Yeah, I know it can happen, but it is a pretty big jump if we are talking 35 random games. And usually, at least for me, the number goes down not up. Every time a game gets banned/taken off the store.
Maybe the games all came from one publisher. No idea how Valve works, if they are doing these in batches.
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It breaks like all the time for me. Happened at least a couple dozen times the past year that it just shows all perfect games regardless of their status. I suspect that's what happening for you since my regular number didn't increase or go down at all this time. It will sort itself soon enough.
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Yes, I have notice it showing the full total of all games then a couple of hours later it goes back to normal and hides the "profile limited games". I'm not to bothered.. I'm the only one who even sees my totals.
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SteamDB has update history for most games. Its not easy to filter out that specific event so you might have to do some manual work.
For example heres random game I picked:
You can see:
"Changed Categories
Removed Profile Features Limited
Added Steam is learning"
On the history. If I remember right you should be looking for "Removed steam is learning" or "Removed profile features limited" - I cant remember which one sorry
Now just add /history/?filterkey=254 to end of url like this:
The app number is same as steam pages number (or just search in steamDB)
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Sadly you only can check out Depot changes on your library via logging in - clicking your avatar - "your watchlist".
"Depots are uniquely identified by a Depot ID. When a customer installs an app, one or more depots are downloaded and "mounted" on their local drive."
It can be patch, it can be private beta changing, it can be removing playtest depot.. so not helpful for your issue ^^
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I assume it's the known bug that happens many times each year for a lot of people.
It's always a short time up, followed by a down for the same amount of achievements and perfect games.
But you can look closer at your stats stuff with
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I have an acount on Completionist, but the snapshot there was older than what I was comparing against now. Did an update now and the number of restricted games (which don't count towards total achievements) has actually gone down by 6. Since this data is 1-2 weeks old it is pretty much useless bc I don't know what happened in the time up until an hour ago.
And the 19 recent games it lists are ones I actually played in the past weeks.
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Sometimes it shows all my 100% games. The rest of the time, it excludes my 100%s from delisted games. It's all very random when and how it decides to do one or the other.
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There's a whole series of trivia games that unlock all their achievements without even playing them. Seen several on SteamGifts recently. If you activated any of those, you'd get a big pile of achievements.
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The Trivia Vault series with 5000 achievements each? Yeah, I have a ton of those, but never played them. I don't think they ever counted towards your total even though they come pre-unlocked. Were always profile limited I think. On top of it they are now unavailable in my country.
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I only have one of that series, and haven't played it, but you don't even need to install them to get the achievements, just activate the key. But looking at your perfect game list on Steam, none of those seem to be included, so must be something else. And that trivia vault game I have doesn't register as a perfect game either.
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I do believe you would still need to start the game once for them to unlock properly. Achievement sites won't register the unlocks until you do. Do keep in mind that the Steam client doesn't like an unlock bomb like that and itself might lock up for a bit.
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As title says: 35 perfect games and 2442 achievements were added to my profile in the last hour or so. I suspect this were games I 100%ed before and that have now lost their "Profile Features Limited"/"Steam is learning about this game" status. Is there an easy way to find out the exact titles? In steam you can only sort perfect games by playtime, name and achievement completion, but not when they were added/counted as perfect games.
I have my old profile open on another computer which is how I know the exact numbers, but clicking on Perfect Games loads the now higher number of games. So I can't check that way.
Anybody experienced smth like this before?
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