Hello, well I've recently became a co-owner on a cool server and I decided to let you all know about it so you can enjoy it as much as I do. The server has everything a Darkrp player needs from guns to cars to jobs. this server is known as DESTINY GAMING the map is downtown Darkrp. I have decided to make a event. If server reaches 80 players I will make a private game giveaway which the link will be posted in the server from time to time. I hope after the giveaway is over that all of you would stay in the server and enjoy your time :D

JOIN NOW by typing connect in Garry's mod,console.
Join the http://steamcommunity.com/groups/destiny-gaming
Server group and our website www.destinyrp.enjin.com

I hope you guys support us :D

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by soldier32.