I think it's just a matter of quantity. Games were generally much rarer and when I played Zelda for the first time, there was absolutely nothing else like it. Same when I played Chrono Trigger.
Today there are dozens of similar games in almost any niche.
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Yeah but for example adventure games been a rare niche on it's own, with years of little new games, so it was really nice to see Thimbleweed Park and even Virtuaverse (i even gave a copy away before i even played it myself, just because it looked cool and just been made in that old adventure game style).
But that's when you like the games, but when love is a too much of a big word for it, the same as it couldn't capture back those moments you spend months on an adventure game (Sierra/Lucasarts) just because you had to because you didn't had any hints or walkthroughs unless your favorite game magazine gave it, now when you get stuck it's so easy to just look up a walkthrough.
I think it's a bit of both, this actually begs for a thread with poll. :p
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Cheers. :) And i can truely vouch that not only does it look like an old school adventure, it certainly does play like it too (messing around with inventory / good puzzles). I mean there been plenty that looked cool, but when the gameplay was kinda lacking.
Maybe i will give a copy away through the forum, on september 1 my birthday, but no promises, maybe will be something else, dunno yet.
Yeah like with rpg's for example, destroy/get the four elementals, save the princess, where you might already just skip the whole dialogue because it's probably the same stuff.
Or got taken over by the orbs in 2004 https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhunter:_New_York When i played it in the 80's i was like oooh that doesn't happen for a long time, until i replayed it a bit after 2004, and i was like oh wait see that certainly didn't happen. :p Or perhaps more like oooh i will be way old then, versus oh damn am i that old already?
And well we do start with trips to Mars atleast (even though it's a one way trip). ;) And i am glad and hope we never get flying cars, sure it's cool, but what if would would just get car trouble and land on your head..
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My favorite is pure point and click adventure, and rpg, and some indie, but also definitely retro.
I already had Witchhaven (i actually played stephen king's the dark half (kinda bad game, but still) by capstone last week.
Zool i heared the story about a new one, but didn't know it had a page up already, thanks.
Sometimes like every few weeks, i search with the retro tag on steam, and find some hidden gems here and there if properly tagged. Too bad much is tagged as adventure so harder to find the pure point and click adventures.
Also this thread is very handy: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/vgHUs/
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First:Prince of Persia Sands of Time. Last: Hades. Thought games won't hit the spot like they did, but Hades proved me wrong.
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First Majoras Mask. It changed the theme to a much darker depressing world and scratched my collection itch just the right way.
The last is harder because I can't choose between either "Zero Escape Series", Danganronpa or Ace Attorney. But maybe a contestant comes up soon in the form of "Outer Wilds" which I will gift to myself as a reward for a long drawn out task. So lets see
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It feels so generic to write it, but ... same. 😆
I remember my friend got Heroes III demo from some PC magazine and I was absolutely delighted by it. In demo version only rampart and castle were available, so after some games I went with my parents to the store, for the full version. What a good times, with friends we spent long hours playing hot seat. Nowadays we still play from time to time, especially as HOTA lobby makes online gameplay incredibly easy. I can probably count the time spent on H3 in thousands of hours. It is no different with the Dark Souls III, 3k hours is coming quite fast! (But maybe the Elden Ring will take its place, haha)
Honorable mention: Gex: Enter the Gecko was one of my first PSX games and I have very good memories of it, finished few times (also on PC emulator). Ah, so nostalgic. I still have little hope for some remake.
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Turrican II was the first game I fell in 'love' with. The last game that really hit home for me was probably Hades. Honorable mention to Devil May Cry 5 as a game in a series that somehow managed not only to deliver pretty much the same level of fun that the first game did quite a while back, but also added enough things to not feel like a 'mission pack'.
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Hard to say witch was the first..
One of the first I loved playing when visiting cousins was Vice City (As I didn't have PC when I was young).. Once I got PC myself, Sims was one I played a loot when I was a kid. Stronghold as well.. Those probably share my first love.
Latest - Witcher 3 hands down. I put off getting it for a long time. Read the books, watched the first season and eventually bought it. And oh boy did I love it and will replay it once I get beefier PC and will be able to play it on max.
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Oof, the first one is a tough question. Been playing video games since the Commodore 64 times. I guess the first one that I got addicted to was Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on SNES. The last one was Yakuza 0, but I only played it this year for the first time.
