Your thoughts?
Please reply to this comment if you’re in the same boat as me. Then we can have our own little pity party ;)
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Lol. "SON OF A BITCH" seems like an appropriate quote now as well. Thanks for the support scuazmooq ;)
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I've been there. Although in my case it was buying a game and then having it pop up on humble bundle a short while later for free. I still haven't played it.
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Ouch. That's the irony though. Whether we buy games, get them in a bundle or get them for free they often end up in the same place. Our backlogs :)
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Idea Factory doesn't put games in bundle that much (once with Re;Birth I, IIRC), but they have the tendency to put the games on sale for extremely deep discount once in a blue moon, and I ended up overpaying a lot on previous sale. I was burned by this on multiple occasions, so now I'm only buying their game on deep discount (>=80%). That said, while my wallet was hurt, I don't really regret giving them my money, since the games are totally worth it even at lesser discount (70%).
A more recent game is GOD EATER, which I bought last year but haven't played. Same with Life is Strange.
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Welcome, please help yourself to a drink ;) It does change the way you buy games. Honestly, sometimes I almost wish sales and bundles weren't a thing so I always knew I'd be getting the best possible price.
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December 27th, 2017
Thank you for your Steam purchase!
Crusader Kings II - Total €9.99
January 23rd, 2018
Humble Paradox Interactive Bundle 2018 (with Crusader Kings II and The Old Gods DLC in BTA tier, paid €4.48)
April 5th, 2018
Crusader Kings II is free for 48 hours!
Long story short, I paid €10 for a 10-times bundled game, to see it bundled again the following month, then free not long after that... and it still was worth every last cent (was Steam Wallet anyway), I had already played ~80 hours at the time of the bundle (which I bought for the DLC), now slightly over 200 (and I even got the Legacy of Rome DLC from the Steam sale). I think I got hooked.
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Unlucky, but it certainly sounds like you got your money's worth. I'm also less concerned about games I buy with my steam wallet, since that's basically free money from trading cards :)
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Happened to me I don't know how many times. Either getting games for full price the day before they went on massive sale for the first time in ages, or getting games after months or years of having them on my wishlist, only to see them in a HBM the next month. Hey at least now I know what to do with the extra copy and it doesn't go to waste if it makes someone else happy.
Of course, I never emailed anyone before I bought the game so I can't imagine how cheated you must have felt.
Whenever I'm bummed because of some similar event though, I spare a thought for people who got the HBM subscription on purpose for H1Z1 just to see it go free to play 2 months later... or better yet the ones who paid 20 bucks for it.
Life of a gamer, eh? We get good times though so there's that.
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Yeah, I felt bad for the H1Z1 buyers as well. Although I don't think I would have paid 20 cents for that game ;) The gaming life is the life for me, for better or worse!
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I bought Dark Souls 3 when it was on sale for 25 euros, a few months later it appeared in humble monthly for 12$ with a few other games. Same thing with The Witcher 3, I bought it for 25 euros I think, a month or two later it dropped to 20. It sucks but for some reason it never burns me out. I think about it like this, if I was comfortable enough to spend the amount I spent on the game, then I will probably get its value worth in enjoyment, whenever it is that I decide to play it.
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That's a good way of thinking about it. I guess the important thing is how you value the game, not necessarily the price you pay for it.
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Yeah that does suck. Unfortunately in game development things literally change from day to day. While that dev was completely truthful with you an hour later they could of had a meeting where they decided that they are going to put their game in the monthly bundle. Sorry that happened to you. I actually do my best not to buy games unless in bundles due to that unless I intend to play the crap out of them asap.
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I like your approach. I think I will be more strict about which games I buy outside of bundles from now on.
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Not quite as bad as the KSP thing, but here are two three I'm still salty about.
