So I thought and maybe this would be a good way to prevent regifters, if a person wins certain game, he won't be able to gift that game for atleast a week or two, and whenever he tries to make gift, message will popup saying, something like this, with a big red colour "Warning, it detected that you've won this game #days ago, it might be re-gifting case, so please read the Faq, re-gifting is strictly prohibited, you must activate the game you've won" or something like this.

What do you think?


How about this, it will be only enabled for people level 1-3, and, for example you've won Grand Theft Auto V, you'll be forced to re-sync your account, and if Grand Theft Auto V isn't detected in your account, you won't be able to create giveaway for this game, steamgifts must detect game you've won in your account library or else it won't let you make giveaway.

9 years ago*

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But if theres some sort of bundle going on and he buys a bunch to giveaway, but also enter giveaways for them and win then he ins't able to give those away. or if theres a event some how where if you win fortix you have to giveaway fortix that would mess it up. honestly its in the rules there doesn't have to be some sort of automated thing against it. If a key isn't regiftable the people who regift would probably just trade it away anyway.

9 years ago

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There could just be a notifying message. Also, even if it is in the rules too, it would be practical for everyone. And that's not because I care about the regifters, it's so there would be less problems for the original giveaway creators.

9 years ago*

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Just a simple notification would help prevent regifting by people who don't know the rules. But not by the ones doing it on purpose. However, there must definitely not be any giveaway preventions.

9 years ago*

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this + it will also prevent people who won a game recently and want to do a legit giveaway from this game

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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OP clearly said :

he won't be able to gift that game for atleast a week or two

And only after this period, it would be a notification that still allows you to continue

9 years ago

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I sometimes give away games that i played, to share the if i like a game that i have won, i can´t do share my experience in the moment that I want to
So i say, no thats the wrong attempt, it just bothers honest users....those that plan to regift or trade do it just later.
The non-activation is the primary problem and solutions should cover this.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i dont understand, you enter giveaways of games you own for the purpose of running a regift giveaway to strangers? that doesnt sound honest, it would be nicer if you entered so that you can give to a friend manually

or i guess you mean you buy the game a second time to give away... how is waiting a week a problem?

9 years ago

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no you clearly don´t understand....and of course how could someone like you understand my motivations of giving....

9 years ago

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how rude! explain to me what's wrong with a 1-2 week wait IF you want to give away something you JUST WON? this has nothing to do with motivations of giving, i'm asking a simple question you dick

9 years ago

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at least i got your motivation of writing: better embarrassing than boring

9 years ago

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such a nice gift giver you are... i have NO MOTIVATION, i am wondering what is so horrible about OP's 1 week delay idea for giving away a game you WON?

9 years ago

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I guess you really don´t understand....i never wrote that I want give away the same copy i won, and you should stop pretending such things...there is a rule about calling out here...and false calling out is even worser.
Again the op-"solution" is no solution for´s just anoying for people that would like to BUY and give away the same game they have just won and played it afterwards...if i want to do a giveaway i want to do it now...and not in a week or two.

and btw...yes i'm a nice giver...try it´s really nice...just try it, maybe it helps you to understand why every unnecessary mechanism that keeps you away from having fun in giving leads in the wrong direction.

9 years ago

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i have a mountain of spare copies of things i own, there is no need to entice, i only happened to have started opening steamgifts & steamcompanion within the last few days even though it says i registered 3 years ago (probably some promotion i saw back then, or simply clicking the login button)

what OP was trying to do is have an idea to deal with those that ARE giving away the same copy they've won, a short delay IF giving away the same game you won doesnt sound too bad (not necessarily the same key you won, but if a giveaway inputs a key to the system, shouldnt it be able to determine if the winner is starting/completing a new giveaway with the very same key? this increases server load but makes actual regifting obvious)

finally, the best ideas are iterated, adjust, started over, etc... that's how halflife was made, so i dont mean to say OP has the best idea but a lot of naysayers arent improving it or giving their own ideas

EDIT: forgot to say i'm glad we reset the escalator, i'm usually nice too

9 years ago

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just want to let you know i started giving away like i said i would, i'm not a liar, i'm just late (edit: wait, maybe i didnt say it in this thread, oh well)

9 years ago

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I think a more effective method would be to add a note on the key page, asking the giveaway creator to check the winner before sending for activated/multiple wins and request a reroll if they find something suspicious.

