On lower ranks it's hard to find cheaters, they are probably smurfing.
Anyway I've noticed an increasing amount of cheaters in csgo (based on my overwatch experience)
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Yep, when I unlocked overwatch I tried a few cases: no cheaters, just some report for rosick I guess...
I've done some cases every then and now, but lately it's totally different, I've seen a couple of blatant wallhacker in a row...
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I've said "it's hard", not impossible.
I guess he wasn't that clever xD
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Some people are pathetic losers that don't care about anyone else but themselves. Those are the kind of people that use cheats in online games. They're not skilled enough to be as good as they want to be in a game and they don't care about ruining the game for others by using cheats.
It's quite unfortunate that those kind of people exist, they ruin a lot of games.
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they do it because they can and there are no repercussions (maybe a vac ban, but what's the problem? pay $15 and buy another csgo).
i used to play multiplayer games in a cybercafe years ago and no one ever dared to cheat or troll, because they knew the person next to them would go to their chair and break a keyboard in their faces. :3
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Well,if you choose games where the average user base's age is in the single digit, it is partly expected…
As for others, because for some people they think anonymity gives them a superpower and intelligence, and some only can find a sense of success in online games, not in their lives.
Other are just assholes.
High-level competiting MP in many games (especially outside console shooters) tends to have next to nothing of such things. (They are mired in dreadful and cheap internal politics instead.)
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Because theres a lot of stupid people, its scientifically proved
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Because people are assholes. Like, in general. You're an asshole too. As am I. We don't notice this because, hey, it's us! We're nice, right?
No. We're assholes. We just don't know it or don't want to see it.
Online multiplayer games are just a reflection of real life. We're assholes in there too.
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Because these are people that have nothing else, whatever stupid game they have, is the full extent of their life
Being better or shame others, without having to work for it, makes them feel accomplished
I found cheaters on the soul series, you can't be more pathetic than that
Since we are talking about cheating, where would you put abusing the game problems to your advantage?
How close to cheating would you put it? Ive done it before, last one was sonic all star racing, there were and still are ways to skip part of the tracks and no hit box walls, and ive done it not only on mp but also for the trials.
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It depends on how the makers of the game deal with the players exploiting the bug.
I came across a similar problem in one of the modded maps of CoD 4 where crouching at a certain wall would remove all buildings from the map and reveal the location of the enemy players. I personally didn't find any thrill using the exploit and since it was on a local server where most people knew each other, most wouldn't do it. But it got fix quite soon.
In LoL, using an exploit for your advantage is punishable. If someone finds an exploit and use it to their advantage, then he may be temporarily suspended or banned.
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I never played lol, even if it is a competitive game, Imho developers should be punished for their lousy work and not the player
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IHMO, some people dont want to spend time on a game to be better, so they cheat becaus killing others is fun, dying for everyone isn't. I'ts stupid but if I think something different from this I'll end being like you: giving up from MP games. And I dont want to give up... =)
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I remember when my roommate played CS:GO through my Steam account because he was cheap bastard who didn't want to buy the game. His continuous raging (typical Russian "pidoras suka blyat") started to become annoying. That's when I changed my steam profile name into Russian curse word play. I had my lulz each time some Russian player started calling him that word and he couldn't understand why that was happening :) Oh, such good times...
In short, I'll agree with RealNC here. Everybody is an asshole.
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I started hating Smite today. I have only started to play it since it was available on Steam and I am only level 12 or 13. I was still learning the game, so I ignored being called the obligatory "retard". But getting AFKs in 8/10 games today was just a deal breaker for me.
And I agree that some people just don't want to improve and worse is when they also play ranked games. Couple of days ago, I was playing LoL ranked as an ADC and my support continuously attacked the minions, missed nearly 75% of the skill shots and never used the shielding abilities. I started politely by asking him to stop. No reply. Desperation kicked in, a few harsh words, even then no reply. I kept pinging on the map to make him stop. NADA! Somewhere in between he decided to start a rant, and it was in a language I did not understand. It was one on the most cringing experience lately.
Anyways, just like you, I tried DotA. I just found it too complex to be fun. I sucked at it, I tried to improve but I couldn't and then eventually quit.
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I played DotA after i want to quit LoL but nothing changes. When i try to play solo every match has at least 2 afk and i played a match there is 7 afk. That's when i am done with Dota. I tried every moba you can call but nothing changes. Nobody reads before the game nobody cares what you should do to win a game. Most importantly nobody listens what others are saying. So now i play online games casually for expamle i play only ARAM in LoL or i play it when my friends calls me. But i am enjoying Rocket League a bit though i suck at it. Like you i seek challenge in offline games now.
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One of the common elements with bad attitudes and elitism is that players are rewarded based on their performance, so if they feel their team is playing even a tiny fraction below 100% effectiveness, they feel they are being robbed of a reward or progress that they are 'owed'. This leads to a teenage/adult version of a tantrum, which sometimes masks itself with a basic layer of charisma in hopes of redirecting attention or blame elsewhere.