1.) Sexy Brutale in T3 at Fanatical. High on my wishlist. Should I buy it? Sure, but better wait 3 days for the Monthly reveals ... but I really want it. Everybody I ask for opinions says "lol they wouldn't do it", so I buy it. Of course, 3 days later it's in the Monthly I already own ;)
2.) Fall for the "subscribe to Humble for a year and get $10 Wallet!" 2 days later they announce the IGN thing, 2 weeks later (and every month since) they offer $20 instead of $10, and to add insult to injury, what do I buy with my $10? Yup. F1 2012 and F1 Race Stars. (quote friends "Those F1 games will never be bundled because of licenses, those you can buy without worry!") As you know, a couple weeks later, Humble T1 ....
Edit: I forgot one!
3.) The Lost Gardens. Looks good, so I buy it on Steam. Shortly thereafter it's bundled, not once, not twice, but THREE times, in super cheap bundles (Indiegala being the most expensive of them). I hadn't even gotten around to playing it, and now I don't want to anymore. I mean, if not even the dev puts any value on their game, why should I?
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I'd be pretty salty about these as well! I remember Sexy Brutale being bundled just before the monthly reveals and knowing that a lot of people would be disappointed. I also remember the $10 offer, followed by the $20 offer from Humble. I didn't go for either but I was tempted. And buying the F1 games just before the T1 is just horrible luck. I'd say all of those combined are at least as bad as my KSP experience! Well, thank you for sharing. You can take a well deserved spot at my pity party. Drinks are on me ;)
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I'm a glass is half full kinda guy.
You bought a great game for a decent price. You obviously wanted it pretty badly if you went to all the trouble to shoot them an email. So, heal up, enjoy the game, and concentrate on what you have over what you could have.
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The most important advice I can give you is - do what your doctor tells you so you can get back to gaming! xD
I swung a hammer for many years (still do from time to time), and those RDI's are serious stuff.
Best wishes and speedy recovery, bud.
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Thank you, really appreciate it :) I'm certainly taking my doctors advice seriously. I work on a computer as well, so I have to get better! I have been missing the gaming though.
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A little from column A and little from column B, I imagine :)
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I've worked in first line support at a couple of companies and a lot of the time reps are kept in the dark as much as the customer is. In some cases the first time we find out about a major issue or company change is when someone phones or emails to complain.
You could say support as a homogeneous entity is useless, but it's usually not the fault of the person you were dealing with. Poor training, lack of internal communication and over worked staff all lead to bad service.
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I used to work in call centre (of sorts) myself and I'd say you're spot on with that.
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Not a nice feeling. Certainly makes you more cautious though.
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There’s no tragedy in buying a thing that you wanted.
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never trust game developers. even if they do everything good at some point they will make something which will upset you. especially never trust publishers. their main focus is of course generating money with the least work possible. lying is one of their strategies. As a patient gamer who never bought a game on release i never felt bad or thought i spent too much money on a game. backlog is huge and i have enough time. if you regret buying it then i advice you to never buy a game of hype or outside of bundles. i think you also have a huge backlog like everyone here. Also wish you health so you can play games again as fast as possible. :)
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Thank you for your wishes YumoS. Can't wait to get back to gaming! I've also never bought a game on release and generally feel good about my purchases. This one just stung a little. But you're right, I do have a huge backlog anyway and I should focus on that (when I'm able to). And I'm an honest person so I often trust people when I probably shouldn't. I'll add game developers to the black list ;)
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I did really want the game last month, just bad luck that I wasn't able to play it. I have also bought other games that became early unlocks. This one was just a bit too soon. I definitely see where you're coming from though :)
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I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. Yeah, ultimately you still have a game you wanted - and if we step back a bit and look at the situation with more perspective, $15 isn't a huge sum, of course - but together with your injury, meaning you hadn't even been able to play the game yet, this sucks. I know I'm someone who thinks approximately the same way, and I probably spend too much time trying to get the best deal or some shit. Anyway, I feel you. I know I'd be regretting pretty hard, although some similar things have happened to me in the last couple of years, so I also know I'd get over it given a bit of time. I'm kind of a big regretter. But I don't let it bother me indefinitely.