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While FFX is my favourite game I believe my 1st love was gears of war. It's not in the same way I view games now but it was something that I spent days on, I'm pretty sure it was the 1st game I ever tried completing that we even brought a video to tell us where the cog tags where. Why was I allowed to get that, its not like either one of us was gonna remember where it said
I'd probably even say fable 3 before ffx, which came out 5 years into my gaming. Now that is more of the true love, I loved that game so much. Idk how many times I repeated it alone and in multiplayer. That was the sort of love for the story unlike gears of war where it was for the gameplay
Now? Well that requires making me remember what I've played. Just because its the 1st I remember lets say spyro trilogy. I had recently brought the ps1 and ps2 games before a remake was announced and I loved those games. The trilogy then ended up how I had hoped. It was beautiful, it felt amazing to play. Sure I knew what to expect story and gameplay wise, but it didn't stop how excited I was to get it and play
I will always give a shout out to Fruit of Grisaia though, while I'm pretty sure it was princess evangile I played 1st, I loved grisaia. I had never really known about visual novels, I never properly planned to join steam and I think without grisaia I don't think I would've. I'm now just obsessed with that game, I own the anime, I own a little figurine of the best girl ever. It just got me to be where I am now and I can't imagine not being on steam
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First games i feel love was in Amiga500 Version of ELiTE (Now EliteDangerous on PC) and Warlords https://www.gog.com/game/warlords_i_ii (i like to play elite and warlord also because they little bit make me feel be near my passed away Dad because hwhen i was little we play games this togheder)
Last game i feel love was Astroneer the PC version but sadly my PC has a very obsolete cpu so i don't have enough power for play it and game give me very low fps problem, and i'm poor so i can't fix this problem now , i hope\wish next 3 years i could make a new pc and play it well , but anyway i very love it , i like it because can be played with relax without hurry and have creative things to build + exploring and very nice physic
and in the past i love also the Bugs about this game hahaha they was very fun (one time my car fly away same airplane so then i build a giant terrain go to sky ramp for try go take it back and run with a car on it and jump on air\sky for try retrieve back my fly away car hahahaha) , and i not understand people that mad\complain about them,for me it's fun to see bugs in games they make me happy and they add something new to the games hahaha,i know that for most of people it's not like this but i feel this i don't know why.
p.s. Ah also i liked much CaptainPlanet (for amiga) is a game about must discover planets,scan them,and find new alien languages then learn languages mean for talk with other alies,thaat was originali\fun different from other games.
p.s.2: i'm not astronaut or alien , just like these games is mean nothing 🤣
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I think the first game I really really loved was the first GTA. I was around 10 when a friend of my dad installed it on our PC. I would get in trouble for not going to bed and playing all night. After that my second obsession was with Mortal Kombat 4, lol, yeah I know. Kid me loved that game for some reason, I still do.
But probably my most beloved game was still from my childhood when I started enjoying RTS games since my dad used to play Age of Empires and Starcraft. I share the best memories watching him play those games and eventually I picked up playing Starcraft at a young age and by the time I was 13-14 I basically had no adversary at my local internet cafe :D
I love and cherrish many games including recent ones, but the ones from our childhood are "irreplaceable".
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I'm not sure about "touched my feelings". If you just mean a game I liked playing and thought had something special about it. Well, I'm not really sure what the first will be, but The Sentinel for the Commodore 64 was one. It was the first game I played with filled 3D (not wireframe), and although frame rate was 1-5 FPS, that 3D made it more real. Plus it was a nice puzzle game.
Last was probably City of Heroes.
By the way, HOMM3 wins the 'lonest gaming session' award for me. Played it 16 or 17 hours straight one day. Quit it shortly thereafter. I don't do drugs.
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I know most people won't know most of the words that come next, but: my first love in gaming was Monkey Island, had it in a 5 1/4 floppy disk. I bought it used and couldn't play it for a long time because I didn't have the copy protection wheel.
But I guess it's the same as choosing which one of your sons you like better. Baldur's Gate or Deus Ex? PC Futbol or Championship Manager? I could never choose between them.
