The value is what ppl YOU are selling/trading for it are willing to give for it
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"just got"? Its this way since trading was introduced.
Btw, interested on my The Ship for 20 euros?
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I can also sell you Dungeon Defenders collection at a discount for 45$. I will also give you Ironclads Collection for that price.
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It really depends a lot on the buyer. No matter how much the majority of trades would pay for a game, there's always some ignorant people who aren't aware of the games' trade values. So if you can find the right buyer, you may be able to get the full price from them, maybe even more if they're really ignorant (maybe even stupid).
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Use to compare prices with other regions. The market price will generally be somewhere above the lowest regional price in the last high-discount sale. How far above depends on how long it's been since the sale. You'll have to look at actual trades to determine the actual price.
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Sure, if you dont know how to trade. I basically got COD4 and Borderlands 2 today for free just by doing smart trading.
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Play with regional pricing, use tf2 keys economy to get even better deals(some games are insanely more cheap this way), resell those for 1 key or more that you paid, and you will start to accumulate profits.
For example, I bought 12 TF2 keys for 12,22€. Traded 8 of those keys for Cod 4 MW, and another 4 keys for Binary Domain. Traded that Binary Domain for a Borderlands 2 key. Then resold COD4 for 12 keys. Bought another COD4 for 8 keys again, and used the other 4 to trade for Sleeping Dogs. Traded Sleeping Dogs for 6 keys. Bought Torchlight 2 with those keys. Sold it for 9 keys. Bought GTA Complete collection with them, sold it for 14 keys. Sold the keys for 1.25$ paypal.
So yeh, a lot of trades, but in the end got a little bit of profit and 2 pricey games. Its a little bit like that guy that started with a paperclip and traded it all the way up to a new house.
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How long did it take you from start to finish to do all that? Borderlands 2 is a toss up for value, but 2 keys and COD4 is only $7.50.
If you ignore all the time spent, then yeah it's always going to be profit. If you consider the fact you could have been working a real job making $xx an hour, then it's probably not going to be profitable.
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4 hours. And I was playing a game at the same time so I didnt exactly "waste" much time.
Of course, it isnt, in any way, a substitution for a real job, not even close. Its something I do on my free time, and I do enjoy trading, searching deals and whatnot. 4 hours of my free time to get 2 pricey games that I wanted for a long time.... I think its a time well spent.
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I'd say you could get around 6-7€ value with CS:GO playing smartly and that you will have to eat Portal 2 most likely.
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Oh I though it was the other way round.
Then try to pay like 5€ for CS:GO and wait until a sale to get the Portal bundle.
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When drunk you love everybody!
So I guess Steam still loves us...
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We're discussing whether or not 91% was a price error or planned sale, nothing about the current value.
I do disagree though, doesn't matter what I paid for a game, you won't be getting it for that price. People want Borderlands 2 cheap since I got the 4pack price error? Nope, sorry!
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Once a game goes on sale, no one cares about it's retail price.
CS:GO most likely won't be valued higher than $7.50. The Complete Pack is $10 with the three other CS games, not to mention as you said, it's a new game which means the price is only going down.
Portal 2 goes on sale every single sale, so I don't know how you managed to miss that. You'd be lucky to get $5 for it as everyone should have it by now and if you don't, the Portal 1 + 2 bundle is better value. It's only $3.25 in Russia when it goes on sale in Russia and it's not region locked.
I just read you were looking to buy them, none of this is relevant then. You're at the will of the seller, if you don't want to pay his price, you continue your search or pay more to Steam.
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This is how trading seems to be.
Buying? It's whatever the cheapest sale price ever existed. Doesn't matter if it was 2 years ago. This includes the Russian store if able to purchase as a gift and activates as RoW.
Selling? Retail price.
Good luck trying to get rid of anything.
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When I trade I simply don't try to make a profit, and it works out well for me.
I'm usually just looking for games I don't have rather than gain, and I've never had much trouble trading things.
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As what Ive seen, is that games go by the lowest price in sales, when it comes to value trading.
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Hi, what is the value of these games: (i mean values in user trades not in SG points/contributor)
CS:GO - it was on sale for 5,50€ ( 7,50 $) but i don't know if its still valued for that price or higher/back to usual now (it's still quite new game)
Portal 2 - haven't seen one on sale for a while but im guessing it's 4-5$ right?
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