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A Sub contains different Apps, so there can be multiple subs for one game with different region locks or content. Subs and Apps have different ID numbers, so you can have a Sub 20101 and 20202 both contain the App 30213 for example.
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If you already own the game, then you can install the SteamDB extension, and when you try and redeem the key it will show you the Sub it belongs to.
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Sadly, steam has more than one way of region restricting keys, and checking by subid may be not representative. I've seen a key where steamdb showed no restriction, but I was unable to activate it.
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I'm afraid I can't remember now, it was a few years ago.
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As an outsider, it's a bit sad to see such restrictions in Russia, because the citizens of it didn't to anything wrong really, so why restrict them? Potential politics aside, I don't really see a solution, the only one I can think of is RU/CIS keys, which you don't wanna do. Excluding Russian users might piss them off a bit, especially if it's a valuable game. In this case, it's better to blame the developers (and big companies) for this, just to make a quick buck from the Ukraine war.
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didn't do anything wrong? So, electing nazi government is nothing wrong? Supporting genocide with money is nothing wrong (and that's exactly what you are doing when paying taxes in russia)? Sorry, that's opposite to doing nothing wrong. It's not russian government kill people, it's regular russians.
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The populace supports the leadership of any given country--sure. Did YOU stop paying taxes to your country's government when you opposed some of your own govt's actions?
The consequences of the government influence its citizens (and others)--but that indirect support does not always transfer to responsibility for the crimes of a government, morally to every citizen. Specifically, perhaps boloxer opposes this war. Is it enough to stop paying taxes or must all those opposed to the war 1) exit the country or 2) commit treason?
Let us keep in mind that boloxer is not whining about the consequences that he is experiencing because of the war; he is simply asking for advise for action. Perhaps Ryzhehvost's advice is: "without getting yourself into too much trouble, simply emigrate out of the country to cease your support."
Did YOU exit your country or commit treason when your own govt was culpable of an atrocity? Perhaps we all should be considering and preparing for an ultimate act of opposition if our own government is untenable--punishable by death in many countries.
"Live free or die" --motto of New Hampshire
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If my country will become fascist and start a war - I will just leave. And thus, yes, I won't pay taxes.
And it was not an answer to boloxer, my advice to him is below. I'm just saying that sanctions are not sad, sanctions are consequences of their own actions (or lack of one).
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Not anyone can leave though... if I could, I'd already had left by now (not Russia, not the same problems, but just a shitty government too). But there's the family, financial constraints, etc.
Although you can ask people to limit their tax contribution to some extent, and I very much agree that way too many people don't even give a damn enough to do that, expecting them to basically ruin their life, that's setting the bar a bit high. Particularly since, with this war, quite a few Russian expats have been robbed by their own bank / bullied / insulted / attacked just for being Russian.
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Support will not pick a new winner for region issues if the region restrictions were not set correctly when the giveaway was created. With the winner's permission, you can delete the giveaway and create a new one with the correct region restrictions. I am not positive, but when you want to delete one key from a multi copy giveaway, I think support can just remove one key instead of deleting the entire giveaway.
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I can prove that they have rerolled for this same issue in the (recent) past. It seems to come down to the moderator and this moderator has written that this is not an option.
We do sometimes incorrectly approve tickets, it happened to me few times when I was more active in delete / request new winner category. If it's caught up fast enough moderators with high enough permission can revert re-roll. With deletions it's easier as giveaway can be un-deleted in case of error.
On deletion I will lose credit for the successfully given keys. Even still, I have requested it anyways. Interesting to see how long this will take to address if ever.
Winner was not able to activate key, so you can make new giveaway even in case of deleted giveaway. Just make sure to copy key from giveaway page before you delete giveaway, it may be hard to recover it otherwise. Both in case of not received feedback or deleted giveaway you will lose giveaway slot.
The moderators have done this in the past. I have specifically asked for this but the silence of this moderator suggests that they are refusing this as an option. I have tried to discuss this very option but they have ignored messages and friend requests.
I think we manage to solve winner removal request within week now, it used to be months at some point, as we did not have any active super moderator. And ticket is less than week old. I was not the one giving initial reply to the ticket but I ignore random requests from people. For me Steam is not fast track for ticket to be solved, when moderator giving initial answer may not want to deal with SG matters and is offline. Plus only Super Moderator (+) can remove individual winners, and all lower ranking mods can do is forward request to someone who can help.
