New Vegas is my preferred choice. More interest in the setting and characters.
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Which genere are you more a fan of? Have you played Fallout 3? FNV "could" be considered more of the same. Have you played ES Oblivion? Your really not giving us much information to go on. lol
Have you ever played Skyrim or FNV before? ;)
I'm almost burned out on FNV. Later this year or even next I'll give it one more good playthrough. Right now I'm playing a heavily modded Skyrim. Both games are great in their own right.
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If you've never played either of them, New Vegas. Skyrim takes a while to get rolling and really get good, especially if you're easily distracted and start doing every sidequest you come across. New Vegas drops you into a big firefight pretty much right at the start.
If you've played one and not the other, play the one you haven't played. And if you've played both, I don't understand why you're having trouble picking. The settings are different enough that you should know what you're in the mood for.
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That changes things then. You have a world of mods available to you if you have these games on PC and your PC can handle it. Other than that, consider watching some Lets Play vids on YouTube. I'm a fan of Gopher's Skyrim and FNV Lets Plays.
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Gopher, eh? I think I'll check him out. Thanks for the tip.
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Do you prefer (somewhat) Light-Hearted Fantasy Settings or Dark-Hearted Fantasy Settings?
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I'd say that I enjoy Fallout's setting and plot more than Skyrim (I'm a sucker for apocalypse themes), but Skyrim's fighting mechanics are a bit more satisfying and obviously the graphics are a huge jump up from other Bethesda RPG's.
And as an achievement whore (to some extent)... Skyrim is mildly more appealing because it's very easy, albeit very time consuming, to 100%. Compared to New Vegas at least, which has the somewhat annoying Hardcore mode achievement and would likely require multiple playthroughs for the different questlines and the fact they try and force you to develop multiple builds of characters... though I guess one could argue it would make for a more rewarding completion in the end.
It's been longer since I played New Vegas though, so it'd probably feel more fresh then a playthrough of Skyrim. I own the DLC for both games as well, and never played them before, so I suppose either game would feel somewhat fresh at points.
So you see, there are decisions to be made.
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Skyrim if you want to lost there for several weeks :-)
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If you like swearing, lots of gore and love to shoot guns go for Fallout: New Vegas, there's also lots of melee weapons in F:NV too. And armor/weapon mods.
Skyrim has no swearing and less gore, well there is the chopping off heads perk/skill.
I believe that there's more quests in Vanilla Skyrim than there is in vanilla Fallout: NV
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Skyrim + Workshop = Timesink
(I know, New Vegas has the Nexus but there's a lot more of variety on the Workshop)
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I'd say both games are better modded to fix at least bugs and improve graphics and there are large amounts of mods for each. The Mission Mojave mod for Fallout NV has over 27,000 records fixes just in the core plugin. Skyrim does have many more mods available but I don't think it's because of lack of content. I tend to stick to bug fixes and graphical enhancements for the most part and I have 375 hours in Skyrim (completely finished), 87 hours in New Vegas (I'd say at least 1/2 finished), Skyrim was the better deal for me.
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both games are definitely improved modded(seriously you'd think bethesda would learn how to quality control eventually....even one or two betatesters for stendarr's sake) but for some reason one of the main things that suck with me from skyrim was a feeling of incompleteness, the game felt empty and kinda halfassed somehow. maybe i just expected too much though. i can't put my finger on exactly why when fallout didn't so much but
maybe its just because I played skyrim more recently and forgot some of fallout's flaws(i do remember some of fallout's dlc feeling like poorly made mods(mostly op items and completely different feel) at the time now that i think of it, then again so did dawnguard) maybe its just me
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Oh lawd, this guy actually said that Fallout: New "Hey, look at our shit empty nothing 'city'" Vegas felt more complete than Skyrim. I just... don't even know what to say.
I mean they're both great games, but judged based purely on how empty or incomplete the game felt? At least Vanilla-wise, New Vegas loses that every. single. time.
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I personally got a lot more playtime out of Skyrim than New Vegas. I've tried playing New Vegas a couple times and seem to lose interest quickly in it. I played tons of Fallout 3 (did pretty much everything that could be done, finished all the DLC) but New Vegas just doesn't grab me. I've done every quest in Skyrim that has an ending and finished all the DLC. I also have played a couple character classes just to try out different styles. The mods also make it look great and allow you to customize the game a lot if you can get the hang of installing them.
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New vegas, i am on my 2th playtrought, hardest difficulty and hardcore mode
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skyrim, has mods and is way better, but new vegas is good too
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Fallout has mods and is way better, but Skyrim is good too.
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I've got over 260 hours in Skryim, and 50 in New Vegas. I liked both a lot, especially once they'd been modded heavily. It's honestly a hard recommendation to make, despite the disparity in time played. Both have massive new world/quest mods (Falskaar and Project Brazil respectively), tons of new HUD and gameplay features, great companion mods, tons of weapon and armor mods, etc.
I think the variety of races and alternate starts in Skyrim may give it a little more role play potential, but the actual beginning of NV, coupled with the various faction alignments, definitely give you a lot of freedom in that regard. I definitely think NV is superior to FO3 in terms of role playing--there's more ways to just live in the world.
From what I've read in your responses, you seem to be pretty familiar with and open to both. I don't think there's a wrong decision here. I'd get both on sale if you can afford it--base NV gets extremely cheap, and base Skyrim also gets fairly cheap (I haven't bothered with the expansions, don't think they're worth my time and they barely get discounted).
In summary, I'm not sure I actually said anything of substance. Sorry :p
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