Actually, I had a major regret moment just recently... I claimed a copy of F1 2015 when it was given away for free by Humble a few weeks ago, but then I had issues with my computer and other things that distracted me... and I didn't actually go and redeem the key (or even, at least, reveal/copy it...). And when I finally remembered I had to do it, a few days ago, the deadline had already passed just a day or two earlier and the key had "mysteriously vanished"... Man, I felt so dumb. It seems like one of the better games they've given away. I was actually pretty shocked to see it being given away, since it's fairly new still and was in a high tier of a Humble Bundle not that long ago.
Anyway... Chin up, positive thoughts, all the best, and better luck in the future!
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If it makes you feel any better, F1 2015 is actually one of the worst F1 games from Codemasters. Most people recommend either going with the older F1 2012, or the newest F1 2017 (which is a great game!).
So don't feel too bad, you missed out on a disappointing game with terrible controller support. :)
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Thanks for the wishes 5n. I'm sure I'll get over it. Just stung a little when I saw the reveal. And you're right, the wrist injury is probably the real issue. If I could actually play the game I'm sure I'd feel better about it! Sorry to hear about your F1 2015 woes. If I still had my free copy I'd give it to you :)
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I can relate to your pain, although I still cannot say I regret it. I got my hands on a copy of Age of Empires 2 HD Edition + The Forgotten Expansion in May 2015 for ~15 euros in a trade, then the base game went on sale a month later for around 3 euros. I got my enjoyment out of it for a month more than I could have, hence why I can say I don't regret it. But I can definitely tell you it still hurt.
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Yeah, I'm sure I'd feel differently if I'd had chance to enjoy the game :)
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I do understand your sentiments, but as others said, if you were enjoying the game you bought at that time, everthings fine!
Also i do think that KSP dev´s are a fine bunch, since one of the guys was/is a regular on Bohemia Interactives OFP forums :D
As for not buying unless it´s bundled, too much hit&miss and depreciation for me. I would have had to wait playing Wasteland 2 waaaaay too long. In the end i did´nt play all that much (and have´nt even touched the 64bit DC yet), but absolutely had to get the desire out of my system and support a developer that´s worth it.
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I'm reassuring myself by saying I'm supporting the devs. This is the same reason I don't buy from grey market sites. Sometimes when you just really want a game you just can't wait for a bundle, so I know what you mean.
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I know that feeling, also on the crowdfunding side of things. I used to back a fair few kickstarters even knowing how they can end up in Early Access hell or not turn out very good, but nothing used to annoy me more than backing a crowdfund project at a "get the game" level when they say they're offering it at a steep discount for backers, only for it to be seen on Early Access sale shortly after kickstarter success.
I remember a close call with Paranautical Activity, which I nearly bought a 2-copy tier of, which not only ended up never getting multiplayer. but I realised after a quick google that they had been selling early supporter keys on Groupees for mere pennies. I cancelled my pledge in time, but ended up getting it way later either on sale or in a bundle (I can't recall). The game wasn't too bad but still, this kind of stuff really screws with the idea of good faith crowdfunding.
Bundles are trickier, because it's more a matter of purchase timing and pricing. I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting on a Firewatch bundle, haha.
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I'd also like to see Firewatch in a bundle :) I avoid checking crowd funding sites for games because I'm sure I'd be tempted to a back a few. And like you said, you can always get the game later down the line and still support the devs, but with the added benefit of knowing how the game turned out :)
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Oh boy =( ...but it happens. Patiente. Thank you for the gibs pal. =D
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I know that. I certainly don't expect developers to announce when their game will be bundled. That would just be stupid. But since I emailed them directly I expected them to be a little more open. I guess I was wrong :)
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All it takes is a few seconds to share what they wrote in private to you, they aren't allowed to leak information to anyone. They said the most neutral " as far as I know" route. And yeah, it's not the customer service who knows discount dates :D
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I agree with what you're saying but I'd say the most neutral response in that case would be "Sorry, we're not allowed to disclose that information".