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If someone needs to delete one winner from giveaway they need to make delete giveaway ticket. But we will remove winner in question and deny ticket as a whole. That way one "problematic" copy is removed and people who successfully activated keys will keep their wins.
There is no category to remove only one winner from the giveaway so we do it that way. It's also not happening that often so I think separate category would be an overkill I think.
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Please allow me to interject myself here.
Support members should never be added on Steam to discuss a ticket. It is even in the Guidelines.
All questions and concerns must be directed through the support system on our site, and we ask users not to add support members on Steam for help.
Furthermore, tickets should only get discussed within the ticket itself (or a follow up ticket). Not outside SG. There is no obligation for any support member to discuss tickets outside of SG, because outside of SG they are gamers like we all are. Not support members.
And last but not least, Pete didn't "call you out". He responded to a thread you made about him. In a kindly manner, might I add, although I can feel his eyes twitching while writing the response ^^
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So much this. Currently, I work two jobs, studying for a CNC operator (that is taking away 2-3 hours of my free time every day 5 days a week) and 90% of my SG activity is focused on resolving tickets. What little free time I have left is used to play video games and unwind. This is an unpaid gig that I do solely to give back to this wonderful community that I've been with for more than a decade.
With all that said, sending me a ticket-related friend request and chasing me outside of SG for SG-related matters in my free time is incredibly rude and privileged - to put it mildly
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Just create region restricted giveaways for all countries except russia and belarus, problem solved (you actually came to the same conclusion). Russians don't deserve keys anyway.
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Ok, I feel like I need to explain myself. There is always a confusion, of what to mean by russians. In this case I meant citizens of russia, whith are ALL guilty in war and genocide, and not an ethnic group of russians. It can be guessed from the topic - since russians who are not russia residents won't suffer from region lock, but I admit that stating this more clearly was in order. So no, I'm not racist (russians are not a race), and not nationalist (It's about a country, not nation). This is not a hate speech, this is stating of facts - those who support fascist regime are not worthy of gifts. Are you disagree?
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talk about being between a rock and a hard place.. I feel ya, as you have already broken down the situation perfectly all I can offer is some thoughts and maybe a question.
I can see Support's point not wanting to reroll after the key has been viewed, it only invites trouble. Whether it´s possible to delete a single out of a multi GA as AllTrac mentioned before I do not know. As you already summed it up you´re left with the choice to take a Not Received or have the whole GA deleted.. now here´s my question, Do you really care??
You´re already at max lvl on SG so it can´t hurt your CV, on the other hand you never had an unsuccessful GA on record before. Guess it comes down to what´s more important to you..?
It´s a shame but nobody here is to blame for that unpredictable mess - going forward you´re spot on with your analysis again, either you exclude Russia/Belarus from at least your multi GAs or you stop doing multis at all to considerably limit the risk of it happening again..
at this time it seems impossible to keep up with which Dev has made what decisions in regards ro the crisis in Ukraine as can be seen with Steam AppIDs : /
hope you can keep your cool & the solution simple : D
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I had this kind situation before, but sadly the winner who couldn't get the gift due to region restrictions when I was explaining got pissed and blocked me instantly. My lesson learned is never create multiple key giveaways, always do them individually.
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Yeah, but the chance is petty low I think since usually a giveaway win rate probably is 0.0*% something.
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Making 5 giveaways risks having repeat winners.
As far as I know, the giveaway "rolls" for winner are processed in a queue, and if you win a GA your entries are automatically removed from other giveaways, so even if the 5 GA for the same game ends at the exact same time it should be impossible for the same person to win more than once.
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With bundle games, I always try to list region locks on the corresponding thread, including the recent RU / BY exceptions for what otherwise are ROW keys.
So one easy way to avoid some of the cases you mention is to check the bundle thread, but considering that there are more and more developers who add this restriction, it becomes hard to keep track of all of them. If you encounter such a case that is not mentioned in the bundle thread, I would appreciate a heads up so I can update it and hopefully prevent further giveaway reroll tickets.
You can also check on SteamDB if the ROW package (usually the store package) has any added restrictions, but with Humble Bundle it happens often that they don't deliver store packages, but some other package with the same content yet a different sub. The bundle thread also aims to list the accurate subs so that everyone can manually check before creating a giveaway.
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