We call this the "retard option".
A.K.A. "I have nothing relevant to say but my genitals are incredibly small and I feel inadequate, so I must compensate by shamelessly attempting to harvest attention at any possible chance" option. Not a very catchy name though. Accurate, but not very catchy.
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nothing is wrong and if you actually read the topic the topic creator said unbiased so since you dislike those type of games this is a biased reply you made
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Yes, and those people have absolutely nothing to contribute to this topic. You're allowed to give your opinion as much as I am.
He's not asking if he should play these games or which of them you personally like the most. He's asking which of the two, meaning he's clearly interested in the genre and the games, should he pick up. Your "Neither" is completely irrelevant to the topic. It's not even an option. Nor does it add anything of any relevant whatsoever. It's literally "I have nothing of any value to say... But I gotta say something so people notice me and think I'm such a fucking rebel! Look at me mom, I'm colouring outside the lines!".
What would you call someone who dislikes a show, hates it, but goes to that show, pays the ticket, then sits in the crowd, in front of the people who like the fucking thing, for the full duration of the show just to turn to people and go "I hate this! It fucking sucks! yeah! YOU SUCK!". Around here we call them attention whores. Maybe it's different there.
And yes, this might seem a bit disproportionate, but I was (still am) pissed at people being stupid in general and this was the little grain of sand that tipped the "must voice a fuck you" scale. If you have nothing to contribute to the topic, nothing of any use to say, then shut the fuck up.
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In the same way you're annoyed by people who have a third opinion I'm annoyed by people who don't bother to search the damn forum to see there's dozens of threads like this one. The difference is, I don't go around being an asshat and insulting others for that.
So yeah, don't go around with your analogies, they're moot in this case. Also, I don't care if you agree or not, you're being rude and flaming, meaning you cannot even argue without resorting to such a low course of action, so, enjoy being reported and the eventual suspension that will follow if you keep up with this bullshit.
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I wasn't arguing. I was calling you out on your behaviour. I'm not doing a "back an' forth" here. I'm not asking anything. I'm telling you.
And your complaint about the search bar would be very relevant if that was, indeed, at all related to this situation. It isn't. Your behaviour was in no way related to a "use the search bar/repeated topic" complaint. Admittedly, though, this has gone far enough as is. Over and out.
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If you could replace leavers, then the game would be completely unbalanced. People leave because they're losing. Who would join them. Also, it would destroy matchmaking since it's skill based. If someone leaves and a better player joins, then the whole system would crash down.
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From the first look, game concepts might seem similar as they both do fall into MOBA genre. But trust me, the gameplay and other characteristics make these games completely different.
As highlighted by professional players, Dota/Dota2 has a long learning curve and at the same time allows endless possibilities.
For myself, I play Dota/Dota2 for 8 years already and really enjoy it.
I am not really saying that Dota2 is better for YOU - it's up for you to choose. There are enough noobs already anyway :/
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DotA2 if youre more into competetion, variety in strategy, polsihed graphics and in my opinion a way nicer graphics style.
LoL may be right for you if you just wanna fuck around with your friends. One huge plus for DotA2 in my opinion is that you get the whole content for free, you will never need to buy heroes, or runes or something like that, so you are able to enjoy the whole game for free.
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Err, pick whichever you perfer?
Sure, DotA might have a steep learning curve compared to LoL. It all depends on your preference. Myself have played Dota for about 4-5 years. Got into LoL since it's more my style and more fun imo.
You might get the content for free in Dota, i'd rather earn something from playing a game. If i'm gonna put alot of time into it.. :/
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LOL THAT SHIT!sorry,but its true
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I know this is a source of a large chunk of debate, but I've got friends playing both and I'm not sure which one I should jump into. I do "alright" at both but have obvious room for improvement.
Can anyone try to give an unbiased comparison to the two, or link to a source that can? :D
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