Yes, there is a tl;dr at the bottom if you don’t want to read this
Yes I realize this will likely land me in a few blacklists
And yes, there is a giveaway hidden in here
For the past month or so I have seen a massive rise in the number of threads calling for perma-banning of anyone who commits anything against the rules. It just seems like everyone is up in arms over this. I can understand people’s frustration over un-activated gifts, regifted ones, and general rule breaking, but not the rampant hate that seems to be streaming everywhere. I don’t know if there have been more people committing these in the past while, which would explain the rise in threads, or if people are just flaring up, since I have not had this problem for a while.

The point of all of this is that I have been on the other side, and made mistakes. I’ve used SG for almost 2 years and when I started out I didn’t read the rules. Because I was an idiot, I ended up getting banned for unactivated wins & regifting and was threatened with a perma-ban. This was more than a year ago. I served my time, have been giving back to the community, and am now working my way from level 4 to 5.

I can understand the anger and frustration at some of these people, and know that the site has grown a lot in the past 2 years so now bots are a lot more prevalent. But we still have users who will make the same mistakes I did. We still have people who might stupidly try to make a profit from this site before realizing how wonderful the community can be.

What I ask is that you don’t think of these people as evil that needs to be removed from the site immediately. Don’t blacklist someone just because they have an unactivated win from over a year ago. Don’t give in to hating someone for a mistake they made when they still didn’t understand SG.

tl;dr – While there are malicious users, there should not be blanket perma-banned for everyone who makes one mistake. Don’t hate people just because they were stupid. They might end up giving back a lot more than they ever could have taken in the first place.

9 years ago*

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Your mother.
Now I'm an offender too!
Your mother again.
Now I'm a repeat offender!

9 years ago

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We should give them a chance, everyone can make mistakes.

9 years ago

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Again, I have two solutions:

  1. Huge text near the cat gif when you win a gift "IF YOU DON'T ACTIVATE THE GAME, YOU WILL BE PERMA-BANNED!" (small text which closes the pop-up window when clicked: "I understand!"). When you press "Marked as recieved", you get another huge pop-up window with "IF YOU DIDN'T ACTIVATE THE GAME ALREADY, DO IT NOW, ELSE YOU RISK A PERMA-BAN!". You can de-activate this pop-up in usermenu after 5 wins.
  2. Allow users to re-roll if the winner has at least one non-activated or double win or valid negative trade feedback.

PS: Also, the thread is pretty biased considering your situation regarding this matter.

9 years ago

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This, this and this!

9 years ago

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Again, I can't agree with a one offense perma-ban. From what I've seen, most people agree with a 3 strike system: The first will will make new users realize that they are breaking the rules. The second will make them realize the severity of the issue before issuing the final ban. It gives people without experience a chance to understand the site, and deals with repeat offenders effectively.

I had actually had a similar thought to the text for space cat, but have let them know it's a bannable offense. I know you will likely disagree with what I've said, but thank you for sharing your opinion :) Hope you enjoyed the GAs!

9 years ago

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I suppose there are more and more of these threads because due to the great tools available more people are starting to check up on their winners before sending the keys / gift. In my opinion it's part of the GA-creators responsability to do a proper screening of their winners before delivering a gift. The first not activated game can't be prevented but if somebody has unactivated wins for which they haven't been punished yet it's partly the fault of the person sending the 2nd win without checking for not helping them see the error in their ways.

With my last 2 public GAs I had to reroll 3 times. 2 of them for a combination of not activating / regifting and trading won gifts (both of them all 3) before I got a winner with a clean slate.
I get why people are frustrated and calling for harder measures. But rerolls are handled swiftly Kudos to the support team and seem to be the best way to get people suspended since normal reports tend to hang in the queue forever.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Bump for bumping.

The internet is full of kids and foreigners (haha, did I really just say that...?) that don't "get it" the first time. It is a learning experience for many people, this magical gifting place.
Repeat offenders should be punished, malicious ones should be banned, but I do believe in second chances, three strikes and you're out.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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One of the great things about the Support Staff of SteamGifts is that none of them are vindictive or hateful. True, a few of them have a lower tolerance level for shenanigans than others, but as a group, they remain committed to having the best community possible. And I, too, try to help out when I can. )

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That was well hidden, great train :)

9 years ago

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I just got out of the London tube so I'm exhausted. All I can do is a bump :)

9 years ago

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I think we should give them at least five chances, depending on which rules they have not been following.

