I'm not sure if this is calling out, so I'll just assume it is, and all you keen detectives can easily figure out who I'm talking about.

Anyway, the situation is this: I've made some bundled games GAs oh, the shame and everything went silky smooth. The bundles were from Indie-gala and I've sent links by email to all the winners who redeemed their wins without any problems... except one (DUN DUN DUNNNN!).
He marked it as received before even getting the email from me, then I've sent him the email, got no response. I've kept checking at Indie-Gala and he didn't redeem it. So I've sent him a friend request on steam and he blocked me :O
Now it's 3 weeks later, the guy hasn't been on SG since and the game is still unredeemed and gathering digital dust.

Kind of frustrating. Another user could have enjoyed the game by now.

So what do you think I should do?

9 years ago*

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Should I be able to use unredeemed gift (for another GA, myself etc')?

View Results
No, the winner will forever hold the rights to the game
Yes, you've done all that you can, it's his problem for not redeeming it
Other (please explain)

Ask for a reroll. The user failed to activate it, so they are breaking the rules.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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I don't think they can ask for a reroll if they marked it as received already.

9 years ago

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I don't think it's that obvious because he can activate it right this second since he has the link.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Like Tzaar said, you can't re-roll after marked as received. Anyway, now it's in support hands and I hope they'll take this suggestion into consideration.

9 years ago

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Wow, what happened to the dragon?

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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ah, i saw that. but didn't know you change pics...

is that one from Star Wars? it's nice

9 years ago

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No idea, most of the images are from my wallpapers folder, which are just grabbed from the internet. :P
Reminder that this reply cannot be claimed

9 years ago

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now you are just impersonating Yunie! that's not nice

9 years ago

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I'd say what happened to the hydra, he's changing profile pics like crazy due to this event xD

9 years ago

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why did he even bother to do all that

9 years ago

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Report if it's not activated on their account.

9 years ago

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Maybe they are stuck in traffic??

Fun fact..it is only weird if someone sees you doing it

9 years ago

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Well, weird for me that is (and now maybe for those who read the post) :)

9 years ago

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Well i can agree that it is odd they just have not logged in since...giving they marked it,but have not used the key....i did have a winner once that took the full 7 days to log in and i almost re-rolled but they logged in on the 7th day lol.

This is why i use keys only,as i can unsend or not send the key,but that link unless you do a re-roll and hope it gets rolled before he logs in and uses that key..

It is still your call but like i said this is why now i just go to using keys,as if they have not logged in i can unsend the key and then ask for a re-roll.I guess in the big grand scheme of things,either way is a bit of a crap shoot?

9 years ago

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it's his game, don't use the key...

report him for not activating the games, just that. if he's so dumb as to mark as received but not redeem, he should deal with the suspension.

9 years ago

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I agree

9 years ago

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if it's been 7 days.. it's your right to request reroll

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Send in a ticket for an un-activated win for that peasant. :)

9 years ago

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You could ask for a reroll, but if he redeems it before your new winner gets their hands on it, it will become your responsibility. I'd personally just leave it as is.

9 years ago

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Check the winner's account. He may want to regift it.

9 years ago

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That's exactly what I was thinking. I feel like the winner is just waiting to regift.

9 years ago

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if you send him, need to be careful he hasn't traded it or something.
don't ask for a reroll if you are unsure if it was claimed...
not to his account

9 years ago

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I know for a fact it wasn't claimed because through Indiegala panel you can check it. It still has the "Give this link to your friend!" option, meaning no one ever opened the gift.

9 years ago

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than ask for a reroll before the game has been redeemed...
his problem

9 years ago

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Shit didnt see this reply before I posted... If youre sure he hasnt used it, Id throw in for a reroll. If he cared about his win, hed have activated it.

9 years ago

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Sacrifice two virgins to Cthulhu and pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster

9 years ago

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don't forget the Sauce

9 years ago

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Ramen to that pirate

9 years ago

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I'd say it's his. He's not regifting it. Hell he's not even active on SG atm. I wouldn't worry about it unless you see him back again. And I wouldn't give the key to someone else, he marked it as received and got the key. As was mentioned above you'd be the one SOL if you did a new one/reroll only to find out it was activated. Hell for all we know he got they key, gave it to a friend/gf, so now they key is no good anyway.

9 years ago

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Contact support as above said.

In the future if you see the winner marks as received before you send out the gift, try contacting winner first, never send gift before reaching out winner until you get a response.

9 years ago

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Report him using a support ticket for non-activated win. That's the one and only rule he broke. Any other action is not advised and may backfire as other users already stated.
If you wish to reclaim the gift, file the ticket anyway and request support to assist you before you do anything rash.

9 years ago

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Is there option to check if game was redeemed? If that was game key I wouldn't risk creating GA for it as it might be used on another account :)
Not sure how it works with links :)

Edit: Nevermind... Seen you have responsed to simillar question when i was writing this xD

9 years ago

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On Indiegala it says "This game has been claimed by ..." if you follow the link and activate it to your account.
So he can see it´s activated or not and from which mailadress.

9 years ago

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Seems like usefull feature.

9 years ago

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This is the only reason some people prefer IG gift links, even if you have to send them out manually. That check-up feature is a godsend.