9 years ago

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As long as the giveaway creator won't be punished for not checking the winner. That would be horrible.

9 years ago

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Of course. I just think a lot of giveaway creators don't know they can request a reroll in such cases. Or even that they can (easily) check their winners. It might also help with "accidental" regifters a bit.

9 years ago

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I suggest that nobody is prevented from doing a giveaway, but there will just be a notification.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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It wouldn't. However, after the notification has been added, they could increase the punishment. Because then only the ones doing it on purpose would still be doing it. Perhaps 3 permabans?

9 years ago

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Preventing them to create a giveaway for won games for a short period of time won't stop regifting either, it will just delay it

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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it will give time to Moderators to check if those re-gifters haven't activated game, and they'd get banned before re-gifting

This is assuming that someone created an user report or that a mod stumbled on their profile for some reason and checked it.
Even if an user report is created, with the backlog of user reports (close to 40.000 tickets), it's very unlikely that the report will be handled before the period when you can't create a giveaway for the game expires.

some people don't want to re-gift, they just don't know that they shouldn't, and this will open their eyes.

Completely preventing the creation of the giveaway isn't necessary for this, a notification would be enough.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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your proposition will only punish legit users by prohibitingthem to give away games. I have gifted same game I've won many times - because I decided to buy a bundle or there was a good sale for it or I simply realy enjoyed the game. None of these were a regift. Yet with your system I'd be punished by not being able to make these GAs, while any guy who wants to regift will simply do so, he will just wait this 1 extra week before doing so.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What kind of logic is that?

"Oh, you want to giveaway this game? Too bad, giveaway something else." or..
"Hey, don't enter this giveaway because you might buy it to give it away"

You know there are times when someone kind of wants a game because they think it'll be nice but they don't want it enough/can't afford to buy it. Then they win the game and they realize it's an amazing game and want to share it with other people.

9 years ago

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Nothing will be wrong, if you wait 1-2 weeks to share it, but this will help alot of people, you know, your patience might help another person alot, so think about it, its just an opinion I've come up, if you don't like its, "logic", then come up with a better one :)

9 years ago

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and they may wait this 1-2 week as well until they regift - so there is no logic in that.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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lol, support will see :D: man - there are not enough support members to even deal with current tickets and reports - they have few tens of thousands ticket/report backlog atm, some ticket waiting several months for answer - and you expect that they will also now check every single GA on the site where hundreds of GAs are created daily, sometimes with big dev GAs or good promo/bundle thousands in one day?

9 years ago

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There is no reason to make someone wait to give something away, this is not a new problem and shouldn't be a big problem. If anything I think giveaway creators have to pay more attention to whether their winners activate the game. The problem remains with big giveaways but those are usually easier to spot if the re-gifter doesn't have half a brain.

Waiting 1-2 does not stop someone from re-gifting either way, it just delays it.

Edit: Also, I'm fairly sure that'll cause one of two things:

  1. The person starts to multi-account and gifts on the other account
  2. The person gives it away on another giveaway site
9 years ago

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again - WHY? Why a fair and legit user should be punished, while it doesn't even stop rulebreakers from rulebreaking, just make them wait 1 week?
And why should I not enter for games I'm willing to give away? Giving away a game doesn't mean I'm not intrested in it and wouldn't like to own it myself as well. I've given away lots of games from my own wishlist - I should also stop doing that, just because of your stupid idea that's not going to work anyway?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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you may win a game per 1-2 week or month and you may thus not see it as a problem. Some people may win 64 games in one month and it will make it a major problem for them.

9 years ago

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it may look like no problem at all for you, as you mainly leech and barely ever give anything yourself, but for big and active contributors it would be a serious problem. But hey - screw the people who are driving the community in sake of just making regifters wait 1 week before regifting.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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it doesnt require having a better idea to disagree with plain stupid and illogical idea of another person.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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if I see others doing something incredibly stupid and illogical that will also punish me in the process I have every right to try to stop them

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You still are punishing legit gifters, and this still doesn't actually stop the issue at hand.

