Last week, I gave away a bunch of steam keys for various games. Most people at least sent me a "thanks" reply, which is great, and honestly MORE than I expect. I don't expect much from winners, and I don't even expect them to install their new game immediately and play it for 24 hours straight.

But one winner said to me: "these games are shitty....but I guess it's something."

If you don't want the goddamn game, don't enter the giveaway.

That really spoiled the whole giveaway experience for me. I'm not sure I want to contribute anymore. If everyone else is a rude leech, then maybe I will be one too. Like, you don't need to freaking worship me for giving you a game, but at least show some modicum of politeness. If this site is filled with 13 year old Xbox players who don't understand simple "please and thank you" niceties, then maybe I should give my games away elsewhere.

Sorry, I'm drinking and I'm ranting.

12 years ago*

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Welcome to the internet. Where everyone is anonymous and can be douches

12 years ago

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Oh sure, I understand that. I guess I just don't feel like giving away free stuff to douches anymore. One person ruining it for everyone else I suppose.

12 years ago

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I feel your pain :l

12 years ago

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just do private or group giveaways only.

12 years ago

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Not entirely true. If you use facebook, your information is ALL OVER THE WEB and you are no longer anonymous.

12 years ago

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Because people obviously do not use their privacy settings and/or lie.

12 years ago

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Start setting a cap of $50 contributor limit or something. Most of the time contributors are less douche-y than the leeches.

12 years ago

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Not really true. At least 40-60% of contributors will never say thank you.

12 years ago

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pfff, everyone knows the 83% of all statistics are made up on the spot

12 years ago

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Only when you use exact 83% to support it

12 years ago

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Contributor giveaways are "thank you" giveaways. Saying "thank you" to a "thank you" is kind of akward. I'll just make another giveaway afterward.

12 years ago

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i agree 100% u should want to play what you enter for and be grateful for people giving away games

12 years ago

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Sadly you can't call out people. I would be funny to bash that asshole in the forums

12 years ago

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I usually tell the winner of the giveaway to enjoy the shitty games I give them. :p

12 years ago

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"Most people at least sent me a "thanks" reply"

"If everyone else is a rude leech"

As you said yourself, there are good people in this site. Its not because of 1 bad apple that it means everyone is like that.

also, you can always do giveaways for a group, with persons you know that are not rude leechs.

12 years ago

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^There is wisdom in his words.

12 years ago

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If they say the game is shitty, then don't give it to them. If they report you the SGifts mods will understand

12 years ago

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Welcome to the internet of trolls

12 years ago

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That's why most people stick to private and/or group giveaways.
EDIT: Sorry, not most. Just a lot.

12 years ago

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Yep, this is bound to happen at some point. Higher contrib requirements, group giveaways for people you know are nice and decent human beings, and difficult puzzles to reward those who really want the game are some possible solutions, but of course aren't fool-proof either.

12 years ago

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What did you expect from didn't know there were assholes out there

12 years ago

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Check their profile before you gift... then add them and talk to them a bit

12 years ago

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Don't let a few jerks ruin it for you. If you feel like taking a break on giveaways then take one. Give it some time, and see if you change your mind.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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I'm sorry you had to experience that. I'm one of the leeches (for now) but I'm a polite leech and I only enter for games I want to play. So not everyone is like that.

Maybe you'll have better luck with contributor only or private giveaways? For the record I'm grateful that you've kept yours public till now. That I know of. (Can you even see private giveaways in profiles if you're not a part of them?)

12 years ago

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Yes, if you click on a person's profile you can see a list of their public and non-public giveaways. It just won't let you click through to the actual (by now closed) giveaway page.

12 years ago

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Not exactly. You can see (but not click through) non-public wins, but a user's created giveaways will only show public ones or ones for groups that you're a member of. However, you can still see the total number of gifts received or not received - e.g. mine says 7 received but only shows Psychonauts, because my other giveaways have been "private" ones hidden behind puzzles.

12 years ago

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You're right. Thank you for clarifying.

12 years ago

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add me on steam

12 years ago

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Private forum giveaways tend to fend-off most antipathic people. Public giveaways are really unpredictable.

12 years ago

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For the record, Garshasp is kind of shitty. Mostly in the sense that it feels like it was never quite finished.

Still, pretty lame to say something like that about a game you're being given for free.

12 years ago

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You are such a nice guy, thank you for sharing something good!
I think these games aren't shitty, but that loser is a real piece of sh*!

12 years ago

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If that happen to me, I would ask for reroll. Sorry to hear that. The worst experiences gave me public giveaways but there were 3-4 group/private/chat only I made and the results were kinda disappointing too.

12 years ago

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Don't quit just because some as$ said your gift is shitty! He's just 1 aS$. I know if I would ever win anything I would be so thankful I will stop raping the enter giveaway button all the time.

12 years ago

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What a jerk! I really don't get why people would enter for a game they think is shitty :/

12 years ago

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It's called greed.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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I think it's because points are TOO abundant, people just spend them constantly to not be capped all the time. Sometimes I go through all the pages of giveaways and still can't get below 250points if not much interests me. Heh.

12 years ago

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I understand your point, but.....this is the internet and a site for Free games so it will attract leeches and trolls in droves. Honestly its nice that anyone has said anything positive. Don't let people spoil your generosity, but if you really feel like its not worth the headache then best of luck to you.

12 years ago

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and again... and again...
i get your point, but in 'real life' it isn't much more different. When you try to do something good for some stranger, you might get kicked in your b*lls for the things you didn't do like they wanted you to do, however you actually did something good and they should be thankful anyway...
I think that focusing on the bad moments to decide you'd stop gifting is just wrong... you said yourself you got more 'thanks' replies than you expected... then why not hold on to these?

12 years ago

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I had a similar experience when I gave a key away on the forums. That comment alone (and a few other stories) made me step away from public giveaways. Now whenever I get the money I'm going to do group and private giveaways.

I know how you feel, but if contributing makes you feel happy keep doing it, just not to random people.

12 years ago

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Don't let a single jerk to change your view on all the people. This guy who told you that... he is just a ill-mannered boy.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ayanami.