I'm feeling inexplicably sad this evening edit: fine now though!... so to cheer myself up I decided to give you stuff from my own wishlist (or stuff that was there) to get us through the week.
Somehow buying and keeping isn't as much fun as giving away.. lucky you guys. Odd that... unless it's chocolate... I'd keep that.. wouldn't share my chocolate without good reason...

So, I read recently somewhere...
"My favourite childhood memory was of not having to pay bills".
While I have a hard time disagreeing with that thought... I do have a very nice memory of having picked up a big basket of Legos, which I dumped out on the floor in front of the wood stove. I recall just sitting there one winter day, a little too close to the stove (because I liked how hot it was), and just playing with my Legos all day long. Do you have a favourite child-hood memory? Think about it and play with some Legos yourself:
Not a sharer? That's okay, but please bump!

Lvl 3+ Lord of the Rings
Lvl 4+ Harry Potter: Years 1-4
Lvl 4+ Harry Potter: Years 5-7
Lvl 5+ Batman
Lvl 5+ Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Lvl 5+ Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

Oh, as I listed Batman, makes me wonder... did anyone want to be a super hero when they grew up?
I wanted to be Phoenix (without the crazy) or Rogue (I harboured the secret belief that if I had her power I'd be able to control the whole sucking life-force thingie.)

Bonus: Lvl3+ Because puzzles are fun too
I think credit for the idea of jigsaw puzzles goes back to Ritona!

Have a great week everyone. ❤

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8 years ago*

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Thank you for the giveaways :D
Btw nice x-men gif ;) Bump!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for Lego giveaways and especially that cute jigsaw puzzle. Most likely it's my single solved in the last 10 years, besides rare jigsaws in hidden object games.

8 years ago

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Thanks a bunch for the giveaways. My gifts to my nephew for Christmas this year were Minecraft Lego sets.

8 years ago

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Bumped and solved and bumped again for solved :P

8 years ago

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nice puzzle thanks

8 years ago

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Bump and meow. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Well, I remember my brother would waken me in the early morning, like 6 am when we were six.. Because our favorite cartoons were on tv that time only, I don't know why. My favorite one was the first one and after it finishes my brother's would start. So, about half an hour enjoyment for both of us, at the crack of down. After they finishes, we would go back to our beds. My mother tells me about it saying: "I never succeed to get you up unless you get enough sleep and wake up yourselves, but both of you was getting up that early to watch those cartoons bleary-eyed in front of a old, B&W TV." :3.

Have a great week as well.

8 years ago*

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I'm also in the "Sharing games but not chocolate" club XD

I don't really have a favorite childhood memory... or toys. I was usually outside playing with our dogs. My brother did have the most awesomest toy though! It was a white He-man sword that made a "clang" sound any time it hit something. It was great.

Also, just because you're older doesn't mean you have to stop dreaming of being a super hero! I sure haven't :D

8 years ago

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bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Spent most of my time playing games on the computer, so IDK.

8 years ago

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You feeling better soon okay c: ?

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8 years ago

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bumping for Lego!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I finished the jigsaw... You sure the link is correct? I get 5 characters as in a giveaway link but I get an error...

8 years ago

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I'm sure, others have entered no problem..
Are you putting in it correctly?

At the end of the puzzle you get the missing part of the URL for:

8 years ago

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Wow I was missing the last slash... haha thank you so much!

8 years ago

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Happy you got it to work out!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm a terrible stalker o.o that's twice on my thread (I think) and missed you both times lol.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't think I'll ever truly miss being a kid but I sure wouldn't mind playing with legos.
As for superheroes... does Sailor Moon count?


8 years ago

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Yes! i loved the songs from the English dub..

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8 years ago

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Excellent. :D
I think that is as close to a super hero you'll get my childhood self aspiring to be.

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8 years ago

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gotta love the jigsaw puzzles, thanks :)

8 years ago

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I have fond childhood memories of leaving small Lego pieces out for family and friends to step on barefoot. The barefoot priest with a set of Megiddo daggers sneaking into my room to assassinate me while I was asleep made a fatal mistake.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Bump :O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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