9 years ago

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But it does punish legit gifters.
Sometimes I give away games from my wishlist. Sometimes I want to do it at a precise moment (event, puzzle, ...).
Why should I not be able to win a game I'm interested because I plan to give it way soon ?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Cool, thanks for punishing me because some users don't respect the rules.
I guess I should stop giving away games I think are nice and only give away my leftovers from now on

9 years ago

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this feature could be disabled for people above level 3

that makes a bit more sense (even it there are regifters over level 3), but I still don't like the idea of preventing legit users to do what they should be able to do because some people are breaking rules.

9 years ago

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so you are punishing him! "do not enter these GAs", "be careful what you enter", "don't buy certain games for GAs" - these are all restriction punishing legit users.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Seriously, there is a quote that is super applicable here:

"Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."

You think you are being proactive, and so you are sharing an idea you think is in the greater good. You have failed to take into account many things other people are taking into account, based on differing perspectives and experiences...

At this point, were you to actually be rational and proactive, you would take the new information into account, and find a reasonable compromise, or simple realize that your idea is unfeasible and return to the original intent and come up with a new, working solution...

Instead, what you have done is gone into a totally defensive position, becoming abrasive and argumentative, and continue to insist your idea is clearly correct, and that the majority of users who realize it isn't are now "out of their mind."

At this point, you need to take a step back from the heightened emotional state you're in, let go of the irrational attachment you have to your own opinion, and then readdress the issue with a clear state of mind, rationally rather than emotionally.

Your idea has the best of intentions, but the actual end result will do no good, whilst creating many issues for the honest citizens. Your argument could be taken to a different context here, which might make you realize how different it is from a different perspective, so let's try:

From now on, if you get a free piece of bread to try at a specific restaraunt, you are no longer allowed to buy a family member or friend that same type of bread for 2 weeks after having had your free piece - because some people took that free piece and gave it to a friend instead of eating it themselves. If you think you might like that bread and want to buy it for your family/friend, you must refrain from taking the free piece, otherwise you are not allowed to give that type of bread to your family/friend - Any other bread is still fully allowed, provided you have not also received a free piece of that type in the given 2 week period too. So if you find you really loved that new bread you tried, that's too bad, you're not allowed to share it with anyone else because you got it there.

It makes no sense at all right? It doesn't stop anything untoward from happening, it just creates a headache for the people that are the most generous of the community. Those people who are going to do the wrong thing on purpose will still do so. Those people who were going to do the wrong thing not really understanding that it was wrong could be stopped with a simple notification instead. This idea does nothing at all, in the end, to stop the actual activity you wish to stop. Meanwhile it creates unpleasantness for the people we least want too create it for - the amazing members of the community that give the most, create the massive events we all get to participate in, and create the most activity on the site.

When the end result of a measure creates more harm than good, and ultimately does nothing to stop the negative effects, it should be reevaluated and/or scrapped completely. Just look at the "War on Drugs" in the US - It has cost billions of dollars, tens of thousands of people are imprisoned that realistically do not deserve to be, "evil" people and cartels have made so much money they can rival many entire governments - both in money and military power, and in the end drug use has INCREASED.

Your concept is similarly misguided and futile, though of course on a much smaller scale. That should cause you to realize it needs to be rethought.

And the last thing I'll touch on here is this: Your concept only temporarily prevents people regifting gifts won here, back to this same site. There are a half dozen giveaway sites, and so all most of the regifters would do is go to another site to give it away instead. This already happens a great deal. Many of the larger Dev giveaways have had keys given here end up as massive numbers of new giveaways over on GalaGiveaways, GameMiner, SteamCompanion, etc. And visa versa. The reality is that policing this issue is a largely futile attempt, and would require far too many man hours to be truly worth it. Ultimately there is only so much that can be done. Your concept might make it somewhat less convenient, but not significantly. The damage done to people undeserving is far higher, and thus far outweighs whatever meager benefits might be gain from such a system.

As others have said, a simpler, and far better overall approach would simply be to make a notification pop up on the GA creation page when you attempt to make a GA for a game you've won.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a fine example of how to lose all credibility.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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My suggestion is that every user should be locked for giving a game away if that user has not activated the game he/she won yet. For example:

  • I win TES: Skyrim and do not activate
  • I attempt to create a TES: Skyrim giveaway
  • Website tells me: "You are unable to create a giveaway for an unredeemed game you have won. To enable giveaways for this game, add it to your Steam account and resync your profile with SteamGifts."
  • I add the game to my account and resync so that SG acknowledges I have added it and am able to create giveaways for the game again.

