I've been thinking about this question for a little and thought I might ask you guys as well. What is your earliest memory of playing a video game, any type of game? Or if you are not sure of the earliest one, feel free to tell us about a very old, happy, gaming memory of yours.
For me, it has to be around the early 2000s, probably between 2004-2006, late at night, for some reason I wasn't asleep at that hour, playing that Tetris game from "Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games" with my mom, on my uncle's computer at the time.
It is quite a simple memory, but one I cherish a lot and like to go back to every once in a while, at least mentally, since we can't turn the time back.

Small Deep Rock Galactic GA, bot proofed by a very simple 20pc jigidi: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/340ri3on/timon-pumbaa-s-jungle-games/

Bonus Giveaway courtesy of TragicBronson: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/8eVhMEMORIESq/contra-anniversary-collection Many thanks to him <3

1 year ago*

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Two early memories:

-- Playing Frogger on the Atari before my parents took me to school.
-- Wandering around Skara Brae trying to find the Review Board where I could level for the first time in Bard's Tale 1, then later getting a shock when I wandered into a random dungeon room and was attacked by 4 groups of 99 barbarians. Good times.

1 year ago

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Hmmm, video games. Pong circa 75/76.

Card games, probably about the same time or a year earlier.
Fond memories of playing Gin Rummy with dad.
He'd never go easy on me and let me win a hand I didn't legitimately win.

1 year ago

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My oldest gaming memory is the first game I ever played, as far as I know. It was some obscure, unfinished game demo on a floppy which I don't remember the story of how we got our hands on, it's called Darkwolf. For a long time, there was no trace of it on the internet - but the internet is an ever-growing wealth of information, and not only can you now find information of the game, you can even download and play it.


1 year ago

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I did no know about the existence of this site, thanks!

1 year ago

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I have fond memories of double dragon/river city ransom/tetris/contra/duck tales/Doom/Top Gun/Punch Out! and the old pc version of Pirates!, but I don't know which was my earliest memory. There was some also a text adventure game for the pc where something called a grue would kill you in the darkness, but I don't remember the name of it...maybe it was Zork. I guess probably one of those.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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The second image seems to be broken :(

1 year ago

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Sometimes that happens. Not sure why. You have to click on the little box underneath to see the image.

1 year ago

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Combat, Air-Sea-Battle, Space Invaders and Outlaws on the old wooden Atari 2600

1 year ago

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Probably playing Pac-Man, Combat and Video Olympics with my older brother on the Atari 2600.

1 year ago

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My dad used to be a cop. One day he brought a Sega Genesis from a raid they made to a sort of black market. He even brought it in a garbage bag. My mom and I connected the console and played a vikings game similar to streets of rage. Don't even remember the name. That was around 1998.

1 year ago

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The Lost Vikings perhaps?

1 year ago

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I didn't checked before how it was called, It seems I remembered it in a viking setting due to one character outfit, but the game is more conan-like. It's called Golden Axe.

1 year ago

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Pokemon Sapphire on a GBA a cousin of ours let us play on a visit. 👍

1 year ago

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super mario flash and some spiderman game that had venom

1 year ago

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First game I ever played was "Stargate" on an Atari 2600 Junior in our living room, sitting wayyy too close to an old CRT TV, playing for hours on end until Mum called for dinner. From then on, I was hooked.


1 year ago*

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My first gaming memory is most likely from early 2000s too, and it was some flight/spaceship simulator from 80s or 90s. I was really bad at it :D

1 year ago

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Wing Commander?

1 year ago

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I'm not sure which game it was, but I don't think it was Wing Commander.

1 year ago

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It's the first one that comes to mind from that period ^^

Happy cake day btw.! :)

1 year ago

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Thank you :)

1 year ago

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When I was little, I would play Solitaire, Minesweeper, and 3D Pinball Space Cadet on Windows 95. I also remember playing CD ROM games we would borrow from the library back when that was a thing.

1 year ago

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Super Mario Bros on the NES
i was like 6 or something

1 year ago

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Someone mentioned prince of persia (the old one) which same, and to add something different my other two games remember from around the same time are the first jazz jackrabbit, and this one point and click pink panther game

1 year ago

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Jazz Jackrabbit was so so so fun!

1 year ago

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my brother and i absolutely loved it, my dad had it on a work laptop of his and sometimes we'd spend some time before classes started at his office playing the game together

1 year ago

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Starcraft in a friend house when i was 6 ... im still playing it jajajaja

1 year ago

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Starcraft is a pretty timeless game and had probably the biggest impact on multiplayer and esports of any other game of it's time.

1 year ago

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yes i think the same, also ty for the GA i forgot that important part :D

1 year ago

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haha, that's alright, I never expect any thanks or even wish for them unless specifically from those who won, and even then I don't mind much if they don't do it ^^

1 year ago

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Snoopy and Tennis

1 year ago

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Cool thread, here's a fitting GA for a collection of games. Some of these were the hot stuff among me and my friends for a period of time and brought some of the coolest early gaming memories (also introduced me to gamer rage lol).

1 year ago

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Thank you 💙 I've added it to the original post ^^

1 year ago*

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Some pong in my dad's Atari

1 year ago

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1988, Super Mario Bros on the NES. First Arcade experience was around the same time, Bubble Bobble. First PC Gaming Experience was Lemmings on a Macintosh in I think 95.

1 year ago*

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Playing River Raid on C64. Damn, I sucked at this game as a kid :D

1 year ago

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the demo of the first LEGO Racers.
Racing on some sort of pirate cove.

1 year ago

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Mixed-Up Mother Goose, MS-DOS.

1 year ago

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I believe my first gaming experience was with a little LCD game like the nontendo game & watch that was serving people in a diner.
My first gaming experience on a computer was Enduro Racer on a Timex Computer 2048, that is a Portuguese clone of the ZX Spectrum.

1 year ago

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final fantasy 9 on ps1 and the gameboy games :)

1 year ago

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