I've entered nearly 650 giveaway but i never won.
Am i unlucky ?

6 years ago

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No. There's no such thing as luck in raffles - it's called probability.

6 years ago

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Luck exists. You just need to seek it in order to find it.

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6 years ago

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where is the like button, this is great gif :)

6 years ago

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Thank you. :3 You know from which movie it is, right? ;P

6 years ago

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I don't actually

6 years ago

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Argh. :O It's from The Sword in the Stone movie (1963). Such an awesome movie. You really need to check it out!

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot, I will check it out! :)

6 years ago

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There is no luck.

6 years ago

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How do you dare saying that? ;_;

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6 years ago

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These "quotes" is a pseudo-knowledge. Give me a scentific explanation for luck. I mean, based on a scientific method, not some astrologers ramblings.

6 years ago

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Did you really think that I believe in astrology? Of course not! xD To be honest, you can't explain everything. Like some people believe in God and others believe in the Big Bang. Both don't really make sense, but they're mere assumptions. Some call it karma, others call it justice, I call it luck. It's the tendency to get positive or negative experiences, mostly based on your own positive or negative actions (hence why some people call it karma too). Most of the time, to acquire luck, you must chase it (hence why some people say it's not about luck, but about your own actions leading to reactions).
You and your friend are taking a stroll and a pigeon shits on your friend. You were lucky, he was unlucky. Why? Luck! You had a smaller probability of getting crapped, because of your biggest luck percentage. Sounds stupid? True. But we have to justify the difference of probabilities somehow. I think it's because of luck. Others call it karma, etc. We are giving it a different name, but we're talking about the same thing. We have to explain it somehow.

6 years ago

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It's just your imagination. Science is when scientific method is used to research a fenomenon with experiment, and then to create the right term for a fenomenon. No experiments where the variable "luck" was measured? Good bye, sir. You're taking your decription of "luck" out of your ass. Because we can take other people, and they will give different descriptions. You're being like a person from the Dark Ages and you don't even understand that.

Karma does not exist too.

6 years ago

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I know that science requires proof, but there are a lot of theories based on assumptions. Also, the creation of theories is how many scientific things are later proved through experiments.
Heck, even Einstein believed in a divine thing that created everything, but doesn't care and doesn't interfere with its creation.
I'm saying that probability itself doesn't explain why some people are getting more positive experiences compared to others. There are some factors that affect this difference of probabilities. No experiments have been made yet probably, but maybe they have done some researches about it?! I don't even know. But you can't make an experiment without creating a theory first.
And stop acting like shit. :/

6 years ago

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There are NO theories based on empty assumptions. You don't understand how science works.

Einstein's eclectic statements are not related to his scientific works, and not related to "luck", don't jump to another topic. You were saying there is some luck-karmic mechainism, which is connected with whatever, blah-blah-blah. It is a total meta-religious new agist bullshit. We know the chances from the math statistics. The new subjective entity "luck" is not needed.

There were experiments, of course. All these nutheads who think they control their luck, because they are extrasensoric or whatsoever, if they agree, participate in experiments. Not a single time they've beaten the math statistics.

Fun fact: I wanted to blackkist you, turns out, I already did. Meaning it's not the first time your nonsensical shitposting is getting on my nerves.

6 years ago

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Fun fact: I wanted to blackkist you, turns out, I already did. Meaning it's not the first time your nonsensical shitposting is getting on my nerves.

Fun fact: But I wanted more blacklists. Can you tell your friends to blacklist me too? That way, I'll miss their great giveaways too. xD But anyway, I'm glad you dislike my opinion. That means you care. <3
Thing is, we can't all agree with everything. It's like people believing in different gods and such, without even having the proof about their existence, but they're just assuming about their existence.
Cya, Buttstein! :D

6 years ago

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I don't dislike your opininon, your opinion is an uneducated bullshit, I discard it, do you understand the difference? And with the blacklist I discard you too, too sad your posts won't become hidden, but I hope this feature will be introduced in the near future. Because I have a feeling you're wasting other's pepple time willingly and for a reason. So, less games and more time to get some education will be useful for you. You really must be thankful for the blacklisting.