Simple, effective, no regifting.

9 years ago*

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That sounds good! The only problem I can think of is some games that don't properly show on your account, and the occasional syncing problems there has been.

Another funny idea would be that when you win a game, you will never get CV by giving away that game :D You know, because doing giveaways just for CV is not recommended.

9 years ago*

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Like how I keep being picked up as apparently having "Total War: Rome II", when I don't. I'd be up for this being in the system if I could see the system supporting it without bugs already present.

9 years ago

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As a workaround, you could open, for these specific games that aren't showing up, a support ticket with evidence that you own/not own said game and they'd unlock it for you manually. Games showing up as OWNED even if you don't have them are a side-effect of free weekends, so that should be enough evidence that you don't have the game in actuality, along with a screenshot of your account registered products.

No reason not to implement my suggestion.

9 years ago

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I think the reasonable expectation then would be that staff would be overworked, leading your quote to be changed to "they'd unluck it for you eventually". Pass, I'd rather not see this become like Ubisoft tech support.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but it would be a low priority request, you don't need to be in a rush to gift a specific game that you cant give away. Open up a support ticket, wait a couple of weeks, and voilà. You rarely will even need to do this.

9 years ago

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True enough, I can get behind that then.

9 years ago

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you may be in a rush to be able to give away specific game. Let's say you're in private group with mandatory monthly GAs. You spend all your avaiable money this month to buy a game to give it away and you find out that you cannot do so. You have to wait few weeks/months for answer to your low priority ticket, have no money to buy another gqame for your group, and you have just few days to create your mandatory GA or you get kicked out. You get totally screwed by doing nothing wrong, not breaking any rules etc, just because you got hit in a process or fighting regifters.

Any solution to the problem that may also punish innocent and fair users is a bad solution.

9 years ago

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Explain the situation to your group admins and let them create the giveaway for you or wait for the ticket to be resolved. If the group is any good, they will understand and not kick you.

9 years ago

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even good group won't be waiting several months for my Ga to take place.

And if admin creates Ga - I'm safe, but I lose my CV and he gains free CV, which is double unfair - he boosts CV for someone's else GA, yoyu don't earn levels for your own GAs. So it's still punishing legit users.

9 years ago

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It would punish fair users, but this scenario you propose is extremely unlikely. It assumes the following:

  • I am in a group that requires monthly giveaways;
  • I need to give a game in the next few days;
  • I have no spare money and the ONLY game I can give away happens to be a game I had recently won;
  • That specific game is not acknowledged as activated due to SG bug.

A rare, very rare scenario. You could also trade a game for another, or ask for the admin to make a GA for you and get a different, equivelent game from him in return so you can get CV yourself. Anyways losing a little GA won't kill anybody, and again it's an extremely unlikely event.

Fair users ALREADY get punished like that for things like Free Weekends (many users find themselves unable to join giveaways of those games because SG acknowledges that they HAVE said games). In my opinion, my proposed feature would bring more benefits than problems to the users.

9 years ago

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Thats a syncing bug, but I guess we could live with that.

9 years ago

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It's more than a syncing bug, some games are not detected at all, mainly things like DLCs or GOTY edtions

9 years ago

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Maybe implement exceptions for said games? So they you won't be barred from gifting them? :P

I don't think it's impossible.

9 years ago

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I just realised there's another flaw.
Giveaway feedback can be changed at any time. Remove received feedback, create giveaway.
So it would mean locking the giveaway feedbacks and having to create a ticket every time you need to change it (because the game got revoked, or simply you misclicked it receveid when you didn't receive it)

9 years ago

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Nope. Giveaway feedback would still be able to be changed at will, but the creation of a giveaway with the specific game in question would be locked until resync and SG acknowledges the game on the user's Steam account. Simple.

9 years ago

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But if you remove the giveaway feedback, there's no check for this game. So you could remove the feedback and create the giveaway, it won't matter that you didn't activate the game because the game will not be checked.

9 years ago

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There would be a secondary check dedicated for this purpose.

9 years ago

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A secondary check of what ?

