Do you buy games protected by Denuvo?
Nice! i hate the cheap system game companies now follow, I personally don't care if the game has denvo or not if the game is good and affordable to me i would buy it either way if the game is shit well you know whats gonna happen.
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Well, at least some publishers start to behave more or less decently afterwards.
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Quotes creator of VMProtect saying it's not.
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DRM really only annoys paying people I wish these companies would get off there high horse and stop blaming piracy for bad sales.If piracy was that much of an issue no game would ever succeed on the PC.Most who pirate will never buy the game regardless or when it is super cheap.
Make a good product and most of the time it will make you money and lot's of it.Shit ports and buggy release leave bitter tastes in people mouth's so start making better release and maybe people will trust your product and buy it next time!
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I think a lot of people justify pirating when new releases are like 59.99 too.
Good product at a reasonable price will generate a metric fuck ton of sales.
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It may boost sales or it may not.
The problem lies with the same logic of going to a yard sale or flee market and find an item way below what most would sell for it and you have to ask yourself is it a good deal or is there more to the low price?
You see if you list the price at say 39.99 for a new release most will associate that with a budget game and may not be so good but if you make it 59.99 then they think it must be a big tittle and must likely be good.
If you can not afford to pay full price then you should not play the game or find it at a price you can afford it is that simple.I can not afford to always go the movies that does not mean I go and download it and use that to justify it.The point I was trying to make is games do not need DRM and sales will be about the same.The issue is they see on sites where some cave and go buy it so that some how justify annoying paying people to gain a few more dollars.
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So.. these publishers pay denuvo a crapload of money right?
Do they get anything back when their game gets cracked? That's freakin bullshit if you paid for this service and 4 days after release your game is cracked lol.
I noticed two of those on the list removed denuvo shortly after getting cracked, contract terminated?
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Nobody really knows if they do.I would doubt they would offer a money back thing but at the rate that Denuvo has been cracked as of late is it really worth the extra cost?I also would not continue to pay for a product that suppose to protect it that no longer is so I would also remove it why pay fees for a game that is not protected anymore.
Denuvo still has no real proof it helps sales and that is the only reason to care about such a thing.They surely are not doing it to give pirates a big FU it is to protect the bottom line.So far most of the games that it has protected I have not seen any huge sales numbers so it tells me piracy really is not the issue imo.Plenty of indie games that have no drm or easy to crack DRM have sold more then a lot of games that used Denuvo.
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I've read denials about this, but this practice of removing DRM as soon as a game is cracked certainly started with Denuvo, so...
DRM opponents always pointed out that it usually ends up only harming paying customers, but I doubt the industry suddenly wisened up, so I guess either removal is indeed part of the deal (possibly including some money back) or they know Denuvo can harm performance (as seemingly proven by Rime) so they treat is as a necessary evil - as long the "necessary" part stands.
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There never was or would be any kind of money back deal that would just be bad business and you would not be in business long.Denuvo was meant to protect the game for the first few months when most who will buy the game have bought it.
Denuvo is licensed and I would assume that license is void once the protection is no longer effective.Who would keep paying for a service that does not protect you.It would be like being forced to stay with your alarm company despite whenever there is a break in no alarm is triggered nor any cops being dispatched to the location,and expecting you to still pay for there service.
Also several cracked games had been tested against non cracked version and found to be running the same so with Denvuo protection those myths need to stop.The only other thing to surfaced was this
Though by feedback on forums and other sources even that seems to not much truth to it and more less down to the game itself.I am not trying to defend Denvuo I just do not think anyone deserves misplaced hate.\
All that being said until lately Denuvo had been very effective at protecting games at the crucial part of the first few months launch.Since this new group Steampunk has emerged with what amounts to keys to the front door who knows if this is the end or just a speed bump in the long road for Denuvo.
All who make games have the right to protect there product the way they see fit the same as each person has the choice not to purchase said product if it uses something they do not want to be a part of.I just do not like DRM because most of the time it just a big FU to paying people while has very little impact on those who pirate.Witcher 3 has proved along with countless other developers that DRM free can have good sales and is not needed if you make a good game most likely you will do well.
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I agree there were some misconceptions and "myths" surrounding Denuvo. The thing with Rime might be that in their effort to become harder to crack they crossed the line of no performance hit and that's definitely unacceptable. About the licensing model, I don't know... Maybe it works as you said, but a "pay daily until it's broken" model doesn't sound completely convincing to me.
All in all, I generally agree with your considerations, but I don't think the success story of The Witcher 3 is enough to just say piracy is a non-issue and DRM has no reason whatsoever to exist.
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The point of the Witcher 3 was to show that if piracy was the big of an issue that even that would have had low sales giving it is DRM Free and super easy to pirate.
Piracy is always going to be an issue but where do you draw the line?There comes a point when you are just throwing money on a problem does little to stop it but too stubborn to admit it.The license thing should be obvious that it is not a daily thing I am pretty sure you pay a set amount of a set time or a flat rate for a set time.Nobody would pay daily for such protection or I hope nobody is that stupid lol.
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The latest update to Hitman 2016 officially removes Denuvo.
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Just heard about that "Denuvo" thing for the first time. I was playing/ was going to play some of the games from these lists and I don't see completely any reason to change that. Also I've only pirated a few games in my life (around 3) and it was a really long time ago.
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07/07 Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch 1.09 removes denuvo.
No official word, but it was confirmed in the underground.
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IMPORTANT: Please, add (type) the tag "Denuvo" manually to all Denuvo games you visit in the Steam Store, there aren't still enough games tagged as "Denuvo" so the tag does not appear. I'm adding direct links to the games below.
Also you can join this group and you will get a notice in every game profile with Denuvo.
Please, don't post links to torrents or warez related sites.
I opened this thread to post news about this protection. There's a Previous thread with interesting info but was closed by the author.
Latest news (2025):
(date format DD/MM)
Denuvo removed from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (by mistake?): Steam Community
Cracked games (disinfected versions are in bold text):
Upcoming Denuvo games:
List of Denuvo games: (not available anymore, some Wikipedia editor has removed the most useful info from the article). Info
New link (even better than Wikipedia's old table): (not available anymore. Reason: "As very little AAA games are being released right now, our advertising revenue is very low and we can no longer afford to pay for servers.": Reddit thread
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