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Bleh, it's the version that has terrible looking sprites.

9 years ago

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is a port from the android version?:o

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So I thought :\

What other version are available? I know the snes one and the psx port, there should be a game boy advance one as well, right?

9 years ago

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Yep, there's one on GBA, I played that one.
From what I've heard, the translation on the PSX version is not very good.

9 years ago

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Here is an excellent explanation about the differences, advantages and disadvantages between versions of almost every FF game :)!225&authkey=!AHGvb5WWtrpXf10&ithint=file%2cdocx

If you don't have access to Onedrive, reply to me and I will make you a pastebin, since Steamgifts doesn't allow me to paste all the text here due to character limit.

Here it is, the Pastebin for anyone interested, because Onedrive sucks sometimes: (It messes with the format tho)

9 years ago*

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That's pretty useful. Thanks for sharing.

9 years ago

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No problem man, credits go to /r/finalfantasy

9 years ago

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Thank you, I've saved it and I'll keep it handy :D
Since you use onedrive (I do as well and I enjoy it) remember to claim your storage:
It will be soon reduced to 5 gb if you don't opt in.

9 years ago

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Thanks! I just claimed it
If you ever need 10 TB free of cloud storage check this article out.
Edit I just read the comments of that article and it seems they reduced it to 1TB, I am always late to the party...

9 years ago*

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iOS, but that detail is completely insignificant.

9 years ago

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Well, it's not available for macOS, so it adds irony
Sweet sweet irony ¬¬

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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back in my days we had something called abandonware, you could download old unssuported games to play it for free, now there are re-editions that makes you paid like half of the price of a game that was released 15 years ago... Thanks Obama

9 years ago

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Has that do with anything?

You can still download "abandonware" there are still sites for that.
If that's legal now or then, that's something different, abandonware never been a legit alternative.

9 years ago

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Well, how many FF (for example) did you see as abandonware? And how could not being legal, if a company left the rights of a product free, i think its pretty legal to download it

9 years ago

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Well i was not accurate: Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no product support is available. Although such software is usually still under copyright, the owner may not be tracking or enforcing copyright violations. Abandonware is one case of the general concept of orphan works.

9 years ago

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Not called abandonware but you just as easily had isos of the final fantasy games, there were just as many websites that hosted psx games as pc games, because you could easily burn those cds too.
While i own the original cd's i played both 9 and 10 about 2 years ago again without issues through an emu on my pc, because i found it to be easier.

I know all about the abandonware scene, was an irc owner of #abandonware 18 years ago, i seen many websites back then that hosted abandonware and how they would just as easily been taken down again, and still pro for preserving like does.
Yeah these days there are atleast 2 abandonware sites that seemingly be allowed to exist (and 1 replaces their downloads whenever something new gets released on GOG). I never seen it as "white" though and always as something black (illegal) or grey..

9 years ago

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Well, for me ,as a kid back on those days, it was too white, because the alternative was buy a "cd-mix" with 20 games compressed at max (taking off video clips and other stuff nongame related) and that was kinda illegal xD

9 years ago

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Considering the developer and publisher of the game is still very much alive and that franchise is their flagship, it would be really interesting to see them bump down any games from it to abandonware.
Not to mention that Japanese publishers think totally differently. If they don't think they can make any more money of it, they'd just completely retire the product instead of letting it out to the public.

9 years ago

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As i said, FF was an example, i could pick tons of them

9 years ago

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Just not Japanese ones. And ones where the original publisher still owns the IP. Or one associated with Bethesda. Or Activision.

9 years ago

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You mean like this ? Or like this ? Or like this ? I can continue if you want

9 years ago

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Heh. Touché.
The Windows versions frequently point to the GOG store though. The ancient ones are a nice touch, I have to admit, including the early TES games.

But really… just look at the pricing of the ancient id software games ever since Bethesda is the new owner. Or heck, how the always-free Quake Live suddenly costs 10 bucks since they are on board. That is like the exact opposite of abandonware.

9 years ago

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Thats my point, from some years ago the abandonware scene is gone, now they just make some makeup to the game (sometimes its just a doxbox package) and try to sell it for like 10-15 $/€... (I bought some games like Silver in GoG because i couldnt make it works with the original cd, and they have some kind of patch that solve it)

9 years ago

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Funny enough, until 2010 it wasn't illegal to download copyrighted material in Japan.

9 years ago

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Would be nice if you can switch to the classic interface. Is that an option ?
This just looks awful.