9 years ago

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A secondary check for the game the user has recently won.

  • User tries to open giveaway for game he did not yet redeem
  • After submitting GA details, SG checks if the game was recently earned
  • If yes, SG checks if it's on user's library, if not, user is blocked from creating GA.
9 years ago

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OK, but like I was saying ; what if the giveaway is not marked received ? It won't appear as won by the user

9 years ago

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You didn't understand. What I'm saying is, that even if it wasn't market as received, if the user attempts to create a GA for a won game, there would be a check just for that - independent checks

9 years ago

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But what if the user really didn't receive said game ?
I know it's a particular case, but it's still someting that would sometimes happen. I guess in that case a ticket would be needed.

9 years ago

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Very rare, and avoidable by selecting which giveaways you're entering. In this case you would submit a ticket. No other workaround. But my proposal is still very very valid.

9 years ago

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Yep, I was about to say the same, it's a good idea but there's the problem of false positives

9 years ago

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was thinking something like that: when you create a GA, the site could check if a) you won the game on a previous GA? no --> let you create it; yes? next step would be some kind of: forcing a sync b) are you elegible to enter on that game GA? yes ---> regifter you cant make the ga; no ---> ok, you have the game, you can create the ga

9 years ago

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This is the best suggestion I've read so far. SG should make this a thing.

9 years ago

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+1 for this idea, clean and simple.

9 years ago

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I already suggest this kind of idea 2 times actually.
There will be some problem since steam api for package or dlc is bugged. (You already own the package/dlc, but you still can enter GA for those) But for bundled games that mostly just base game, it should be fine.
It seems some people is just generous enough that they scared can't giveaway more if this idea is implemented to SG.
P.S. The guy above me, have the same idea as me

9 years ago*

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Or maybe some people don't want to be prevented to legitimately give away a nother copy of a game they won recently because some users are breaking the rules.

9 years ago

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Here my idea actually, this should be no problem with a legit contributor who follow the rules :
1 . You win a game
2 . Wait for game to be delivered (You can make still make a giveaway for game that you won on this step, but not a regift)
3 . You received the game and mark it as received
4 . System auto re-sync/you re-sync manually (after you mark as received)
5 . IF the game is not listed on your account after re-sync go to next step ELSE go to step 7.
6 . You can't make giveaway of the game you won. (Possibly auto suspend for not activating winning, why would you mark it as received in the first place then?)
7 . You still can make a giveaway of the game you won before.

The problem is (and possibly make my idea impossible) , as i said before, there is steam api bug for package and dlc. Also, on step 2, yeah there the flaw of my idea, some regifter will clever enough to bypass that but for some people who don't care their winning, it prevent them from regifting.
Don't bash me or the idea, it won't help anyone. Instead give a suggestion to fix flaw in the idea. Thanks :3

9 years ago

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That is basically the same suggestion that is made right above you, and I think the basic idea is good, but there are flaws to adress (like the Steam API issues you pointed)

9 years ago

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Yeah i know, i write that before reading the post above me.
And yes, the idea wont even work for package and dlc. For a base game, it would be ok i think, but package/dlc? It's impossible, can't even think a work around for that. Everything on giveaway is based on Steam API database or some kind of it (like point to enter that related to prices, some are bugged that they show prices of package instead the base game ex: Deponia, etc.).

9 years ago

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Ban would be the main deterrent. Honestly 3 day suspension does nothing even if "No regifting" was announced like space cat everytime you came to SG. If they realize people are getting banned for this, they will stop.

9 years ago

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It's 5 days per non-activated win for the first offense. Penalties are much harsher for recidivists.

9 years ago

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will they lose their points/lvl as well?

9 years ago

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The re-gifted games get deleted.

9 years ago

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But seems not all.

9 years ago

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Well, if you choose not to believe me, it's your prerogative. I'm a little tired of explaining the user roles page when it's pretty easy to find :/

9 years ago

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I dont need explaining, Just know users who still have regifted giveaways.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I can hardly see how adding more barriers will solve anything

If people didnt read the ruled/ cared enough to understand them, I guarabtee that this wont stop them either.

As long as they can get away with it, why would they care? The only thing that needs to be changed is the punishment they get as right now it doesnt scare them away, at all.

