Then according to your logic, we should also get rid of all the people who dont contribute
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No, he is saying those who giveaway to the SG community (public) should get more benefits (i.e. contributor only giveaways) than those who giveaway to select few (group/private, excluding puzzle giveaways). Because the latter aren't contributing to the whole SG community.
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Non-contributors don't get contribution points for not contributing though. Giving games away to your close friends allows you to enter into giveaways meant as rewards for contributing to the community. But if you only ever give away games to your friends, you're only contributing to your friends.
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True, but the giveaways are not available to the whole community. And while the same could be said for contributor giveaways themselves, every community member has the opportunity to take part in those giveaways. The same is not necessarily true for private/group giveaways.
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but somehow we get in those groups, right?
so everyone still has the opportunity, they just have to be at right place in right time...
if u contribute, u can enter contribotor giveaways, but in same time u could qualify for private groups...
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It's still shitposting, even if you're being ironic.
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I would love to make some kind of puzzle for my 1st contribution (which I likely do with the money left in my wallet after the sale), but now with contribution giveaways I'm not sure anymore. So, I'm with this thought to make group and private giveaways to count to contributor value.
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This one. I was about to point out that only private giveaways can have special rules or can be used for this kind of activity. Even though private giveaways are not that visible, some of them are quite active part of the community.
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If "contributor" is used to direct peoples action, an alternative would be to have not one but three contributor values: public, group and private.
From a technical point of view this should be rather easy to implement.
To keep things simple, the site could still display a "global" contributor value but use the specific value to allow participation in a specific type of giveaway. (or just use the public value for any type of giveaway or ...)
Such a solution would only help with one type of problem (creating virtual contributor status using fake or rigged private/group giveaways) but that's maybe better than the current system.
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I agree with the OP. There's a difference between generosity towards a select few who will be generous back to you, and generosity towards a larger bunch of people who might never reciprocate. It's never seemed entirely fair to me that public contributor giveaways reward both equally.
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this is retarded in general. it's sad that these threads pop up near daily, whining about the inplace systems for giveaways. don't like it, you know where the door is....
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I believe it was said that if you attack the other argument and person enough you never need to defend your own opinion.
Ad hominem away!
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Perhaps there needs to be a clear definition of what Steam Gifts intends to be.
In this case, I think we need a mission statement for the site rather than a discussion of the operation. To elaborate, I think there's a discrepancy between the spirit of the law and the letter here.
I also think you need to change the name of the topic OP. Your post has the negative connotation of past heated topics. I would suggest, "Should we alter the way private group or private giveaways are counted?"
People are "LOL DIDN'T READ'ing" you to hell and back already.
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It's a good idea at its foundation. If you make private giveaways for the community to reward those who who contribute/are grateful/deserve it then you should definitely be rewarded.
If you make private giveaways for your 5 best friends then you should not be rewarded for "contributing" since such giveaways do almost nothing for the community.
If not receiving a reward for false contributions is punishment, then these people should be punished. Again, not targeting you specifically.
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I see the point you're getting at, but then it would be harder to implement than the current system. S. Gifts giveaways should count because most of the site is in that group, or at least they should be. Private giveaway shouldn't count based on your suggestion, but the site has no way of knowing if the private giveaway was just made for a few friends, or if it was a puzzle or hidden link or something of that nature. Contributor giveaways, once they reach the high numbers of contributor value required, are equally as exclusive, if not moreso. I think it would be too difficult to implement the systems that would be necessary to do all this. I think Steamgifts works ok as it is.
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You can forget about contributor giveaways. Public giveaways with several hundred / thousand entries were replaced by public contributor giveaways with several hundred / thousand entries. Only thing that changed: Since the introduction of contributor giveaways you're at a disadvantage if you play by the rules and refrain from submitting individual bundle keys as giveaways. If you want to get something in return for the stuff you give away, you have to create a private group (or find a decent one, but that's like looking for a needle in a haystack).
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I think one of the problems is when people make private giveaways and only send the code to 1 person in order to make a trade privately if they are using the private giveaways to trade games and both get points as well. Though admins can probably check this, not many have the time to check every giveaway.
There is also a chance the person has multiple accounts and is using private giveaways to gift games to themselves to gain points.
Private giveaways are private and we cannot see what was gifted
Most are for a small group of people and for that part it is up to themselves to regulate them
Leeches need love too and they help out sometimes in the community and who doesnt like leeches they clean things up
I shall suck you blood mmmm
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Well, as far as I see it, the creator of the giveaway has complete choice over who they will and won't allow to enter it(or to be more precise who they allow to win it). If it's a group giveaway, it's still contributing to part of the community, but the part THEY have decided to allow a chance. Just like with puzzles- the creator has decided to allow just the people who can solve it. Sure, some people abuse it, but they also get caught. :P
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So, small closed groups AREN'T part of SG community? The more you know...
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I think I agree with you on that one. Maybe everyone could have both an "overall contributor value" and a "public contributor value". Meaning someone can only enter Public Contrib giveaways if they have enough on the second contrib value, but can use the whole overall contrib value to enter the private ones.
Example: Danny boy has given away enough to have a $300 contributor value, but only $200 was public (might even add public groups in this level). That means he cannot enter Public giveaways that require $301 value, because, in the Public sphere, open to all the SG community, he only gave away $200. But in giveaways that are private, he can use all the contributor value he has ($300), because that's his raw contribution to the community - no reason to limit it to the $100 value for the private giveaways because "Private" is not a sphere itself, it's not a community. Also, about Groups, we shouldn't limit by how much was contributed to each group independently because that would make a mess of things, I believe.
That's just what I think.
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Yeah, transitions always suck. But it's a nice-fitting idea that would drive up the number of public giveaways, which is always healthy.
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I disagree with this because MANY people do Group and private giveaways due to hating having to deal with beggars,whiners and bitches... I am included in this group of people and Your (Suggestion) I can only agree with IF (Beggars,Whiners and Bitches) get removed completely but the reality is that this will never happen so I must disagree with you because I make private and group giveaways because I dont want to give free games from my pocket money to someone who is ungrateful or rude .
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206 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by TheMuzo
I was thinking about this earlier. If I recall correctly, the point of contributor giveaways is to give something back to the people who have strongly contributed to the SteamGifts community. So say I publicly give away a $10 game, I can enter public $10 contribution giveaways. But if somebody made a private giveaway of that same game only for their 5 friends (I'm aware of the 1/2 entry ones not counting), they could still enter that public giveaway, despite not contributing to the SteamGifts community. I don't know about anyone else, but this seems a little off to me. They are only contributing to their own mini-community. I would say that the same thing applies for group giveaways (the private groups that is, not like CWLFS). You are making a contribution to the group's mini-community, not SG's, so why should you get the same benefits brought in to thank people for contributing to this one?
This isn't really a suggestion, more a discussion; I'm curious to see what everybody else thinks of this. I am kind of expecting some hate from the people who almost purely giveaway games privately but this is the internet after all.
Also, I am now sick of the word, "contributor".
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