I'm a nintendo-fan and even I'm not thrilled for it, simply because I can't see myself spending money on a new console this soon again, seeing as the 3DS just came out and the titles so far are absolutely laughable at. I will probably purchase it in a few years, when there's actually good titles.
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I almost got a 3DS for some of the titles, I really enjoy Mario and KH titles for my spare time.
But still, MOSTLY not worth it.
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They WERE good titles. I think this is why Nintendo is dying: either they do movie-based games (that often suck), or they rehash the same franchises again and again. I was a huge Nintendo fan, but at some point Mario failed to deliver new stuff, same for Zelda, DK, and the rest of them. Plus a lot of their business revolves around remakes nowadays. As much as I enjoyed Star Fox 64, buying a 3DS for a game I already overplayed is lame.
As for the WiiU, the Wii was a major disapointment in term of games (controller flicking is NOT a responsive action), and the WiiU seemed to rely a lot of their controller being a standalone. Yet it didn't work so well as a business plan with the GameBoy Advance and Gamecude compatibility... And it's going to be fricking expensive (maybe not the console alone, but with all the extras). All that money to play golf and childish party games?
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KH:DDD looks good story-wise.
But horrible gameplay-wise.
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I almost got one for MGS3 and Tales of the abyss, but then i realized I own a damn PS2.
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I picked one up because I didn't have a DS (gave mine to my younger brother who used it much more than I) so it gave me access to the DS games and the very few 3DS games worth getting at the moment.
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It looks horrible.
Almost considered getting it for ACIII, but then saw that it's ALSO for Xbox.
Don't bother.
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Same shit with a screen in it. Fail.
EDIT : Also, no upscaling? WTF You can upscale a Wii game on the PC with an emulator but you can't with the Wii U? Fuck that!
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Because the Wii U won't be emulating them. They're literally just sticking Wii hardware in there as well to run older games.
Obviously emulation would require far more time and resources, but it's not like Nintendo's engineers and programmers don't have a lot of previous work to build on. They could offer periodical emulation updates through patches... oh, wait, Nintendo doesn't even know what a patch is.
Anyway, I think it's a missed opportunity. I suppose they'll just sell old GC and Wii classics in HD for $20 each on their digital store.
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I guess. What they did was that you had to go to the Wii Shop, find the channel called "Save Data Update Channel For The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword" and download it to your system. Then go to the menu and start that channel, which would then search for the save file and update it to avoid the glitch.
So, yes... I suppose you CAN call it a patch. The Mario Kart 7 patch for 3DS was handled in a similar manner.
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Nothing new except console priced peripherals. Sorry - double console priced peripherals.
The wii got a lot of attention because the control scheme was NEW and interesting, and a lot of non-gamers, as well as casual, and even some serious gamers got interested in trying something new. The Wii-U is abandoning that. So what do we have? More re-hashed versions of the games we grew up on, in the most expensive package anyone is offering. Nostalgia just isn't that strong.
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You say "nothing new", but the Wii was the stealth winner in the last console generation in terms of sales (could've been better without all the shovelware), and at first everyone laughed.
Nintendo just might pull it off despite how things look before release.
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you missed out on some good console games like Red Dead Redemption and Metal Gear Solid
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Who were the original creators of the Wii hype? Core gamers. Nintendo fans from the GB/N64 era and older. They spread the word, they spread the hype, they got the majority to listen. This majority became the casual gamers. The casual gamers began to realize that video gaming doesn't have to be nerdy and that you don't neet to know Java or be good at system administration to play a round of Wii Bowling.
The Wii suddenly broke selling records. Every casual gamer wanted one, it was new, it was fun, it was easy. On the way Nintendo lost the core gamers, who became tired of waddeling around their Wiimote in their living rooms, only to realize that buttons are more precise and efficient. Poor graphics, expensive software and above all lack of games drove them to Microsoft, Sony and Valve.
Now every casual gamer owns a Wii. They still use it, but on rarer occasions. They may have bought 2 or 3 party games, but of course their game consumption is way below that of a core gamer.
And in this time Nintendo tries to release the Wii U. The Wii U! Basically a Wii with improved graphics and 3rd party support to satisfy the core gamers. But the core gamers are happy where they are, they don't want to go back to Nintendo. Everything the Wii U could offer them (the 3rd party games they asked for years ago) they already got from the competition. Nintendo lacks decent exclusive titles (and with decent I nether mean dully killing zombies, nor a couple of mini game versions from past franchises). No, the core gamers won't spread the word again.
The casual gamers know nothing about the Wii U yet. How would they? Nobody told them. And those who caught the word won't be willing to invest that much money in better graphics. They were content with the Wii as it is, but it has lost it appealing touch of new.
I view Nintendo is a husband, who enjoyed his time cheating with younger girls and probably having the best time in his life, until he now came to realize, that the younger girls don't find him appealing anymore, because they have learned his (to them) mysterious ways, and his wife is married to a new partner (360/PC/PS3).
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WII U only impresses me in such that gamestop will be forced to drop the prices of the WII. I would get one for my kids. It was like some others said. In the beginning, Wii's concept was fantastic. Then Nintendo didn't address the issues fast enough and just like GC they just left core gamers out to dry with poor selections of titles.
Now the other major players both have a motion controller for games. They have the party games. They even have quality 3rd party games. I'm going to believe the hype and also get on-board with the newest next gens being announced next year and released in time for xmas 2013.
I feel the success of the Wii-U will only be granted by mis-steps from Microsoft and Sony. I hope Nintendo doesn't get forced into the world of Atari and Sega but I think the next 5 years might have the breaking point at least in the Home console market. They are pretty unstoppable worldwide on the handheld market. Thanks Pokemon.
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Yay a new console!, more graphics on a sub-par kid oriented plattform.
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