Cheating is also a circular problem. When a person becomes so convinced that they are surrounded by cheaters, they feel more compelled to also invest in a cheat system to equalise the playing field or just straight up 'get revenge' on any perceived hackers. I imagine quite a lot of cheaters only enable their aim assists and wallhacks when they suspect other people of already having done the same, and once they get used to this behaviour, they probably just start to leave their wallhacks enabled "to monitor enemy for hackers". It's a whole lot of confirmation bias that leads them to become the very demon they were supposedly fighting against. This is all done without even a pinch of irony, and while totally overlooking the effect that tiny lagspikes or ping disparities can have. Then on top of that you also have spray patterns (the fixed 'fountain' effect of the bullets that CSGO uses in place of active upwards-kicking recoil) which gives the impression of other people being waaaaaay too accurate, when in fact they may just be far better at compensating for the absurd game mechanic.
(I'm actually quite good with the Negev, the most inaccurate weapon, simply because I instinctively learned the start of the spray pattern while screwin around, and can now full-auto people in short-mid ranges easily, and with a little luck even threaten people at mid-long)
People also tend to cannibalise their teammates out of anger. They fail to realise the frustration they feel is due to the game design and the very nature of PvP (to feel good, you need to drop someone from the round, to feel bad, you only need to be a +1 kill to someone else). Rather than sigh and grumble about it in general, they prefer to have a scapegoat, someone they can lash out at and feel so very justified and holier-than-thou over. Instead of just venting passively, they start to hate on everyone and everything, which just creates more negative feedback when they're told to fuck off. The more pissed off you are, the less focus you devote to strategy and fine reflex. The weaker you play, the more you die, the more you rant, the weaker you play.
Because they're immature.
And also because certain elements of game design combine with anonymity and group-think to turn otherwise reasonable, civil people into slobbering frankensteins of ape rage
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~9 years ago in CSS, I was watching a cheater in spectator mode. It was literally holding "W" and shooting as soon as the crosshair locked on the head. I couldn't understand the motivation behind it, sitting there for 30 minutes (before he left) and just holding one button and occasionally hit fire.
After a long abstinence of gaming (due to several reasons) I started my first FPS since CSS/Half-Life² - the first CoD: Black Ops. And singleplayer was exactly that: holding "W", aim into the general direction of the enemy and spray them to death.
It requires no skill, no real interaction and it's not rewarding (okay, maybe if you're also pride of a "participation trophy").
So: I dunno.
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It's same as asking why people rip off each other in real too. Basically same reasons, which varies from person to person. But in end is about gaining personal satisfaction of some sort. Many if not all want things easier, or to get unfair advantage. I mean just ask yourself if you would want to have super powers in real life, I bet you would answer yes.
Ofcourse there is a lot more to discuss why people cheat in games, but I feel too lazy to type more about it. :P
AFKers and leavers are a different case in some sense though. Just like ragers and flamers are. It might be about real life issues, but mostly it is just how you feel. Anger is quiet normal and many take gaming personally. I mean gaming is personal, just like work is. You use your time on it and losing in it is stressful more or less. Nobody wants to feel like their time is wasted.
But again, too lazy to go deeper into it. Maybe this gave some perspective.
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Apparently it's because people assumes others do?
I'm not sure I agree with that article.
Tropico is good. :)
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Although I haven't played CS:GO a lot, I feel the most people exaggerate or misjudge when it comes to cheating, I'm not saying that cheaters don't exist, but basing on my personal experience they are really rare. With more than 100 hours in that game I'm convinced that I've never met a cheater. In quite a few games good players or smurfs were convicted of using hacks, when in fact an enraged team couldn't deal with a failure. And that is the problem - some players can't understand that they won't always win and someone will be better then them, so they throw a tantrum and flame everyone. Why can't people accept that?
I can agree that trolls and AFK players are annoying, though still they are rather uncommon.
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Why do some people spoil other people's time for fun? I have been into multiplayer gaming since past 8 years but I am really giving up on it. It's been one of those days, one game after the other and I just see, generally, how egotistic gaming community has become.
I played LoL in the morning. Had good games. Had bad ones as well. Came across teammates flaming everyone in each game. Got turned off, moved on to play Smite. Played about 10 games; of which 8 had an AFK/leaver. Got angry, wrote a "Not Recommended" review on Steam. Played Counter Strike GO deathmatch and really got some extra whooping than the usual. I am not really a good CS player but clearly there were couple of players who weren't playing fair. One of the guy left after a game, the other didn't so I decide to spectate and voila! Wallhacks... Cheating is a common thing in CS GO... But guys really?
Do you really have to sink this low to sate your ego...?
Going to play Tropico now :\
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