6 years ago

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I am thankful. Now give me more blacklists. I don't want to see your delicious giveaways anymore. ;_;
Education? Meehhh, the elementary was enough for me. :B Whou nidz en edoucasion aniwey?
I don't want you to hide my posts. I wanna talk with you. ^_O

6 years ago

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I don't want to talk with you. Fuck off.

6 years ago

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What a meanie! >:( Just so you know, I liked you. Goodbye.

6 years ago

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On the contrary, it's all about luck - or lack thereof. That's what happens when things are decided by probability alone 😛

6 years ago

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Speaking of probabilities.

there is billons and billions more chance of you not being born than there are atoms in the entire observable universe)

Atoms: 10^78 to 10^82

Born: 10^2,685,000

So really we are all lucky

6 years ago*

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Most people get a win around 1000+ entries.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Were they all AAA games with 5000 entries?

6 years ago

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Mostly games around 5-10 points.

6 years ago

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My first win was after 1200 entries, from what I remember.

Like DeltaBladeX mentioned before, the average for wins seems to be at 1000+ wins so you are not lucky (yet) but also not unlucky. Also, since you are level 0, most GA have a lot of entries...

Patience and I'm sure you'll win eventually. There are also groups around that help people that never won games, such as Unlucky7

6 years ago

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Hum... I see. Thanks for the response.

6 years ago

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I've got 2,515 entries with 4 wins, so you are right on track. ^^

'Overall, you've been unlucky, and won 3 fewer gifts than estimated since you first joined.'

There are people that are -30 wins so I won't complain... ^^

6 years ago

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You can increase your chance by giving away, leveling up, select your entries, participate to the community, etc. Get whitelisted, loved (for what you are or for yours giveaways), join some groups, join some special groups (like the one for unlucky people like you), join selective groups etc., resolve puzzles, jigsaws etc.
You are maybe unlucky but you can certainly do something against that.
25813 entries and 347 wins → 74/1

6 years ago

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J'aurai du répondre en français ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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just try to contribute with your own giveaways to increase your level... think about it like this:

if you always enter GAs with 2000+ entries, you would statistically need to participate in 2000 GAs for a single win...

6 years ago

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Don't worry, just keep trying. You'll win someday!

6 years ago

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you need a SteamGifts Premium account to win

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Have you joined this group? It's for people who have won 7 or less games. I was introduced to it about a month ago (I think?) and I won my first ever game shortly after from a group giveaway! :3


6 years ago

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Took me 800 to get my first. Here are some tips:
Only enter giveaways for games you want and you will play. You don't need to enter every giveaway that catches your eye.
Give some games away. You can enter contributor giveaways if you do.
Join groups. Group giveaways usually have less people entering.
Look for puzzle giveaways here in the discussions. not many people enter them.

6 years ago

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Check this: https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/users (Per Level)

And think if you should create 1 giveaway and promote to level 1...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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For me, it's around 1 win per 232 entries.
Now, I'm also a higher level (more ga's with higher chances) and maybe a few more whitelists too. You'll get a win soon enough :)

6 years ago

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entered 29500
won 45
29500/45 = 1 game per 655 entered

6 years ago

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entered 15,835
won 99
15,835/99 = 1 game per 160 entered

6 years ago

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Its bcs u have entered for 40-100 ppl GA, rofl

6 years ago

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that guy earlier in the thread is 1 per every 75. that is pretty lucky too

6 years ago

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i dont like this way to get games on SG...

6 years ago

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nevver lucky

6 years ago

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Maybe you could boost your karma luck by giving away a game. ;)
Took awhile for me to win aswell.

6 years ago

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Giveaways Entered
Gifts Won

1/162 chance....

And the new point system is not helping.

6 years ago

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I usually join the GA which is below ~400 entries / 2 or more copies of game

6 years ago

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I have almost 1400 entries and no win.

6 years ago

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You won't believe me but I've won with my first ever entry lol. I joined the website to get ARMA 2, 6 years ago I think, and I won the giveaway I was invited to ^^

6 years ago

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