago

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sweet thanks ;)

1 decade ago

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Well I give up. I have it thoroughly broken it down and I see no other possible answer to the question.

1 decade ago

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Ask, my brother, and I shall send aid to your side. For the glory of terra!

1 decade ago

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I pray to the God-Emperor for guidance, I see! I see! Off in the horizon upon this barren world the Aquila, head facing to and fro through time. I scream my chapters name everyday and night as we lay waste to the heretics, the mutant, and the xenos. Yet Chaplain I fail you in this quest, the battle barge lay heavy upon the planets outer atmosphere believing us a legion lost! Possibly preparing for Exterminatus to cleanse this already barren world even further!

1 decade ago

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Yo dog, can we get some clues because some of us are extra special... or just point us in the right direction on HOW to figure these out... I'm seriously blanking.

For instance, Chaplain's Moniker... so I'm thinking, military symbol... but then I find there are many depending on what religion the chaplain is. ME NOT KNOW!

1 decade ago

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Religion is the god-emperor of mankind, and the emperor of mankind is religion. There is only heresy outside of this, and you would do well not to corrupt your being by being exposed to it. An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unguarded and unbarred.

Also, please report to brother Dictus for the prayer of reading comprehension. Two monikers are correct, and one is given within the scope of my missive.

1 decade ago

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Holy shit I am not cut out for this!! XD

Well played OGrady, well played.

1 decade ago

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Can you tell us which are upper case and which lower case? Or is that hinted somewhere and I'm not getting it?

1 decade ago

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It is not hinted, battle-brother, but clearly stated. May Larraman clear your vision.

1 decade ago

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I think all the letters are capitalized, but that's the only clue I THINK I've figured out :)

"Now remember that the callsign has two capital letters to denote the craft's class, two digits that identify it among its brethren, and the last capital letter to connect it to the chapter."

1 decade ago

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Guess I;m more tired than I thought... for some reason "capital letter" got translated as just "not a digit" in my head...

And now that it's established that I'm too tired, I'm beginning to second guess everything... I thought I only needed to find the second one, now I'm not so sure.

1 decade ago

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Hooray puzzle solving!

1 decade ago

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Isn't there should be some digits there?

1 decade ago

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Really nice! I would love to get it except I am a failure at solving puzzles. Whoever gets this better enjoy it, or you are a #^%&*$%&@.

1 decade ago

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Whoa, now this is hardcore for me. D: The others was hard, but i did understand. With my bad english, im not really able to understand everything you said there. D: I will give it a try with an dictionary by my side. I don't even know what are you talking about in the text, what are the hints and stuff. Lot of words i don't know the meaning. Guess it would be easier for me if i wasnt brazilian. :P Well, i'll try. >:D

1 decade ago

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Chaplain O'Grady of the Ultramarines! I call upon your help to lighten my path in this dark hour. The repository of wisdom, could it be the mighty Codex Astartes? I search for the callsign for hours now, and I do not tire. After all, Heresy grows from idleness!

1 decade ago

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Doubtlessly the Codes Astartes is a great source of wisdom and knowledge, but yet our brothers do not work in it, as it provides no physical room. The local Epistolary may support you with lore and wisdom.

1 decade ago

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What the EEEH?

1 decade ago

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Nice giveaway!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by OGrady.