9 years ago

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Hi, not completely about regifting case, but i think there is nice and simple additon to the rules that can even be done to work automatically.
None can enter the giveaway for the game that he have, so i think there also must be a similiar check to prevent entering the giveaways for the games you won.
It's pretty fair i think - if you won the game, and for example trade it for another game, you will never be able to win this game a second time, even if you not activated it, more than that, you want be able to win the game that you trade for your win. Sounds pretty fair to me. Works automatically and i think it can be technically done easily.

9 years ago

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Regifiting/not activating should mean that they shouldn't be allowed to enter ga's untill they redeem therselves by gifting games f.e.. And let them lose all their points/lvl's

9 years ago

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Why not just make the "confirm recieved" button locked until the game exist in the account?(the account need to be re-synchronized)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Almost all of DLCs don't appear in your game list. Also, bundles could be problematic.

9 years ago

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= .=I know, but at least for basic game this rule can apply right?

9 years ago

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some word on your edit
How about this, it will be only enabled for people level 1-3, and, for example you've won Grand Theft Auto V, you'll be forced to re-sync your account, and if Grand Theft Auto V isn't detected in your account, you won't be able to create giveaway for this game, steamgifts must detect game you've won in your account library or else it won't let you make giveaway.

I already wrote the main part is activation and not regifting, now your suggestion completely pointless.

Cause if there would be a mechanism that forces you to sync your account , and check for a activation, this should simple be part of marking received...and not when doing a giveaway for the same game.....

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago*

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ok i understand, but in this case it would be enough to check won/received? vs doing a giveaway and keep the check vs steam-library in the mark received part.
This activation-check covers also trading. We have to remember it´s not about stopping them trading or regifting it....if someone has the key or gift...we can´t. It´s about uncover those people as soon as possible...and if someonce does not mark receive....or he can´t mark received cause he does not activate...we uncover those the fastest way.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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no this time you did not get my point....with a proper mechanism you can´t mark it as received without activating it....again this uncovers rule-violation even faster than just checking this case by doing a giveaway...of course then there could be still the check on the giveaway if someone has this game won and not marked.

9 years ago

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Another suggestion for free.
Let's attack the main cause for regifting instead. Anyone would regift to improve CV. The rules in the FAQ also exist to prevent ppl from getting free CV. So I would suggest that If I win a game, I should be allowed to make giveaways of that game but the multiplication factor for the CV of that game will turn to 0 zero till the time the site is not able to sync my account and detect my game. While all other giveaways will work fine I ll just not get CV for the game I won. Once the site detects the game in my library the multiplication factor again converts to 1 and all previous giveaways of that game( ones I gave away after winning and before activation) will provide me CV to..

9 years ago

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Is doing a key-check against keys previously handed out impossible?

9 years ago

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possible, byut would generate a lot of server load. there's been thousands upon thousands of keys given on site, and you'd have to query across them each time someone would make a key GA.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You probably only have to check against "same game"-keys instead of all keys.
Checking could occur when the GA ends.
Checking a key against even a million keys of the same game, just once per GA, should be fairly trivial.

Compromises can be made as well. Eg. It's probably the smaller GAs that are most likely to be illegal where the multi-key giveaways are more likely legit. Perhaps also the private GA's and perhaps lower ranked users could be scanned more thoroughly.

Assuming there aren't other issues, it becomes a compromise between server costs and manual labor costs. The latter is often higher.

9 years ago

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same game would just got worked around ;) For example you win Borderlands GOTY, you regift Borderlands ;) So there would be title that te system would not catch because of that.

Also while system load on usual day may not be high, if a game that had any GAs in the past, so there are a lot of keys in database goes into great HIB hundreds of GAs gets created in a matter of hiurs if not minutes. And you have to query a list of thousands of keys for hundred GAs in a short time period - that kind of server load would be recognizeable and would affect the site.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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A majority of the games I have given away are games I wanted for myself but didn't own. Instead of buying a copy for myself, I have bought copies to give away to others. This "system" would not work at all for people like me.

9 years ago

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Instead of preventing, how about if system detects that someone is creating a giveaway for game he won before, just a pop-up notification that has the option to "Don't show this again". This way it will bring the message across everyone at least once, and it won't be annoying to generous gifters.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by BladeMaster7.