I've been thinking about this question for a little and thought I might ask you guys as well. What is your earliest memory of playing a video game, any type of game? Or if you are not sure of the earliest one, feel free to tell us about a very old, happy, gaming memory of yours.
For me, it has to be around the early 2000s, probably between 2004-2006, late at night, for some reason I wasn't asleep at that hour, playing that Tetris game from "Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games" with my mom, on my uncle's computer at the time.
It is quite a simple memory, but one I cherish a lot and like to go back to every once in a while, at least mentally, since we can't turn the time back.

Small Deep Rock Galactic GA, bot proofed by a very simple 20pc jigidi: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/340ri3on/timon-pumbaa-s-jungle-games/

Bonus Giveaway courtesy of TragicBronson: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/8eVhMEMORIESq/contra-anniversary-collection Many thanks to him <3

1 year ago*

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maniac mansion on PC, loved it
after that, with win95 Sim City 2000
don't remember which one was my first game on NES, but I remember batman 1 boss very well.

1 year ago

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this one always stuck in my head im sure its not my first but i did learn to type properly lol

1 year ago

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This lovely little game, I was never very good at it, and back then I didn't even know you can shoot in it.

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1 year ago*

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Space Invaders at a (gas station?). My father would control the ship and I'd mash the button as quickly as possible.

1 year ago

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Raka-Tu and Invasion Orion on the TRS-80.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Don't have try this one because i am too young, but played the PS2 remake (Pitfall: The Lost Expedition) during my chillhood.

1 year ago*

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Nah, Pitfall the Mayan Adventure was closer to a remaster, The Lost Expedition was closer to a 3D remake of that :P

1 year ago

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I freaking loved this game! I remember finding out you could walk LEFT from the starting area and was just amazed.

1 year ago

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Playing Asterix and Obelix XXL on PS2 with my dad when i was a child (5-8+ years old)
Rest in peace daddy 😢

1 year ago

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My kids play this now on Wii, same age range.

1 year ago

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May he rest in peace! ❤

1 year ago

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And this:
Aaaaaand this:

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1 year ago

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my mother had some kind of Infocom text adventure (probably Zork but idk for sure) on her old-as-hell laptop that she let me poke the N W S E keys into when I was like 4 that i remember thinking was so cool. after that the earliest time i got to interact personally with a game was when i was 7 and some kids were playing Super Mario on the NES and they let me try a level.

1 year ago

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Trying to run Max Payne on my father's PC which only had 8MB of VRAM and the minimum specs for the game was 32MB.
I managed to run it but only the upper half of Max's body was showing up and I was getting 15 fps. Played till half game like that :)

1 year ago

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Mine was Night Driver on the Commodore 64.back in 1988. I was only 3, but I didn't like it at all: looking at it now, it is as terrible as I remember... though I have to admit, the SFXs were ahead of its time (the game came out in '82).

Three years later The Secret of Monkey Island blew my mind. Now that's a fond memory. How I wish that was my first gaming experience... because, to this day, I don't like cars, I cannot tell them apart... and I don't even know how to drive. And I just realized it might be because of Night Driver.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I remember playing pong, but the first game that really grabbed me was Doom. Thanks

1 year ago

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The talking parrot that came with the Sound Blaster. My dad bought it when it came out, and my younger brother and I (4 and 2) got a kick out of making it repeat what we said.

When it comes to actual games, earliest memory is probably watching my dad play Wolfenstein 3D when I was about six years old. My mother was NOT keen on her young daughter seeing that kind of violence, but to hear Dad tell it, she couldn't exactly argue that "Nazis are bad people who should be stopped" was a bad lesson for me to learn. Thirty years later, I'm pro-video games and anti-Nazi, and I still play the classic shooters fairly often. Thanks Dad! Thanks Wolfenstein!

1 year ago

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I love that reasoning :D Kudos to your dad <3

1 year ago

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The first game I played was Crates on PC. Crates It was probably just the demo, I can't remember.
I got an NES for my Communion (in '94) and played Super Mario Bro's 3 for the first time then.

1 year ago

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NOKIA's Space Invader.

1 year ago

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Probably Mario or Prince of Persia.
Don't remember which, though.

1 year ago

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Pong, on an cheap Atari 2600 clone, P1 vs. P2 with a dial/knob wired controller. It was a blast.

1 year ago

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Wizard of Wor on C64

1 year ago

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It's getting a little harder and harder to put years to the memories and even get them in order... I recall playing Disney games on my dad's PC, such as Lion King (loved and hated the Ostrich levels lol), Jungle Book, and Aladdin. Also, I could be wrong about the title since a few games like this cropped up, but "Mathronauts" or something? Math + Space and also you had a pupper named Spot I think.
And the kids of one of my dad's co-workers had... I think a SNES and not a NES but I don't recall for certain lol.

I recall watching my mother play LucasArts games such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle etc, which I also came to enjoy.

And in one of my schools we had games on something like audio cassette tapes? I don't remember how it worked, and the games basically only had two colours in pixels. One was Ghostdriver, where you drive on the wrong lane and have to dodge the other traffic, the other was some game with a pyramid where you were and ant and it would tell you how many degrees the temperature was (usually 30 or 40°C).

Speaking of dodging traffic though, Frogger is also a classic. I have more 'early' memories but I think those all came after these ones. I am fairly sure the Gameboy came out after the time I had the tape-game-thingies.

1 year ago

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1983-1984, coming home from school and playing Asteroids on the Atari 2600 until it was time for dinner.

And I've been a gamer ever since.

1 year ago

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Mid/late 70's, probably 1978? A classmate had one of those 8-in-1 which included 8 varieties of Pong.
Another one bought later an MSX and I remember playing an one-screen platform/action gaming involving snowmen.
I also remember playing Moon Cresta and Galaga on arcades.
And then I got my first PC: an 8080 with 640kb RAM and a CGA graphics card on a 14" monitor with full 4 colours at 320x200 pixels!

1 year ago

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First gaming memory was playing Mario Kart Super Circuit on a scratched-up grey Game Boy Advance SP with Lion King stickers all over it - at a friend's house.

1 year ago

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Pong. I only vaguely remember the weird dial controllers. I don't know if it was the Magnavox or one of the many knock-offs, was way too young to know or care about the brand. The more vivid and lasting memories came a bit later when we got our first Intellivision.

1 year ago

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Atari games like River Raid, Enduro, Pac-Man and some others that I don't remember the names.

1 year ago

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