Do you think time travel is possible?
It certainly is possible. I'm on my way to the near future right now :)
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O: How near in the future? I made it about five seconds in the future, thanks to my microwave ;)
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But if it would receive any entries you would not make this thread and nobody would see the link - TIME PARADOX!!!!
Edit: I think time travel is highly unlikely, due to conservation of energy.
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But if I don't make this thread, then nobody will know about the giveaway, and I would receive no entries. So this thread will be non-existent tomorrow! O:
Do you think that if we better conserve energy, it may be possible? The difference between possible and capable will always clash, since ability is necessary before something may be possible q:
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I talked to some theoretical physicists about time travel (8 years or so ago). They had pretty equations, could explain everything (they thought), but failed to give any experiment that you could use to verify or falsify parts of their theory. That is a common problem in today's theoretical physics - neat theory, no predictions that you can use to establish a border between this theory and the established theories.
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I selected "Possibly, only time will tell", because although I don't believe that someone will make a time machine, I believe that black holes have the ability to travel through dimensions, space, and time. So, when we will manage to explore a black hole, we'll then probably be able to travel through time.
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You can't know that because you can't know what's inside a black hole. But yeah, death is always the most probable result of risky operations. :P
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Well we have what Einstein said about black holes, that they'd squeeze us so thin we wouldn't even be able to keep oxygen in our bodies, much less any of our vital organs still working. Yes what you say is true about not knowing what's inside them, but I'd trump that by saying there's no way we CAN know, because even any recording equipment sent in would be damaged beyond recognition and use even before it could capture and send back anything to us, if we even ever saw it again.
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There's a theory that it's not possible, but the workaround is that you can travel between dimensions. If you manage to find the exact same dimension as ours, with the only difference being the events in it are in the past/future (relatively to our dimension), traveling to it will be the same as traveling through time. Sci-FI FTW!
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Ahh you god me :( I'm acdually from dhe pasd, when id was forbidden do use dhe ledder T.
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The OP is 9 hrs behind my current time... Therefore, I write to him from the future! Still think it's impossible?
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If time travel was possible no one should do it. Due to the thing we call evolution bacteria in the future would have evolved a lot and you would possible die within a few days. If you travel back in time bacteria from our time would possible kill every single human on earth.
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Except the idea of evolution is that everything is random changes, and in all DNA, if you change anything wrong, life ends. Thus with all the permutations of what could have happened throughout history, if evolution was true, there'd be no life existing today.
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I'd go for Charles Stross' Palimpsest itself. At least it's the biggest time-travel mindscrew that I know of.
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It gets very hard to keep track of what happened when, if that's what you mean. Without spoiling too much, it follows one time travelling agent in a war where battles are fought in the past, to change the future. And where you can travel in the past depends on where and when your personal timeline still overlaps the universal one.
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Because it's 95,5 % that we live in a simulation, everything is possible that the software running the simulation is capable of implementing. Making time travel is possible in games already, so there is a fairly good chance that one day we will be able to travel in (simulated) time. IF (that's a big if for you) we are not living in a simulation, then it's a bit more difficult, but current law of physics does not rule out time travel. If you think about time as a dimension in which you can travel freely, it's easy to see that it could be done. With what process? How much energy would be needed? How could we perceive this dimension? We only have a bunch of questions now. :)
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Hmmm, if that's the case, we'll have time travel and many more features to look forward to! Sadly, it would probably be awhile before we receive the updates, since it seems we don't get them much.
And exactly, before making it happen, one would need a good hypothesis on how much of what they'll need to make an attempt. Resources is another factor, will there be enough energy? And would it be the right energy?
In regards to your other comment: thank you, my friend, I Whitelisted you back. You seem very nice - and intelligent. I look forward to our next meeting :)
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I told you time travel is possible, because we are living in a simulation, and look who is here today (the day I got the info from the future) to tell you:
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I think of something like this on daydreaming...
Humans makes invention with inspiration from imagination + real life experience combined
Computer made to mimic humans brain
Helicopter made inspired by dragonfly
Emoji to mimic expression
Then, is this world made with similar principle..?
Nothing is original
Everything is connected
I'm confused @_@
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I may need to provide another key in said timeline, but since it's an alternate universe... Maybe it's not meant to work, and maybe the winner really loses. Since I have no knowledge of that dimension, I am unable to provide any advice, but keep traveling until you get the right one! Best of luck, traveler :D
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Well, there is a theorical way to see the past. In theory if we travel faster than light and intercepted light coming from our solar system we vould see the past .
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i was born in 1987 so i traveld 28 years into the future to make a stupid post here...
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man it took you long enough.
next time try to do it in 27 years ;)
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One theory I've heard is that traveling faster than the speed of light would make time flow backwards. But one thing that makes this seem impossible is, how do you view relativity? It could be viewed that everything goes at the speed of light no matter how fast or slow it moves, that it's immeasurable.
I do tend to believe time travel is impossible though, because for instance look at the past. We don't know, the slightest thing we do in the past could have extreme consequences. In the original timeline, we didn't go back to X year in the history of Earth, and if you look at that as meaning we're not supposed to do it, and went back in time anyway, how are we to know that just +1 person breathing the air back then who wasn't there before causes someone to die of asphyxiation, and who knows what that person could have contributed to the world? There's just way too many implications.
Even if you figure out somehow that breathing the air back when you're not supposed to is okay, let's think about tasks you'd go back in time for. No matter what your purpose back then was, if you successfully achieved it, you'd remove the reason you went back in time for in the first place, and thus you never went back in time, but if that's true then the event you changed didn't actually change, and thus you had the reason to go back in time again...
Looking at time travel into the future faster than our normal speed of one second at a time, I can't see it being possible to erase your future self from existence, just from the mere act of traveling into the future. But it'd be something like that happening in such an event, and that goes against the laws of physics, and raises the whole question of, what's murder? Once again, way too many implications.
As far as looking at the possibility of infinite alternate universes maybe making time travel into the past possible, I believe that everything that happens in this world is all set to a grand governing plan, and that alternate universes can't exist because of how it'd poke holes into that grand plan, and thus wouldn't be allowed in the design for mankind.
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I'm moving forwards in time right now, one second at a time. so are you :P
or did you mean a time machine? I have one of those, it's called a clock
in all seriousness though, as fun a concept as it can be for fiction (if done well) it's not something I'd expect to ever be discovered/invented in reality
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IMO Time Travel is not possible - if it were, we'd read stories about millions of people spectating battles or various events :P
Who wouldn't want to check Jesus Christ Crucification. Or Signing Declaration of Independence. Or various other things. And let's face it, sudden appearence of millons, probably even billions of people would make quite an impact.
Unless Time Travelling Police are this good in deleting all those details.
As a note: some people believe Leonadro DaVinci wasn't clever, but time traveller who just couldn't go back in time, so as a joke he made some blueprints for more modern stuff, just to make it look like he was a genius.
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Since the dawn of time, humans have been curious about the possibilities of going backwards in time, or forwards. To date, there has never been evidence that proves it possible, but, depending on how one looks at it, it's never been disproven either. So, I decided that I'm going to personally prove (or disprove) it, and you're all going to be a part of it! I'm pretty excited to see how this turns out ;)
I made a fun little game: Here's a giveaway for Back to the Future: The Game. The giveaway ended roughly 20 minutes ago. So far, nobody entered. If it still receives no entries by the time I wake up, then I'll have disproved time travel, and I'll redo the giveaway and post the link the discussions. So look out for the results! :D
Edit: The new giveaway has been created. Check it out in this thread right here!
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