Hahhaha never saw that gif. Thanks for the laugh :D
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Great read, thanks for sharing.
(Space Farmers... Space Farmers everywhere)
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63 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Masafor
So, what is the essence of giving something without expecting anything in return?
The very essence of giving is self-sacrifice. When you give something away, you have less than you had before you gave. If you give time to others, you will have less time for personal pursuits, If you give your abilities in service to others, you will have less energy to employ these same skills for your own enjoyment, and if you give money or possessions to others, you will have less to spend on your own needs and wants. That is the essence of giving. Just trying to mislead people. Three codes are hidden in the text. The text is still worth a read in my opinion.
Some people working in the charity sector dream up creative and painless ways of giving. The intent is to find ways to give that do not “cost” the donor anything. Usually this involves an enhanced charitable tax credit that, in essence, leaves the donor no poorer after the gift has been made.
Former charities Director for CRA, Carl Juneau, said it best when he stated, “If making a gift has not made you poorer, you have misinterpreted CRA gifting rules. And if such a loophole currently exists, and if CRA finds out about it, we will immediately move to close that loophole.” Clearly, giving – according to CRA – must leave the donor financially poorer or it is not a gift.
When is the last time you squeezed your lifestyle so that others might have more? When have you made a conscious decision not to buy something because you wanted to share more with others?
The kind of giving that generates happiness does not go on sale at the end of the year. In fact, it’s not even for sale. You can’t put a price tag on it, nor can it be mass produced. And it certainly doesn’t require gift wrapping .Not that I have a problem with gift giving, because The question mark is a X. 7?fqd-k5pfq-ja87c I don’t. I just know that the concept of real giving cannot be commercialized.
Let’s consider a few avenues of giving that can provide a sense of happiness and satisfaction beyond the retailers bottom line.
1) Honesty. When you give others the gift of being honest with them, you honor them while honoring yourself. The world is full of smoke and mirrors. What a precious gift honesty is in the midst of so much deception. To be honest with others requires that you be honest with yourself. What an incredible and far reaching gift honesty is!
2) Respect. Everyone on the planet wants to be treated with respect. And what usually happens when you give someone the gift of respect? vdwkd-i?abl-bi03q. The question mark is a 9, Most of the time, it is returned to you. Doesn’t it give you a sense of happiness when someone treats you respectfully? So when you give others your respect it’s a great way to experience the happiness that comes from giving.
3) Openness. By this I mean allowing others access to the real you. It’s the opposite of being guarded or reticent. When you give the gift of openness, you make yourself receptive to inquiries, suggestions, or ideas. It means being willing to relate to the other person in a way that goes beyond impersonal small talk. Openness can provide the basis for new opportunities to experience happiness.
4) Concern. Being self-centered is fast becoming the norm in many cultures. What outstanding gift could you give someone in a world full ?bfe2-fz966-ep9yf The question mark is a E of people wondering “what’s in it for me”?How about being interested in them as a person? Doesn’t it contribute to your happiness when someone expresses a genuine concern for you? It’s heartwarming, isn’t it? When you take a moment to listen and empathize with another person, you are providing them with a gift of great value.
5) Enthusiasm. There is a lot of apathy around these days. The stress of life seems to have stripped many of their feelings of passion and excitement, both of which contribute to happiness. What gift could you give them to help combat their feelings of apathy and provide a jolt of positive energy? How about some genuine enthusiasm? Have you ever noticed how contagious enthusiasm is? If you demonstrate a little excitement toward someone else’s efforts, accomplishments, or acts of kindness, it can be very encouraging.
6) Assistance. Everybody needs a helping hand from time to time. This is a fantastic way to make good use of your experience, talents or assets. There will be times when others will ask for your help, but why wait? Why not offer to help when you sense that there might be a need. Let them know that you are both willing and available. Even if they never ask, the fact that you offered can be quite a meaningful gesture.
7) Time. This is a biggie because time is the most valuable asset any of us has. Now, I’m not suggesting that you give away vast amounts of your time indiscriminately. But there are those who deserve your time and it’s important that you make yourself available to them. At the top of this list is your family. Giving the gift of time to your mate and children is one of the best investments you will ever make in their happiness. If you want to fully experience the happiness of giving, make this a priority.
Have a jolly good day!
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