9 years ago

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I guess it's a direct port from the android version :c

9 years ago

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Max resolution of 1360x768 ...

9 years ago

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We need to hope for modders to fix this issue, sadly.

9 years ago

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Yeah! :> Already added on the wishlist. Still waiting for FF X & X-2 coming to steam, though the rumour before seems like false ;< Good for Vita owners though.

9 years ago

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Will buy on a sale.

9 years ago

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And now, we only need FF IX :D

9 years ago

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We need all the missing FF games.

9 years ago

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"An error was encountered while processing your request:

This item is currently unavailable in your region"


9 years ago

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SEA store lock ( like FF 3 ,4 , after years, 5, 14)
Square enix dont want our money :(
Best option to get it from NZ (row gift)

9 years ago

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NZ is the most expensive ROW isn't it? haha. I get mine from amazon, find an american friend just use paypal.

9 years ago

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$15 for a crappy low-res android port?

I'll wait for a big sale on this one. sigh

9 years ago

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You do realize that that it's actually the highest-res assets available right? Would you have preferred they used the SNES graphics instead?

Also, considering that nowadays 1080p is considered low-end on Android devices, and that's what most people still use on PC, it should still look half-decent.

View attached image.
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View attached image.
9 years ago

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The game's max resolution is 1280x768. You ever try to play anything at that res on a 1440p monitor? It looks like someone smeared grease all over the screen. Nowadays we have this thing called graphics scaling, but instead they chose a straight port of the mobile version, right down to the mobile resolution.

This blurry mess (and this is at 1080p, since I haven't bothered to purchase yet) is not acceptable to me (or my eyes). ;)

EDIT: Here's a nice read on the subject

9 years ago*

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Ah, I hadn't realized it was based on the low-res and bad screen ratio of Apple devices. A good Android port will scale correctly to any resolution just like on PC, but it doesn't seem to be the case here.

Thanks for the extra info. It was an instructive read.

9 years ago

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Yeah no problem, Zomby. My problem isn't at all with the actual graphics of the game, it's that they did absolutely nothing to allow for anything beyond the 1280x768 iOS resolution and just expected people would be alright with that. It just comes off looking like a lazy cash grab to me. :(

EDIT (damn I edit too much!): I'm not even asking for 1440p support, by the way -- I'd be more than happy with a true 1080p windowed mode for this one.

9 years ago*

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Nope, they used the inferior mobile version. I hope someone can somehow hack in a scaling engine to fix the graphics.

9 years ago

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Those sprites look awful. They don't match the backgrounds at all.

9 years ago

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It's mostly the inconsistency between the blocky stretched background vs the filtered sprites that's the problem.

It would look better if they either filtered both or neither.

9 years ago

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Woohoo! This was my first FF. Buying right away, screw you backlog.

9 years ago

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If you plan to get the game it's cheaper on GMG with the voucher code 23PERC-WTHGMG-ADVENT (11.16 € here)

9 years ago

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Loved FF6, best in the series in my opinion, but the art in this looks really weird. I am pretty sure I liked the SNES quality art better.

Despite this I did already buy it on my phone ages ago, not gonna buy it yet again on steam though lol

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i would have liked a Version with voice cast
so far i keep playing it on SNES-Emulator when i want to play it.. has better graphics too..

9 years ago

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And as always, "This item is currently unavailable in your region".

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The characters looks worse than on the SNES.

9 years ago

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I'd rather play the GBA version on an emulator, new content or not this one looks like crap.

9 years ago

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You can play it on your phone, I dont see a reason to buy it on steam and play it in SD. And the $15.99 price tag ... ok Square Enix.

9 years ago

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I really think this looks horrible. I own it on both the SNES and the Gameboy advanced and they both look better than this. The art style just looks horrible to me, let alone the menu setup.

And my dear god, $16 for a crappy port of a game originally released in 1994 is horrible. For that price, I want it completely remade in 3D at which point it would probably go for higher. But a crappy port should top out at $5 at most.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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this is the only FF i acctually beated xd, i loved it, but im not gona get it again, i played it i was great and its over.

9 years ago

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As expected, "This item is currently unavailable in your region".
OooooooKayyyyyy, I'll stick with iOS version of FF I~VI. :facepalm:

9 years ago

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Wow, that art is surprisingly less charming than the SNES sprites. The portraits and the text boxes look decent, but I'd rather dust off my GBA.

9 years ago

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Beware the game has an always-online DRM. Do not buy it!!!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by MrGSkull.