Have you missed convoluted, complicated, intertwined puzzles?
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Kids learn this cipher when in school. One of the simplest ciphers known....
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In the text I used a lot of numbers, but only five of those numbers were in digit form.
If you found the 5 digits, 23, 26, 23, 17, 19 and converted them to their letter value, you got: wzwqs
A five letter GA code, which then you could use to access Gauntlet: Slayer Edition
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Great to hear everything is going good for you ^_^
Also, I suck at your puzzles so haven't really missed those :P
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But this puzzle is very easy! You should be able to do it :D
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Too hard to find, I'm lazy today too, congratz on the leveling and have a bump.
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Haha, I actually meant the 2nd one, the harder one. xD
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Sorry but I find the steamgift's january pyramid to be easier than this. xD
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What? This is super simple!
Kids learn this cipher in elementary school :D
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To be honest even with one indeed easy cipher (if it's the correct one that is), there's still a number somewhere in there screwing everything up anyway. :P Another time perhaps but I do appreciate trying to help.
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We are happy to have you back but not so happy about the puzzles! Sadly, you won't be getting much of my tears -- at least on the forums! Break time soon ;) But there will be plenty of time to play Rocket League with your new laptop and Internet :3
I'm guessing this puzzle requires my PC so... I won't cry yet D:
hugs a finally kind of healthy Keo
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Actually, it doesn't require much of anything to solve... it's a really simple puzzle
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Wow a lot of that time you have been sick... yikes! Sorry to hear that...
Since you haven't provided a puzzle event since November (like wow that was a long time ago- sarcasm tone input here)... Ive been attempting to appease the masses with the puzzle pyramid-- no where near awesome as your events but fill a gap to kinda get us all by in the meantime... LOL!
You are well loved and cherished here buddy!
Glad you got a laptop! I was just given a hand me down laptop that plays well enough my hogs I love... nothing that needs much cpu demands...
So happy to see a post on discussion boards from you.... missing the red herring you cook up for us... Lol
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Don't worry, I got the red herring badge and I'm just thinking about what to do with them now ;)
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I care Chack! :D
You are popular!
There's a fan club.... Oh, shit I wasn't supposed to say anything....
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Thanks eeev <3
Yeah, it means I can actually play some games that aren't little crappy things XD
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Thanks Keo. I hope you enjoyed your travel my friend.
PS: Second puzzle i solved, in 3 years. :)
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Congrats on the new laptop! New hardware is always exciting, especially coming from stuff 6+ years old. We haven't interacted much before as I'm a bit of a lurker, but I've always been impressed by your indelible spirit and have enjoyed reading your posts. Here's to a healthy and tear-jerking 2016! I love games that make an effort to incorporate strong emotions into their narrative experiences
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Thanks so much! I hope you continue to enjoy them!
One of these days, I'll win This War of Mine which I've given away a couple times already and I'll get my own chance at a real tear-jerker. :)
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Was xmas a good one for you in the end? (or at least better than what you had expected last month?) also... new laptop! \o/ now some gaming can occur! :D:D
although recently ill is great to see you are ok and back in here with the rest of us :P
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It was better than expected, yes. Things mostly worked out well and while I enjoyed the break from the daily routine, I was also stuck in an odd situation so I wasn't as comfortable as I could have been.
The real gaming has already started, thankfully, but more importantly on the twenty-seventh, I real high speed internet instead of the crappy DSL I'm currently on.
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aww boooo, bet you cant wait for the internet now :P
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"simplest puzzle you're ever made"
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Congratulations on surviving TX, I'm still living in the hell-hole. Glad you're feeling better :) I would probably feel better if I left TX too.
Not sure what to do with the puzzle, but you will get no tears from me :P I do have a headache tho... thanks.
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Perhaps if the pain of the headache continues, you will shed some tears XD
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We bought Toshiba laptops at my work in 2012 and it's been one of the most reliable machine's I've ever had. Since the business upgraded it's now become my secondary gaming machine for any of the games that don't have linux clients.
Also, solved
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Nice, I'm glad to hear it!
Btw, also, I updated you as a solver ;)
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So since I visited Texas to see my sister's family with her two adorable kids, I've been pretty absent from the forums. While I was in Texas about the 23rd I got sick there too. I was better before I left, but made for an interesting holiday. Actually, I've been pretty absent before then too, not commenting as much, hardly paying attention, lots of stuff has been going on. Mostly I've been highly distracted and doing various other things besides entertaining the lovely people here. Then I got back from Texas to California which I have a love hate relationship with and got a case of acute bronchitis. That kept me in bed for about four days. Mostly sleeping, and only a few days ago did I finally manage to get out of bed and stay out for longer than an hour at a time. Still been pretty weak, but at least I wasn't constantly sleeping.
Today has been the best I've felt and the first time I've had the energy to make a forum post. So let's recount some of the things that have happened.
On the 26th of December, with my Christmas money plus some of my own money, I finally ordered a new laptop (I'll only say this once, yes, I realize desktops are cheaper, but my lifestyle requires a laptop, so thank you for your opinion in advance, but I had to get a laptop.) The good news was I got a great deal through Toshiba (not my preferred brand, but I was on a strict budget,) and I am finally casting off the laptop that I was fortunate enough to be loaned when my old one died this last summer. Boy am I glad to do so, as it had an Intel HD Graphics card and I basically couldn't play much of anything except low demanding games that didn't require dedicated VRAM. That was a painful experience the last couple months, because if I had more than 23 tabs open, the poor computer would grind to a halt and I was suffering majorly.
The good news is I got my new laptop on the sixteenth, and I can now play such lovely games such as Strider or anything that actually requires a real GPU. And while I don't have the latest greatest mobile GPU, it's blazingly fast to me. I haven't bought a new laptop in over six and a half years, so this one makes me very happy. The bonus of course on top of it is that I moved up to a 17 inch screen as well.
Now because I spent a good deal of money on the laptop, it might be awhile before I can really make 19+ GAs like I used to. I need to slow down a bit because I splurged. While it was a well deserved splurge, I still feel the hole in my wallet from the purchase.
Some other notable things have occurred since I last made a post:
However, I do feel bad. My lack of attention to the forums has made me miss the opportunity to nominate people for events that I myself was nominated for. For the nominations I want to thank everyone who gave me a plus one on various threads and put my name in for consideration. I'll try to be more observant in the future.
Other sad things I've seen lately, include people taking breaks from SG... or in the case of one person, leaving permanently. These things make me wish I had spent more time getting to know those people. Even so, I've met a lot of new people regardless. I wish all those who are taking breaks, whether permanent or temporary good luck in their endeavors.
I also feel bad because I haven't tried to drain the community of tears lately. I have two ideas running around in my head, and I'm waiting for them to solidify into a nice cohesive form before creating and publishing my new tear jar collectors. The last puzzle train I was involved in was in November, when Gag, Budgie, Aurorable and myself created the train of madness. So, as an apology for being so scarce, have a GA (or two?)
Assemble your ticket: t-o-P-0-m
You have till Wednesday at four pm Pacific Standard Time to find the other one... I swear it's not that hard and I probably won't even get any tears
Sorry, back. Things happened. New Computer. Thanks. Have a GA.
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