Feeling the same way......They will ruin minecraft.
It's a pity, really :/
I can already see the "Login with your live account to play" 'feature' being added.
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Edit: Everyone secure your Minecraft 1.8 files!
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you can roll back from the client to previous versions
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laughs heartily Trust me, it's sold quite a fucking bit without being on Steam, though I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up there anyway with the Microsoft acquisition.
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Yeah, I wasn't thinking I guess. Maybe because I already own it, so I don't need to look forward to getting it cheap. Also, Microsoft's big hope for Minecraft is more sales (sold copies). I think I have justified my stupidity!!!!!!!!! Or not... crie$
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Where can I buy a bomb to send to Notch? Now Mojang will make their houses of obsidian, they will be explosion proof, ocelots will guard the gates to scary Creepers away, Endermen, Skeletons and other creatures will protect our lovely billionaires who wear diamond clothes and eat only Enchanted Golden Apples made of Golden Blocks and normal Apple >.<, so if we send them a bomb nothing will happen, I guess. And yeah, now Micro$oft will rip off ppl and ruin completely the game.
Also: "The founders: Notch, Carl, and Jakob are leaving."
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They set the company up to be bought, took their money, and ran, I guess?
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Yeah, take the money and run!!!
Also, found on their forums, ppl saying "So from now on Minecraft is no longer an indie game anymore."
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Would it have been worse if it was EA? Microsoft have a habit of absorbing IP's never, to let them see the light of day ever again!
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That was sarcasm. Destiny is what I was getting at. Also the success of Halo while Bungie was part of MS.
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What happened to FASA, Rare, Ensemble Studios, Digital Anvil? hmm?
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Well, a long time employee of Ensemble admitted that "The reality is that every single game we shipped took twice as long as we said it was going to take, and cost twice as much to make, Microsoft is a public company, they answer to their shareholders, and we were simply too expensive."
Rare is still around and presumed to be working on something non kinect related.
You left off Lionhead, who is responsible for the popular Fable series and they are working on something new and non-Fable.
There are several other recent MS acquisitions that haven't had time to fail or succeed but if you look at the whole picture you see some highs and lows. No company is going to pick right every time. Game studios close all the time, sometimes due to a lack of support that a big company like MS can provide. Maybe some of the failures are MS's fault (mainly pushing a couple of devs to do Kinect games, although in the case of Rare this worked once (Kinect Sports) and they've survived the abandonment of Kinect) but you can be sure that at least a few of those studios closed because of their own inabilities.
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It will take them billions of years to recover an amount they quadruple in earnings each year?
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They're projecting to make their money back by the end of the 2015 fiscal year. Besides they want the users more then they want the game.
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This is the best selling PC game, one of the best selling mobile games, one of the best selling Xbox 360 games and one of the best selling PS3 games too (and across all platforms in generally 54 million copies sold in total, making it 3rd best selling game of all platforms)
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Now that's the dream: make millions for years doing what you love, then sell the company for BILLIONS before general interest drops off. GG Notch and crew, you've all earned it.
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dont want to know what will be the fate of Minecraft after that ><
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Money can't buy happiness but 2.5 billion can buy anyone.
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I refuse to pass judgment on MS at this point. They've done nothing wrong, yet. Notch initiated the sale and MS just acquired a big install base on their competitors platforms. This seems like a big crossroads for MS. On one hand they could show that they understand the new generation of gamers and become a powerhouse or they could jump off the cliff to ruin by going exclusive and F2P. Frankly though I'd put some money on MS doing very little with Minecraft. Similar to Facebook buying Instagram and WhatsApp they're buying users as much as they're buying a product.
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I have to agree with you. I cannot pass judgement on MS right now either. Their track record isn't insanely poor. But I think alot of the overreaction stems from larger companies buying studios only to run them into the ground (Yes, I am mainly referring to EA)
We shall see what happens. I don't think a whole lot will change. I think modders may see some changes to the EULA for better or worse depending on how Microsofts Lawyers feel about all of this. But I expect little if nothing major changing. If anything I hope it causes development to pick up.
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I mean what ever happened to Bungie? It's too bad that Halo game never caught on after MS bought them.
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Halo was always a Microsoft game. Bungie developed it, But Microsoft has always remained the owner and publisher of the game.
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It was Bungie's game, they were working on it before MS bought them. They recently released footage from a 1999 demo before they were bought by MS. Linky Without MS Halo would have never happened, at least not to the scale and success that we know it.
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"I refuse to pass judgment on MS at this point. They've done nothing wrong, yet." "Their track record isn't insanely poor."
What are you and FallenAdvent talking about? MS is terrible when it comes to video games. These are the people that pretty much made paid DLC popular. These are the people who DESTROYED Rare. Never was a fan of them, but I can acknowledge that these guys were truly beloved by many games. These are the people that made XBL popular(Which is why Sony made their own), they made pay to use your own internet popular, until recently, you couldn't even fucking use netflix if you didn't have XBL gold.
Microsoft (In my opinion) are one of the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. I don't even like Minecraft, but there's a good chance it won't be pretty. Don't be surprised when you have to start paying for the updates, or when new kinds of blocks are 5 dollars a pop, or when you have to pay monthly to play Minecraft 2.
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What Microsoft Game Studio game kicked off the DLC craze?
Rare is still alive and kicking and presumed to be working on a non-Kinect game. Without MS Halo never becomes the behmoth it is today and Bungie never makes Destiny. Like any company MS has some highs and some lows but be sure that some of the studios under them shuddered because of their own ineptitude, not Microsofts. Here's a list of MS acquisitions and what they've done/are doing.
You (and/or everyone else w/ a subscription) choose to pay for XBL. Those of us soley on PC have been scratching our heads over this one for a while, trust me, but if people are willing to pay for this stuff (DLC included) then you can't really fault a business for monetizing it. If you were given $10 per comment you write here you'd spam your little heart out but when it's someone else it's all sour grapes and butthurt.
Mojang could have started charging for updates or cosmetics long ago, there would have been some outcry but I suspect people would have gotten over it and just paid or stuck with an old version. What if MS implements a storefront where modders and content creators can sell texture packs, skins, mods, game modes, etc? I have a feeling you'd find a way to turn that into "Evil MS is ruining everything" despite the fact that Valve does exactly the same thing.
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It's about users and getting a MS splash screen on millions of Android, iOS, and Playstation screens. Sales is secondary.
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Announcements went out this morning. Should be interesting to see how Microsoft manages thing.
What do you Ladies and Gents think.
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