May not be gearbox's fault. Sometimes it's difficult to run things like this internationally.
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No prizes :( but you can still participate in the event and get extra loot.
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But it sure is easy for them to release the game internationally and rake in tons of profits.
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It's because they're doing actual physical prizes for participating.
IMO, they should just have skipped that and simply had it be a community event without prizes. But oh well... I guess they prefer to piss off their international playerbase.
EDIT: Or not, looks like international players do get some benefits:
Ambitious loot hunters can enter the sweepstakes simply by taking down the daily targets once a day for a total of 28 entries. In addition to the many weekly sponsored prizes, one lucky loot hunter will win a grand prize of $50,000, and four others will win varying amounts of cash totaling another $50,000. Only US players are eligible for cash prizes and sponsored prizes. However, all players worldwide can participate in the Loot Hunt, and the exclusive community goals granting access to unique in-game loot.
TL;DR: Read more.
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I'm cool with the prizes being US only, as they are physical. Intel's GRID 2 giveaway on the other hand...
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Wow, when you sign up it says "US Residents only", The FAQ says "Only US players are eligible for cash prizes and sponsored prizes. However, all players worldwide can participate in the Loot Hunt, and the exclusive community goals granting access to unique in-game loot.", contradiction a little?
Very disappointed it is this way, I love Borderlands...
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Huh? They are offering both in game loot AND physical prizes.
How is a company giving away free stuff some how a bad thing?
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Personally I think their awards are awesome, too bad I don't have time to join plus my skills are very rusty xD
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USA only.
Giving away free stuff, announcing it everywhere and then telling people it is only for certain people.
They are already putting 100k on the line, couple hundred bucks more for shipping won't make any difference to their money, and people would be pleased. I can understand the restriction with money prizes, but physical? That's bullshit.
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I'm pretty sure it's not the shipping costs they are worried about, it's probably more about legal complications, im not sure this is just a guess, but if it was just shipping they wouldn't be worried about.
How stuff works says,
"Contest law varies even more between different countries. If you were to open up a contest to people all over the world, you would have to research the law in every single country on earth, to avoid getting yourself in legal trouble. For a typical promotional contest, this is just too much work. The legal fees for the required research would be much more than the payoff of the promotion. Additionally, there are some problematic legal questions inherent in any international contest. For example, if something were to go wrong, -- say, the prize was lost in shipping -- what court would the contest winner go to? It would be a very tough legal question just figuring out who had jurisdiction."
As well some states require different paper work to filled out, and that's just so the contest can be held nationally.
So your initial 100k estimate to run the contest would be in the millions after lawyer fees.
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Do people really go to court if something gets lost in mail?
If they're going to do a promotional event, they should go all the way. Now people are getting more pissed just because their asses aren't parked in the right place. That's kind of the opposite of what they're are trying to do here.
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so isn't this supposed to be live? I don't know which monster to kill cause website still isn't finished. Or my cookies are blocking it
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They ran into issues. The event won't be live until tomorrow.
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Love the Community challenge idea, lets see if we can beat it!
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I only have borderlands 2, and not the GOTY.
Is it still possible to participate?
I killed the Knuckle Dragger, but it doesn't confirm it on my account :l
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I started a new character. Nothing happened when I killed KD.
Started another new character, killed KD, got Gwen's head to drop along with 2 skins.
Deleted the first new character and remade it, tried again and nothing happened after killing him.
Went back to the Loot Hunt website and my status had updated to "Killed" at some point so I quit game. Not sure if you can get multiple Gwen's heads to drop if playing more than one character. Read around 7-8 pages of posts on Gearboxes website to try to find out before starting to get a headache.
New target in about 45 minutes.
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Should I start a new char then? I just got back to the area with a 25 lvl char, killed him and got that Gwen's head, no use in that though. Am I doing it wrong? haha.. still the site shows "Not Killed"
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Oh I have no idea if you needed a new character or not. I just did that because I didn't think it would respawn if I went back with a character who had already killed it. And of the 3 new characters I tried, only one got the update and the weapon. So you got me with the best way to go about doing this.
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I just started a 2nd playthrough on a character, and I'm stalling before every boss fight xD
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Anyone else on here still play BL2? Used to but got bored and need a reason to play? They are running an event called the Loot Hunt starting Oct. 11, check out the LOOT HUNT
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