Yet another reason to not get yourself hacked.

Edit: Despite word "permanently" it seems to be possible to restore (at least for limited time).

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8 years ago*

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Will you use it?

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No (Why?)

I wonder what happens if you remove a game that you activated with a key. Will that key become usable again? They probably thought of this already, but we won't know till someone tries it. If it works, I could see it being heavily abused for a short time before they fix it.

Edit: Tested it and made a new post a few comments down. The key remains connected to your account, the game is just hidden.

8 years ago*

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What if you delete a game by accident that offered some interesting plot device which seemed to counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the humanity of the developer's tortured soul, which strives through the medium of the video game structure to sublimate this, transcend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other, and one is left with a profound and vivid insight into whatever the game was about? What then?

8 years ago

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That was deep.

8 years ago

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Then you're screwed.

8 years ago

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Then the Vogons throw you out of their ship.

8 years ago

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Never going to use it. Feels like Adam Jensen feature, which noone ever asked for.

8 years ago

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For everyone asking "Why would you do that?", here is an example:
I myself asked support to remove some games in the past. Why? Because I was only able to get the cut version here in germany at the time of release and some months or even years later, all new keys for this game were uncut and buyable in germany. While the cut version was still registered to my account I was not able to add the uncut version, so first I had to get rid of the cut version to then add the key for the uncut version.

8 years ago

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That was possible before if you send ticket to support but seriously I don't have idea why it's needed. Better idea IMO would be actually hide games - but not only in the library list but also from games page on profile. And with that you would still hiddenly play it. Good option for anime visual novels ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Or Bad Rats

8 years ago

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Can anyone test if you idle a game for cards, remove it from the library, then add it again, will you receive more cards?

8 years ago

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No, because the played hours and card drop, along with other stats remain. Removing games from the account is not a new thing, only the current automation is.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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If that's intentional, it's pretty clever.

8 years ago

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I just did some testing to see exactly what happens with the key and if you still own the game. When you remove a game, the key is still attached to your account and you still own the game, but there is no trace of the game anywhere on your account. You can't use another key at a later time to reactivate the game because you still own it and the only way to get the game again is to go back into support and select an option that says the game missing from your account and it will let you add it again.

I don't know if there are certain circumstances that could give you different results based on how long you have had a game activated or removed from your account, but this is what I have experienced so far. I tested this with the game "Gun Metal" because a Steam key was given away for free today and I don't want the game.

7:45 PM - activated key
steam profile shows 529 games / steam client shows 528 games

8:20 PM - removed game from my account
Game immediately removed
steam profile: 528 games / steam client: 527 games
Game is no longer shown in the Steam client or on my list of games on my Steam profile.

8:28 PM - tried to reactivate game with the same key
"Product already owned - This Steam account already owns the products with this activation code. Click next to proceed to install."
Clicked "next". Got message: "This game cannot be installed."
"Cancel installation" button is the only option.

8:35 PM
Help, support
Games, software, etc.
Search for "Gun Metal"
Choose "It's not in my library"

"You previously owned this product, but you asked us to permanently remove the package (Gun Metal Steam Store and Retail Key) which included it from your account"
Button "Restore the previously removed package to my account"
"The package Gun Metal Steam Store and Retail Key has been restored your account"

Game immediately added
Steam profile: 529 games / Steam client: 528 games

8:39 PM
Removed the game again because I don't want it.

Edit: If anyone wants me to test this at a later date to see if you can reactivate a game after being removed from your account for a long time, just reply to this message reminding me and I will try and reactivate the game again. I think it will work forever, but I would like to try it after having it removed for at least a few months and see what happens.

Edit 2: I was able to restore the game through the automated system after having it removed for over 12 hours.

Edit 3: I last removed the game from my Steam account on Dec 5th and I just added it back to my account through the support page on Jan 6th. It was removed from my account for 1 month and 1 day.

Note: All the above tests were done with a game that was activated with a key. I also just tested it with a different game that was purchased directly through steam and the results were similar. With the game purchased through steam, I was able to remove the game and then add it back to my account (I only tested this while having the game removed for about 5 minutes). I then removed the game again and tried activating a new copy of the same game that I had in my Steam inventory. Steam did allow me to activate the duplicate game from my inventory effectively discarding a copy of the game.

8 years ago*

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I removed a game and reactivated using key and it was successful.

8 years ago

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Did you reactivate the game through steam support like I had to do, by using the same key that you removed, or by using a new key?

8 years ago*

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New key

8 years ago

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Did you remove the game with the automated system that this thread is talking about or did you contact Steam support through a message? And about how long was the game removed from your account before you reactivated it with the new key.

8 years ago

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I think another interesting thing to test would be if the game time/achievements are saved.

I assume the time would be logged to the account still but I don't know about achievements.

8 years ago

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I just removed a game that I have time and achievements on. I will reactivate it in like 10 minutes and see what happens.

I don't know if this will have a different effect if you leave the game removed for a long period of time though. Steam might have some kind of safety period where they let you reverse the change if you made a mistake and there is no way to know if that period is 10 minutes, an hour, a week, or if they keep the info forever and always let you restore it. I think they will probably keep all the info forever and let you restore it, they are just hiding the game from view.

8 years ago

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I restored the game after being removed for 25 minutes and the play time and achievements were restored as well.

Again, I don't know if there is a time limit on restoring games.

8 years ago

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Yeah, automated system and soon after removal (it was my intention to test it)

8 years ago

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That's weird. I did it with the same key, but I didn't get the message telling me that the key was already used, I got the message telling me I already own the game on my steam account. Either steam already changed how the game removal works between when you did it and when I just did it or it has something to do with how long the game was removed from my account. Maybe they didn't process the removal yet and that's why it said I own the game.

I only waited 8 minutes after removing it before I tried using the key again. I'll try it again after the game has been removed for a couple hours and see what it says, but I have a feeling Steam changed the way the removals work and they don't completely remove the game anymore.

Edit: I was able to restore the game through the automated system after having it removed for over 12 hours.

8 years ago*

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but after you added the new key, cards of that game continue drop or not? I really confused about it.

8 years ago

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Would you mind, if possible, testing it by removing the game for a week or so?
I'm quite paranoid about this change and would really appreciate the info ❤

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you. The OP isn't really certain about what he's saying but I guess the end result is you can retrieve the games again.
I too do not plan on removing any games and am currently devising a plan to, if at all possible, take them to my grave, but I like to stay informed in case something horrible happens and one of my precious goes missing xD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I just posted an update to my original post above. I was able to reactivate the game after 1 month and 1 day of being removed.

This test was done with a game that was activated with a key. I don't know if Steam does anything different with games that are purchased directly through the Steam store. I did test it by removing and reactivating a game purchased from the Steam store, but I only had it removed for about 5 minutes.

8 years ago

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Thank you for thinking of me after such a long time, this info is really interesting and useful ❤

8 years ago

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This has been a feature for quite a while. I haven't gotten around to removing my DOTA 2 beta, though....

8 years ago

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Now people that grabs multiple copies of free keys giveaways will be rich. :B

All there will be less copies for ourselves. :/

8 years ago*

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Great, I can finally remove that Transcripted Alienware Demo thingy

8 years ago

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I just removed 100 games from my library :D

8 years ago

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Removed Dota 2 and Portal: First Slice demo. Good fucking riddance.

8 years ago

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Is there a way in the system to find out if a game has been removed? Somewhere you can see the history/list of any games that were ever removed?
and I'm not talking about memorizing how many games you have xD

8 years ago

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I'll just stick to the "hide" feature... it's a little less on the permanent side.

8 years ago

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