If you are fine with throwing the money then it's ok, but if you can't afford to do so then the game can get very frustrating, and that's the bad part.
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All F2P games become a P2W at a certain point in the game. Or at lest most of them.
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For someone who hasn't played very many F2P games recently, how do you justify making such a broad generalization about F2P games?
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If I was wrong with my assumption then I take back my words, can't argue with someone who is more knowledgeable in that scene, I was simply making my assumptions on the primitive notion that nothing can be truly free.
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Tf2 is f2p... Vindictus is f2p... (bad developers but still fun) Realm of the Mad God is f2p... Shall I go on?
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There was an ellipses, but there was also one after Vindictus as well, so that's not as relevant as it could be.
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didn't get to download it yet. steam is offline for me apparently, just relogged and still is. =[
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it said 2hrs for me 6hrs ago...i checked again just now still 1hr ._.
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You posted this as I was typing my response... A FlyFF clone - worse than a WoW Clone!
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I enjoyed the first game, but the second one looks like it's bought into the WoW clone hype. I'll download it to give it a go, but I'm not going in with high expectations. Maybe it'll be good enough to change my mind! I'll let you know if it does.
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AFAIK it's quite easy to do so. And you can get help and there's like a 30 days trial. So you can play it for free.
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Which requires you to dedicate your life to it. What if you only wanted to play it occasionally? Now you're stuck working for the game.
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I did. That's why I play Guild Wars 2 and not expensive crap like EVE. ^^
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I got it during an Amazon special for just $29.99. Great deal. You can pick it up for around $45 on greenmangaming during its sales.
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I played RO1 for around 6-7 years maybe longer. Made a lot of friends so when RO2 came out I got spammed people asking if I was or for me to play but I was busy the first week and when I got around to playing I couldn't find anyone who still wanted to play after the first week so I took that as a sign that is RO2 was as bad as the last.
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I beta tested it and it's not TERRIBLE or anything... but it ain't that good either. The gameplay itself is extremely generic, graphics are nothing special, quests are pretty cookie cutter, there's some grinding and I think that honestly a lot of the appeal hangs on seeing some of the classic RO1 things in a 3D world. That said, MMOs are best near launch so it might be worth a try just to see tons of people and how the game develops.
If you are REALLY interested I'd just play a bit of the first RO if only so you have some shared experience with the fans of the original that will surely flock to the new one, plus the original game's sprite art is beautiful (or at least it was at the time).
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Could RO2 serve as a "My first MMORPG" for people new to the genre?
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Hmmm... maybe with some reading on it or if you are not planning on going super seriously at it. It has a bunch of stuff like stat AND skill allocation, slotting cards in equipment and the Khara system that are not very common in MMOs and might take people by surprise, plus the fact of the matter is that the game is pretty new even in Korea so it's prone to have massive changes at some point (not saying it will, but it's a possibility).
Another issue is that the game has actually gone through a bunch of revisions, including a full remake, so information you might find might not even be relevant to the final game; That and I don't actually know how good the translation of the Steam version might be and if it's not great that will only add to the confusion.
If you are willing to just go at it and look up some basic beginner guides, it'll probably be fine. If you want to get others into MMOs then honestly something like World of Warcraft might be better if only because it's a well established game with ample information on it.
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I think RAN Online will be the best MMO that is suitable for first timers. Very easy to learn, the quest are really worded nicely so you get a better understanding on the motif of the MMO.
It's very punishing in the middle parts so It teaches you the basics on how risky it is too venture outside your comfort zone and just stay where you are safe. Also teaches you the importance of a party, It's much easier to party in ran online compared to other games because the quests are divided and focused in one area so you'll be able to find people with the same level as you are, makes you socialize better.
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Well in about an hour Ragnarok Online 2 will be out on Steam. Is it worth playing or not? I've never played the first. Do I need to or is it completely difference? Do lots of people play it?
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