Well either I got the wrong guy or I am totally lost in this world.
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How am I getting on so many blacklists? Do I come over as such a dick?
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Congrats on the milestone! D
I'm also looking forward to your "little exercise" when I have the time.
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I can't even manage to complete Q1. I have no idea what I'm seeing in that picture. OH, well...
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Same here, it was a bit more complicated though. zelghadis made a bad joke about my person on the public Steam chat ruining my chance to make friends/be one of the true members of the group (I hope You know how it works and what I mean). I complained about it on his private chat. He said I made "a drama" and here I am - blacklist! He don't even want to understand or give me an opportunity to explain... really childish... (maybe here is a connection to the emoticons? :) )
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that's not a reason you got on BlackList - once again I cannot tell why you get there (calling out) - but you're one of the people who deserves blacklist the MOST.
So stop posting bullshit about me and my blacklist - you know exactly why you got there (you even PMed me today about it), so you're just spreading lies.
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It's too hard!
Missing Q6 and Q10.
Any clue on 6?
And about 10, i just can't find a single nun. Nun is some kind of religious woman, right? (I'm not english)
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okay, i keep on searching then, i have to solve this :D
EDIT: solved. facepalm 2 times.
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So I finally hit 2k CV Milestone! So I created a great adventure for you guys and gals :>
All you need to finish is google maps and spirit of exploration!
You should start HERE (there are no multiple stages this time ^^
GL ALL! I may or may not update this topic in time ;p
And you have 1 week :>
I repaired Q3. If it's sltill not workicng copy-pasta: https://plus.google.com/photos/108648089614826670458/albums/5876816590520671505/5876820170502896626?pid=5876820170502896626&oid=108648089614826670458
Credits to Smythe for awesome idea xD
All questions could be answered using google maps street view :>
Q1: After travelling mentioned 24 steps you were supposed to look right and then you would see big-ass lego bricks :>
Lego Bricks
Accepted answers were:
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
LEGO: The Lord of the Rings
Q2: After finding roundabout you should go left, at the level of Carntall Rd if you turn right you would see mentioned characters :>
Wallace & Gromit
Accepted answers were:
Wallace & Gromit
Wallace and Gromit
Q3: After clicking Photo Details at right side of the page you would see clickable google map with location of where this photo was shot. It was Köln in Germany. Close to this location is koelnmesse where mentioned event takes place :>
Original photo with googlemaps link
gamescom location
Accepted answers were:
Q4: The given location was for Kremlin in russia. If you look around exactly at given location you'd find this picture:
Samsung at Kremlin
Accepted answers were:
Q5: Looking at google maps you could see there's a Ghibli Museum in the same park as given location. At lest side of museum is entrance, and there you could see those flags:
Starting Location and Ghibli Museum
Accepted answers were:
Q6: Plaza as atated in definition is A public square or similar open area in a town or city. And there is one right next to Eiffel tower. You should street-view the only location viewable on this plaza (not at the road!!) and you would see this (X is one of PS controller buttons):
West Pillar of Eiffel Tower
Accepted answers were:
Pilier Quest (i failed at reading it first ;p)
Pilier Ouest
Q7: At many places next to the track you could see him :> He's a famous person from UK TV Show Top Gear.
The Stig
Accepted answers were:
The Stig
Q8: After moving mentioned 25 steps you should look right and up and see this:
CDProjekt building
Accepted answers were:
The Witcher
Q9: Take 4 steps north and then turn camera backwards. You should see this:
Bird Attacks!
Accepted answers were:
Q10: On link given there was a link to google maps and it was your starting location. After going 9 steps south you should look at stairs on the right. Sitting there is a girl wearing bikini and nun-hat :> 1 step further you could see that other girl sitting behind her wears same hat as well as that if you look closely you can see her actual hair under the hat :>
Bikini Nun
Accepted answers were:
Q11: At the middle of the road you could see the mentioned car with company name written on a door :>
Strachman Car
Accepted answers were:
Q12: Take 4 steps east, then turn right and go 3 more steps in this direction. Turn around - you should see Red Bull Logo on door and above it theres Crowned Logo of a beer.
Crowned beer
Accepted answers were:
Oranjeboom Bier
Q13: Go 4 steps west and turn right. Vader is right behind blue car. Now turn around and you can see this banner:
Accepted answers were:
Mars Needs Moms
Q14: After 24 steps you could see this car parked at right :>
Garfield Van
Accepted answers were:
Q15: You should follow main road called Mińska all the time until you get to the level of McD. It was 105 steps away, but I accepted answers +5 and -5 from it. You could also bruteforce answer, as with +-5 margin you'd only have to check 90 possible answers :>
Starting Location and road to follow
McD Location
Accepted answers were:
LAST STAGE: After all this you were given a simple puzzle: sqrt(4)(1 letter) MOST COMMON BAN ON STEAM(3 capital letters) v(1 letter xD).
I got asked where did I come with ideas for each question, so here's an answer:
Q1. I googled lego, but didn't wast something as obvious as Legoland, then I found address for this shop and it had big blocks next to a road xD
Q2. Found on some site with interesting locations on street view :>
Q3. I've been to gamescom in koln and I've been on this bridge with all these locks - it's actually very close to where gamescom takes place - so that's where idea came from :>
Q4. I have many friends from russia in my Steam Groups and wanted to do something for them, and when I think Russia - I think Kremlin - so I wandered a little on Kremlin using Street View looking around and then saw this Samsung Logo :>
Q5. An big Manga nad Anime fan I wanted to do something related based in Japan. But also wanted it to be something more popular, not just a niche few otakus would know about. So 1st I researched Studio Ghibli - but it was normally looking building, just with small name-plate in front - but during research I found location for Ghibli Museum :> I wandered around a lot and generally loved the whole park, so that's idea behind that question :>
Q6. This one I designed especially for Nonos xD I was thinking France, and when you think Frane you think Eiffel Tower :> and I found this little spot with street view from plaza, not from a street, looked around, seen Cross and thought "Cross = PS Pad" xD
Q7. This one I found here. I love Top Gear, so I love Stig so had to add it there :> just walked a little bit so he wouldn't be visible right away :>
Q8. I'm from Poland so I had to add it here :>
Q9. Found it looking for "unusual" street view pictures :>
Q10. Found a nun on StreetViewFunny, then looked around and it turned out the closest hotel have it's webpade with link to google maps, so I used it :>
Q11. Wanted to do something in New York - Originally Q was about counting how many cars are parked between Broadway and Amsterdam Awe, but as I didn't know should I count this white car and wasn't sure for some others are they parked or just staying there for a moment I decided to go with White Car that was just parking :>
Q12. When I was in Holland I loved the small narrow streets next to canals, all these boats etc, so wanted to do something here, Was wandering around on Street View and I found this pub :> Wanted people to explore a little bit, look how beautiful it is, that's why you needed to turn to find it :>
Q13. Found Darth Vader on StreetViewFunny. Then looked around for something I may ask about and seen this giant banner at other side of the street. Also if someone doesn't find Vader it's hard to bruteforce, as there are shitloads of banners on whole Hollywood Ave :>
Q14. My friend who always solves my puzzles and I was sure he's gonna solve this one as well loves Garfield. So I researched for something Garfield Related on Street View and found that xD
Q15. It was designed as a lazy time-waster and it's easy to misscount especially when street view lags, so I thought it would be an awesome idea to mess up with solvers :>
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