I'm not a fan of perma-bans, and I think that everyone, including myself, can make mistakes because we're human.

9 years ago

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I agree that we should give chances, but I think 5 might be too many.

The main problem is that many people (whether they are breaking the rules maliciously or by ignorance) do not get banned until they have repeated offenses. So if you get 5 bans, then you could come away with >40 games regifted/with a problem. So the problem becomes worse when you give someone that many chances.

I think that with 3 the point gets across pretty well. The first will will make new users realize that they are breaking the rules. The second will make them realize the severity of the issue before issuing the final ban. It gives people without experience a chance to understand the site, and deals with repeat offenders effectively.

9 years ago

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bump for the reinsertion of the bad users, but capital death to the reincidents

9 years ago

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everyone deserves a second chance ;D

9 years ago

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Yay for second chances, nay for repeat offenses!
Also bump :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the ride.

9 years ago

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All of us can make a mistake, but once you whet warned for the first time, you should learn the lesson and dont make it again.
I'm not blacklisting people for this reasons, i think all people should have the opportunity to change or to rectify their mistake
However, if i discover one that didn't activate a won GA (i' check it before send the keys of my GA), i will report him to support.


9 years ago

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Seems to me that someone with 5 nonactivations, and had to be threatened with a permaban before they stopped doing it, hasn't actually changed. They're only following the rules now to avoid that permaban. Someone truly ashamed of themselves would have fixed those nonactivation by now, ESPECIALLY when 4/5ths of the games in question have been on sale for a 90%, or more, discount.

9 years ago

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Bump for truth.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Have another bump:)

9 years ago

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Funny thing about a lot of the big proponents of permabans is that some of them have had unactivated or multiple wins in the past ;)

I'd also be permabanned myself, since one time I accidentally clicked add to inventory instead of library and I only caught it a couple of weeks later.

9 years ago

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Don't worry about it. We're well aware that most offenders are a one-time thing that stops once they learn what's going on. We know this from firsthand experience. We're not rampantly speculating and just making shit up like the people you're talking about. And vitriolic assholes who think stupid shit like permanently suspending everyone who ever breaks any rule isn't a terrible idea will never be allowed on staff. I'm about as much of a jerk as you can be and still swing a banhammer around here.

Basically, this is an idea that can be lumped in with shit like multiple entries that will never happen.

9 years ago

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I've always been in favor of banning anyone who uses vowels, or at least words with more than two syllables, but I don't seem to find much traction with Support on this issue.

9 years ago

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Some cultures require the use of vowels. It may seem ignorant and backwards to us, but we can't just go around throwing them off the site for it.

9 years ago

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That seems different than what I'm used to, and therefore, that means its scary. As such, I will send the thought to my mind clown, where it will be consumed in violent fashion.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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You have a fair point, but the thing is: some people don't care if the winner has not-activated wins, while others would want to reroll on those. Not activating a gift or having valid negative trade feedback (being a scammer) should always be a good reason for reroll.

PS: Also, a lot of the "banhammer" happy guys you are talking about are OK with ban lifting as soon as the user activates his win.

9 years ago

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Nobody but you is talking about re-rolls here that I can tell, and what you're talking about is a non-issue anyway. Non-activation is already a reason for re-rolls, and trade feedback is terribly unreliable. Most of the hundreds of old tickets that haven't been dealt with are trying to get negative feedback removed, but nobody wants to wade into all that 'he said, she said' crap. Actual scammers get thrown off the site. We don't allow them to use us to find potential victims. So most of the people with bad feedback probably haven't even done anything but piss somebody off.