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I'm not joining the pity party, but I can sympathise on both accounts.
When I started getting RSI, I started using the mouse in my left hand to give my right hand a rest, and switched to an ergonomic keyboard. I really hate the way the numberpad on non-TKL keyboards forces you to stretch your hand so far to the right - it's not natural. Also, learn keyboard shortcuts for everything. This helped me, you need to find what works for you.
As for being burned buying games that then get discounted, I guess most have experienced that. My biggest shock recently, was breaking my 'no pre-order' rule and buying 'Surviving Mars + Season Pass' directly from Paradox, wanting to support the developer for supporting Linux. About a week later Fanatical had a 20% discount on the pre-order, which would have saved me about £12 (~ $17). Who has a sale on a PRE-ORDER??? I did feel bitter for a bit, and considered trying to get a refund. But at the end of the day, my reason for pre-ordering still stood, so it was all ok.
I was reading earlier one developer's perspective on Steam sales (Why Rampant Sales are Bad for Players), and I think I agree. The problem is we have been conditioned to wait for sales, there are tools that let us know if we are getting the best price, and there are too many good games (well, more than I have time to play)!!
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While I agree with the sentiment in the article, it just doesn't really work for online multiplayer games. Once they are in player decline, no body is going to pay full price, so the 'never on sale' is a bit silly. I'm just surprised how quickly some games end up in bundles, and it conditions us to wait until that happens before purchasing. It's hard to justify (to myself) buying a full or near full price game when I probably have a year's worth of backlog.
All this teaches me is to not pay anything close to full price, unless I am really desperate to have the game (rare).
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Don't games routinely offer you the chance to save 10%-15% off the initial really high price if you go ahead and pre-order them (blindly giving them your money before any reviews or anything like that)? I thought that was (part of) the rationale: they entice you to pull the trigger early by telling you that you can save a little bit. And sometimes they include some digital extras with the pre-order. Or sometimes it's just the extras and no discount. But often a small sale on pre-order or on release (or both, I guess).
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True. I think I got a free skin. What was galling was that Paradox had no discount, and then shortly after I'd purchased, Fanatical came out with one. It's just not something I'd experienced before. Live and learn! And yet another reason to not pre-order.
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Thank you for the RSI tips and sorry to hear about your experience with Surviving Mars! Very interesting article and I'd say I also agree. I honestly think gamers would be more satisfied if there were no such thing as sales or bundles. People would only buy the games they really wanted to play and they would have more time to play them. Instead we're bombarded with offers and end up with 1000 games we can't play :D
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It's always frustrating when a game you bought by itself later shows up in a bundle, particularly if you haven't even played the game yet. And it happens all the time! I've even had games I bought be given away as free before I had a chance to play them.
But once the money is spent, there's no getting it back, so why worry about it? It's not like we can turn back time. That's what I try to tell myself to not feel bad, anyway. :)
And look on the bright side: You helped support an indie developer for making an awesome game, making it more likely that they'll go on to make more awesome game!
My biggest gaming purchase regret is buying Left 4 Dead on release because my friend convinced me to get it so that we could play together. So I bought it on release, and we started playing, and after a couple hours he decided that he didn't want to play it with me anymore. Literally the only reason I bought the game was to play with my friend, because he asked me to buy it, and he didn't want to play with me. I tried playing it by myself for a bit more, but didn't really enjoy it, and there it sits now - 10 years later - at only 5 hours played. It still kinda bugs me.
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Good point! Thanks for that. I can sympathise with your l4d story. I've definitely been talked into buying games by friends in the past, which we barely play in the end. Very annoying.
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We are not in the future but in the present so ok :D
Seriously never trust someone when it's about money . Maybe support haven't knowledge but i don"t believe this .
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Yeah, I'm not sure. I think the support agent could definitely get that information. If he/she had just said they are not allowed to reveal that information, that would have been a better answer.