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Hmmm... I'm pretty sure the first one would probably be Black & White. Or at the very least it was the first game I played on PC and it's the game that made me go "Whoa, games can do so much!". Then again, some years earlier I did play Worms World Party for a few hours on the son of some friend of my dad's computer and that was my primary motivation to want a PC in the first place. So, I dunno? Maybe a tie between the two. ^_^'
(I also had some bootleg SNES clone and a PS1 before having a PC but I barely remember the games on those. Crash Bandicoot was pretty nice but, in retrospect, nowhere near as influential to my life choices as Black & White.)
I'm not dead or dying yet, unfortunately, so it's pretty early to talk about my "last" game I ever fell in love with. :P
The most recent one is definitely CrossCode though. (Probably easy to tell for anyone who knows me since I've recommended it to almost every person, cat and house plant I've conversed with since playing it.) That isn't to say that I haven't played any other good games since then (just finished Double Cross last night and it's awesome too), but it's the best combination of great gameplay (both on the puzzle and combat side), relatable and fun characters (since it it the characters in a story who make it), really good humor and a very interesting setting. :D
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First game ever would probably be The Great Green Mouse Disaster, which I played at grandma's as a small child. First non-childrens game was Sims 2.
Last game, maybe The Great Ace Attorney. 90 hours of greatness.
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Can't really remember which one was the first, so I will say Crash Bandicoot 3 (on the PSX/PS1) and the last was probably Dragon Age Origins (that was like 3 years ago or so, but it seems I'm not alone in not falling in love with games as often as before)
My all-time favourite would probably be GTA San Andreas, up there with Mass Effect 1+2 (there were just 2 games in the trilogy, right? Right???) and Bioshock Infinite
edit: can't believe I forgot to say Assassin's Creed 2, it blew me away back in the day; and Alan Wake a.k.a. the only "scary" game I ever fell in love with (I'm a big scared baby, but this one was too good)
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As far as i can remember, probably something related with Half life, like Team Fortress Classic or Counter Strike. I played games before that, but since i was too young, i don't remember much about actually enjoying a game long term. Valve games, GTA:SA and Halo were the first games i spent probably thousands of hours playing, replaying, messing around and using mods.
Last game i loved... good question. I don't really consider me loving games, i do enjoy them though. Last game i played that i enjoyed more than usual. I guess it would be CP 2077, game wasn't perfect but the story telling was pretty damn good imo. The game more or less leaves you a bit mind blowing with the multiple choices, only 1 ending can be true and we have to find that out later on, with DLC or a sequel.
CP 2077 for some reason gave me vibes from matrix times, matrix is essentially my all time fav movie series, followed by lord of the rings. That might also have something to do why i enjoyed CP 2077 plot alot.
EDIT: Actually, my first game that i enjoyed alot, was probably gran turismo 1 on ps1. After reading Cheeries comment, that might be the most accurate reply. I've played older systems before PS1 but nothing stood out to me like Gran Turismo at the time, being a kid, loving cars, my father being a mechanic and buying tons of car magazines for collection, mostly classic stuff. This made me build up interest in older cars and in general racing games, Gran Turismo was the first series of games i bought and still buy to this day. I recall spending lots of hours with GT1 and GT2 on ps1, i even remember deleting the savegame once because i was too young (i was 6-7) and didn't know the difference between load, save and delete (not my primary language), this triggered my older brother and then he decided to explain to me what each word meant.
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You know, games are not just moving images. There can be story, great soundtracks and gameplay by itself may be that good, you really enjoy "Those moving images" but if you have that flat opinion on games. I trully think you cant love them :) So I understand.
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True, am not fan of story, talking, ton of cutscenes games, soundtracks i basically ignore, 2D games where i all day have to click arrows and space. I simply cant enjoy em.
If game it have to be 3D shooter (very rarely racing or strategy) without any talent trees and long progress to have a playable game. Thats why i play basically PUBG only.. u land, take gun and killing others.
I want to do smth, thats why i play, games where u running here and there just for dialogues would kill me.
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It's really hard to name the first one... Command & Conquer was the first game that made me want to buy PC to play. And I really loved the visual style the moment I saw it.
And the last one is definitely Metro Exodus. There is also Atomic Heart, but it's still unreleased and some latter changes in style dissappointed me.
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Its been a while I played game that really touched my feelings. I still have games that I repeat every year and I love them.
My first game I fell in love was Heroes of Might and Magic III
And last game I fell in love was Dark Souls III
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