9 years ago

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First of all, all of my reroll reguests were approved so everything I am talking about are stories I read on these very forums. Also true that this thread isn't about re-rolls, but about ways to deal with people who did not activat their won gifts, so I'm not completely offtopic.
Regarding rerolls I am talking about the "more than one month old not-activated gift rule" - which btw wasn't on the old website, and I only know of it because one or two months ago one guy created a forum thread about how his reroll reguest was not approved because of this rule. If that's true, that's bullshit.
I used italic on "valid" negative trade feedback because it is obviously that a large portion of those are misuse, but you cannot say that there are absolutely no scammers on this website. I can point out a dudette if you want. :) It would be sad if you couldn't reroll on a scammer (and to be honest, I have some doubts that you can reroll for this reason).

btw: look, there are more people with my concern ^^ here

9 years ago*

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I don't think the one month rule is strictly enforced. It certainly wasn't last I knew. The only reason it exists is to prevent people re-rolling because someone had a non-activation a long time ago and hasn't done anything else to warrant being punished yet again for a simple mistake. If someone got a re-roll denied on those grounds, they were probably being unreasonable and maybe even trying to use it as a cover for another reason, since those are the kind of situations it exists to prevent. Granted, I can't say anything for certain either way without more information, but that applies to both of us equally.

9 years ago

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I understand that everyone can make mistakes (and to be honest the FAQ is rather big and boring to read, so there should be a big text which states that you have to activate the game on the first win), but even for a very old not-activated giveaway you should have the common sense to buy the game you won out of respect for someone who gave it away to you. Strictly enforced or not, my point is that said rule shouldn't exist in the first place.

9 years ago

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the problem with allowing rerolls for unactivated wins no matter how old they are is the number of tickets people will create.
it might sound stupid, like not enforcing the rules because the system will be overloaded, but there are other methods to avoid rule-breakers. using group/whitelist/lv-req giveaways will filter almost all those offenders you are talking about. and for those that you might find after your GAs end, there's always a blacklist for further filtering.

support is very limited in number of users and time, i don't think we can afford to put more work on their shoulders.

so in short: take preventive measures for your GAs by limiting who enters them, and leave other people that doesn't care about rule-breakers host GAs for them. :3

9 years ago

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Let's say that I don't like OP for one of the reasons posted above. I never met him on the forums (until now), but it seems that he is ~active. How could I have filtered him out from a one month old forum giveaway? The group idea is a good one and I'll start such a group soon but we'd then need the option of set giveaway type to "private" & "group: " (for forum puzzles).

9 years ago*

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There's no rule about having to buy a game you won and didn't activate, and, frankly, it doesn't make any sense to me. If they didn't activate it, they probably didn't want it in the first place. Also, this kind of punishment explicitly hurts poorer people more than wealthier ones, which is inherently unfair. Trying to force people to waste money they may not be able to afford on things they don't even want just to satisfy your nebulous idea of 'respect' is essentially placing your vanity over others' well-being.

9 years ago

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You don't force people to waste money, but give them a second chance by repairing their own mistakes. Also, one's "well-being" has nothing to do with the fact that he can use or not this website because he broke the core rule.

9 years ago

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You completely ignored the fact it's inherently unfair, which is the primary point. The others are more practical concerns. Also, in really extreme cases, this actually does apply. Once you get permanently suspended, it's the only option, but we sure as hell aren't going to do it for someone who has a couple of piddly non-activations.

9 years ago

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Unfair only because there are rich and poor people / countries with great and poor economy? If this doesn't matter for CV system, why should it matter for someone who breaks the core rule?

9 years ago

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If I had my druthers, the whole contributor system would be dismantled, but every time it comes up, everybody whines and cries to leave it alone. We were better off without it.

9 years ago

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Well, about that I agree with you.

9 years ago

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Not if it was more then a month ago, Then its not a reason for a re roll
Also i can tell from other threads, that you are twisting their words around

9 years ago

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I'd love to hear exactly whose words I'm twisting, as I'm neither quoting anyone nor referring to anything.

9 years ago

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Ok, then you were talking about a minority on these site
For what i remember from the threads Op is referring to, despite having permaban written in their title the consensus was that no one should be baned for just one mistake.
In fact they werent even bans, but more of a suspension until those games were activated.

So that comment about vitriolic assholes, doesnt even represent most of the comments in the threads mention, but more a small group of high level users

9 years ago

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I'm just going off what the OP wrote. I don't really keep up with what goes on in the forum.

9 years ago

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Thanks coz bump you.

9 years ago

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You make some good points. I myself have come upon users that had a one year old non activated win, but have given a decent amount of games since then. And since I am all for forgiveness I was OK with delivering them the gift they won. If these users were permabanned they would never have gotten a chance to give away more games.

However if regifting/ non-activating happens a couple of times then permaban is justified imo.

9 years ago

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