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Don't trust devs (or their support team), it's in their best interest to not be honest of when/if a game will be bundled.
That said, play the game and try not to think about it, if you enjoy it you'll know you're supporting the devs and helping them make more great games :) If, on the other side, you don't enjoy your time with the game let this be a lesson to only buy games when they're at least 75% off or if you're planning to install and play it the same day as you purchased it. Always remeber than a game can be bundled as soon as tomorrow.
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When I'm able to play the game, I will definitely try to block everything else out and just enjoy it :) I did actually play it on the day of purchase but I didn't have enough time with it.
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Haha, good advice! Jack Bauer would never overpay for a game ;)
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I paid full price for both mass effect andromeda and mafia III.
Hope that makes you feel a little better.
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It just makes me feel bad for you ;) But I hope you got some enjoyment out of the games in any case!
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Bought a few games on steam on release that were bundled pretty soon. I felt upset at first, albeit the bundle being expensive [12 or 15 dollars]. Soon I forgot about it though and now I don't even remember which games they were.
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Thank you for the balloons and the clown. The pity party is complete ;)
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It's happened to me before too, but since I thought it was worth it to buy outside of a bundle then it's fine for me. Sucks that you got hurt and couldn't enjoy your money's worth but if you had then it might've not hurt so much. I haven't played KSP before but is it not playable with a controller? If you can play with a controller, ScpToolkit is great.
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Cobtroller support isn't mentioned on the steam page so I just assumed it wasn't. I know there is a console version of the game though so maybe worth looking into. Thanks for the tip!
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I've done similar when I missed some bundles. If that was the only game you were genuinely interested in, then you didn't miss out :)
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Last month, when the first expansion for Kerbal Space Program (Making History) was released, they had a number of sales. The cheapest I could find was on Indiegala for $14.79. I know its way cheaper on certain grey market sites, but I refuse to use them.
As a person who lives in constant fear of bundles i.e. afraid of buying a game only for it to be bundled the next day, I decided to email KSP support and ask them directly, and I quote:
“I'm extremely interested in purchasing KSP in the current sales, but I'm also a humble monthly subscriber. I wondered if you're able to tell me whether you have any plans to feature KSP as an early unlock or reveal in an upcoming bundle? Thank you in advance.”
That was my email from March 15. I’m not actually a subscriber but I will definitely buy a monthly if the early unlock is something I want. Their reply the following day was as follows:
“I'd have to say, from what I know, we have no plans to appear in a bundle in the near future.
KSP Support”
Now, I know that it was naive of me to think that a member of their support department would have any knowledge of if/when the game would be bundled (or that they would be honest), but I took them at their word and assumed that meant the game would not be bundled the following month! If anything, I was hoping that they wouldn’t reply or refuse to answer, because then I would assume that was their plan and I would wait for the bundle. So I went ahead and purchased the game on Indiegala (for $14.79), looking forward to hours of enjoyment. Unfortunately, a couple of days after buying the game I developed an RSI (repetitive strain injury) in my mouse wrist and haven’t been able to play mouse and keyboard games since.
So, you can imagine my disappointment when KSP was announced as 1 of 3 early unlocks for the May monthly bundle. And I know it’s a silly thing to get upset about but since the reveal, I’ve been really down and really regret buying the game in March. The RSI which is preventing me from playing the game is definitely not helping. I’m just afraid that when I am able to play it, all I’ll be thinking is “Damn, I could have got this for $12 with 8 bonus games!”
Anyone else been burned in the past? Comments from anyone that can put a positive spin on this are very welcome :)
TLDR; I bought KSP in the last sales and now I live in regret since it was announced as one of the early unlocks for the May monthly bundle.
Now join me in my misery:
This is for anyone who regrets not grabbing this game when it was given away for free.
Someone will probably regret winning this.
You might regret not getting this one in a bundle.
Some poor souls might have paid full price for this game in the past. Now I’m giving it away for free!
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