9 years ago

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If the link is still unclaimed, I'd generate the key for myself and ask for a reroll, then send the key directly to the new winner.
If he really never logged back in to the site since then, reporting would do no good, he may not even realise he was suspended when he ever comes back.

9 years ago

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Claiming the key for himself does sound like a good idea in this case.

9 years ago

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I sadly regularly did that with problematic winners who I couldn't contact after they never checked their email. It is also a course of action support will advice to do.

9 years ago

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Hmm this is the best course of action that I can see right now. I'll contact support first like many others recommended and your offer will be my 2nd option. Thanks!

9 years ago

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Make sure you reveal the key yourself right now so no one else can steal it. If you then need to send it to someone later, at least you know it will work.

9 years ago

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Be careful with that. IndieGala links are public. Once redeemed, everyone that follows the link can see the key and the email of that who has redeemed it. Big flaw in my opinion.

9 years ago

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I'm not sure I understand - How would they follow the link? Where is it presented for the public?

9 years ago

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I'm assuming the winner already has the link.
If you redeem the key for yourself, they are able to see the key and your email.

9 years ago

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That doesn't make it public, though.
In any case, it's just one person that is privy to this information and that individual hasn't been active for 3 weeks already.
Odds are that if/when he wakes up from his slumber the key will already be used by another user who would actually play the game :)

9 years ago

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Edit: You are correct. I just tested it with a game. I generated a gift link and claimed it with my own email. I opened the link and discovered the key. I then went back to the original gift link and it brought me directly to the key.

I thought once someone claimed the gift link it sent a new link to their email to get the key and the original gift link doesn't work anymore, but I guess I was wrong.

9 years ago*

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report him for not activating game =)

9 years ago

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report him for not activating the game but its his key you should not ask for a reroll

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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steam has a lot of problems with account hijackers, if you gave him an oddly long or shortened url it's possible they thought you were a bot especially with your low steam level, for example:
otoh it's possible the winner was a bot/re-seller
raising a ticket and having a mod look into it is the way to go

9 years ago

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Didn't know level 16 is so low. I'll work on that ;)
In this case, though, it's not applicable because I didn't contact him through Steam (remember - he blocked me right away) only by email, with a proper indiegala link.

9 years ago

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It all depends on what you do with your account. I've had my steam account for 10 years, have 575 games, and i'm only level 12, lol. I don't like to use it as a social network, I don't care about cards, and I don't do anything to raise my level. I use my steam account to play games and that's about it. I talk to people sometimes when I play games like counter strike.

9 years ago

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really we all have a bit of catching up to do...

9 years ago

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Na, I can't find enough time to play my games. I have no interest in spending time and money to raise my steam level, I'm happy being at 12. I actually prefer to keep my steam level as low as possible because I don't like the level system.

9 years ago

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The right thing would be to ask for a reroll, mainly on the basis of not being able to reach him. (It's not your problem that he marked it as received...)
So you'd get a reroll and can give the link to another user. The only problem with this is that indiegala links (and therefore the key) is accessible to anyone who has the link. So theoretically he could access the key after he was rerolled but before the new winner claimed it. That would suck...
But given the fact that person didn't do anything in the last three weeks it seems very unlikely he would redeem it all of a sudden

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wow I think I just found an alternative drug to go to sleep.

9 years ago

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[This will not work, read edit 2 below]

I think you can claim the indie gala gift link with your own email and then you can discover the key for the game, but don't activate the game. Now he cannot use the link you sent him because it has already been claimed and you can ask for a reroll and send the key to the new winner.

Edit: I guess I should of read the entire thread. Someone already mentioned this.

Edit 2: I just tested this and he will still be able to get the key from the original gift link even if you claim it to your own email.

9 years ago*

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hmmm...maybe the user is in vacation and has no internet? xD Happens often to me. Would maybe explain why he marked it as received befre he got it, because he knew he wouldn't be able to mark it in the next weeks. But 3 weeks is a long time. strange.

9 years ago

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He was online (on steam) many times in that period, believe me I've checked.

9 years ago

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oh, i see. Hmm...so he blocked you in steam, but some people do this with all the users they don't know. I think I would try to contact him via email again. Would give him about one week and then maybe ask for a reroll. The only problem is, if he redeems the key in the time you are giving it away again, 'cause he still has access to the key....

9 years ago

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Chances for that are really low after this time.

Plus I did a little research on this user. Sadly, my hunch about his nationality was right on the money, which means good chances that he never bothered to read the description about a gift link being sent even after he won.
Also, the account has thousand of hours in Dota 2 and CS:GO and only card-farming amounts on some other, mostly bundle levels games, which indicates an alt account used for MP (or, given the amount of hours, probably an alt made after a VAC ban). That would explain his presence on Steam but not here (most likely rarely logs on to SteamGifts from the alt).
So, all put together, he won't really miss this key and maybe a new winner would actually use the gift.

9 years ago

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So you sent him link to redeem game? I see another option not mentioned above. Maybe he want to sell your game. Thats why he blocks you and why game still not taken. He searching for buyer...
In any case its work for SG support. You've done what you can.

9 years ago

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