I think it's so games aren't bought for the sole purpose of getting cards.
People want their game to be played and loved, not just idled or play half-arsed to get some money back.
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It was brought in as a result of Valve's updated refund policy. Once you've played a game past two hours the refund option gets less likely to succeed.
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Not from what I've heard. You can still ask for a giveaway and sometimes succeed. It's just that less than 2 weeks and under 2 hours means it's basically no questions asked refund is granted, assuming the person is not abusing the system and they've been flagged as such.
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Longer yes, but the 2hr no-drop window was only after the refund policy change.
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Before the new refund policy, it was up to the developers how long before the first card drop and between each successive card drop. The new refund policy just added two hours before the first card drop - the devs still decide how long between card drops - Steam has nothing to do with that.
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It's almost as if we're intended to actually be playing the games. Preposterous!
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Use jshackles' Idle Master if you just want to harvest cards.
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games like if they were made only to get cards
( o_O)
Were they made for something else?????
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Maybe they should make it so after 14 days (game no longer refundable) your drop times go back to what they originally were. There have been a couple games I beat in an 1hr - 1hr30min and no drops and the games have been on my account long past the refund date. So I'm forced to idle it or replay it.
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I have Skara - The Blade Remains +18 hours played and nothing! + bunch other games, something very odd is happening on steam...
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I agree. I don't idle any of my games, maybe a few hours in CS:GO when new community cases get added and are worth ~$10. Other than that I always play my games, even for farming cards (and that is why I have tons of games that still have card drops remaining.) It's bad enough when you finish a game and still have a card drop or two left and there is no new game + or any type of replay value, just have to start over and stop the second you get the card (assuming it's not a really good game that's worth playing a second time so soon) or just not get the last few card drops.
What I really hate is that, once again for the umpteenth time, normal steam users are being "punished" for what a few abusers are doing. Steam never tries to find a good solution that doesn't make it more unpleasant for most users, they just go for the easiest/fastest solution and their user base be damned.
/me is sad
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How do you idle CSGO for drops? I can't find how to do it properly. lol
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How I do it:
-start CSGO
-mute it and make it run in window mode*
-go for Community Servers
-type "idle" in search
-[added] click REFRESH LIST
-set servers from most populated
-pick one on top
-alt+tab, do whatever you want
-if server has annoying ads that can't be muted: cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 in console
*Some time ago minimalizing Source games could crash then during loading screens, so I prefer to just run it in window
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I look for idle servers but they are always empty...
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yeah, well they could make it so you don't need the two hours cap to have card drops, but you can't sell them before two weeks of having the game. if you ask for a refund before the two weeks then the refund is declined, and you can't sell the cards while able to ask for a refund, but you still can get others to complete your badges, but can't use "tied" cards for crafts for the 2 weeks. and you can't ask for a refund either if you have played more than 2 hours anyway, and if you don't have played more than 2 hours but have droped cards and ask for a refund, then you have your refund and the cards are removed from your inventory. would make things much better i think
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SteamIdleMaster does the same thing without installing any games. In fact, you can run multiple instances of it to get a bunch of your games up to the two hour mark, then IdleMaster each game individually to get the card drops. I run it overnight and wake up to a load of card drops. :)
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So, you're using the appid trick from fear of of being banned for using an app that uses the same appid trick?
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Refund should be available only for games bought straight from Steam Store, and these games should have this crappy 2 hours wait time.
Games bought as steam key (for example from Humble Bundle) shouldnt have this 2 hours to drop cards, and refund thing aswell.
[buying bundle for 1$ with game for 10$ and return it - legit :) ]
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the really sad thing is that they onlt give half of them in every game
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That was never the problem, but rather the combination of refunds and people abusing that for a few cents.
Also, really? This topic didn't need to return.
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Do you really think anyone would bother refunding games for 1-2 cards that would drop in meantime without mass buy-mass idle-mass refund scripts? Not even people in third world are so desperate.
And seeing idle abuse tools cost us several nice features we had in past sales I'll stand by my opinion, I miss achievement hunts :(
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People will scam you for $1. One dollar. ONE DOLLAR.
Of course they are that desperate.
Achievement hunts were dead long before Valve even started dropping cards, so not sure how idle-abuse tools affected those - at least don't confuse idling with achievement-cheating.
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People WERE
Throw in games that are expensive and never bundled so they could get some of those expensive $60 cards...
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my discussion 3 months old - http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/0mamb/new-in-game-card-drop-time
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First, steam should detect if a game wasn't buy in the steam store or has more of 14 days, for that then the cards drop without the +2 hours of wait.
Second, all the games should drop the cards with the same wait time, 15-20 minutes max between each card (actually the developer set this time and a lot of games drop cards with 1 hour or more of wait, very soporific).
Third and last, retroactive drop cards, e.g. if you had 10 hours of gameplay in a game without cards and then launch the cards for this game, automatic all the cards should drop in your inventory without wait nor idling (maybe with the requeriment of launch the game first).
But maybe this will happen never û_û
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takes a good 5 hours if you are lucky to drop all the cards for a game that's 100% completed in 1 or 2, or is too bad to keep playing it (as we are intended to) for more than a few minutes
let alone the 2 first hours cap that you need to reach in order to trigger the drop of cards
is that just developpers wanting to get better global stats on hours played for their games ? (edit : someone reminded me that it's because of the refunds policy, it stacks i guess)
edit : thread is not about neglecting games like if they were made only to get cards..
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